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Games You've Bought 2015


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Was on sale for 20 bucks on the eShop. As uneasy as I am about using Nintendo's shitty online infrastructure, I love Ace Attorney way too much to pass this one up. I've been wanting to replay these games for fucking years. Really wish it was available physically but meh, at least I still own my old DS copies of all 4 games. Having the whole trilogy on my 3DS is more of a convenience thing, really. That and the resolution boost. Hopefully once that whole Nintendo Account thing comes over here, my purchase will transfer over to it or something. I'm still not entirely clear on how this whole thing even works...

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To be fair, I don't think Nintendo are that clear on how it will work either.


I just came in to say I did not get a single gaming related present this year. Feel a bit sad about it, though as I type this I am setting up my Xbox one so... One thing about its setup up which slightly disappoints me but does not surprise me is that my limited edition is blue but all the on screen setup pictures are of the standard black console. It's one of the reasons I very rarely change a characters default outfit as I hate it when you enter a cut scene. And your outfit changes.

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To be fair, I don't think Nintendo are that clear on how it will work either.

See, that's kind of the problem here!



Anyway, this is probably the first time I've been so utterly uninterested in a Steam sale, holy shit. Other than the PXOD Secret Santa stuff I haven't really been paying much attention to it or even buying anything. My 3DS purchase probably has something to do with it but at the same time, no dailies is just kind blergh. No reason to keep checking, so other than a couple games like Infinifactory that I might end up grabbing by the time it's over, I don't really see myself spending much this time. This is the first purchase I've made for myself and it wasn't even directly on Steam.




The Deluxe Edition was less than 10 bucks on Nuuvem and I've been curious for a long time, so I went for it. Nuuvem has mostly been locked down at this point, so it was surprising to see this one being purchasable at all without having to jump through hoops. I've been curious about it because it's been described as Souls-like from the very beginning but it's also got a reputation for being incredibly buggy and kinda mediocre. But hey, Mediocre Souls still sounds like something I'd want to play! I mean, Dark Souls II was still pretty good...


edit: Started browsing the store a bit out of boredom and noticed this was pretty cheap




I've been meaning to get all the old games for a while and it was finally cheap enough for me to bite. Plus, now I finally get to try that Guardian of Light stick shooter or whatever the hell it's called. Keep hearing it's great. Could probably find more junk like this to grab if I looked hard enough but meh.

Edited by FLD
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Went for another round of browsing and ended up grabbing a bunch of really cheap indie games. Most of them were already on my wishlist but there's a couple in there I had never even heard of.






A little over 10 bucks for the lot. Even if just one of them ends up being good, it'll have been worth it. I have high hopes for Master Spy, though. At 5 bucks, it was the most expensive of the bunch by far. It's a stealth-based precision platformer, which just tickles me in all the right places.

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Both were pretty cheap on Amazon, about 40 bucks for the two. I tried the demo for Theatrhythm and instantly loved it. It's basically Elite Beat Agents (which was amazing) but with FF music instead of shitty covers of pop songs. Soul Hackers was a no-brainer just by being Shin Megami Tensei, but this is actually an updated port (or remake?) of a 90s Sega Saturn game about hacker culture and cyberpunk. How could that possibly not be the best thing ever? I mean, if it's even a little bit like this



it is going to kick ass.

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