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Elite: Dangerous


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In a game that's mostly about fucking around in sandbox it's hard to put things in any context :D But I'm okay with that as long as there are actual things to do, yet in it's currents state the game hardly fulfills that requirement.


I guess I'm gonna go back and get myself a frameshift drive that is able to do more long-distance jumps. That way maybe I'll get faster to where I need to go. Do you happen to know if self-destructing now would erase all the astronomical data I've gathered? I wouldn't want to lose it since I've stumbled on a handful of water worlds and even one of the terrestial planets so there's a lot of money at stake here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool, now if I can just get back to SOL to check that out. Only ten hours of trip back left... Yay.


Hey, guess what, by the way. Somewhere in deepo space I met this guy who was piloting a cargo ship. Not sure if he was an NPC or human player but because he wasn't responding to my hails and had a really weird escort of two really weak fighters, I shot all of them down. They were not carrying anything. I wonder what that was all about, can you meet NPCs that far out in space? Because if not, I must have really ruined this guy's day.

Edited by IDDQD
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  • 4 months later...

New patch introduces Close Quarter Combat and launches on the Xbox One. I played a game of capture the flag and it was pretty fun. Still needs to figure out some balancing in the match making, I was in a game that was balanced 2 v 3 where the teams were level 1 & 11 vs a level 26, 19 & 1.


Other than that some neat little changes in game and some new ships.

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  • 3 weeks later...

More stuff is always good, but I was seriously bummed by the news about paid DLC featuring planetary landings. I wouldn't mind actually payng for the thing, since it brings a pretty significant addition to the overall gameplay, but holy mother of fuck why does it have to be so expensive? Yeah, new players will get the full package for the same price I gave for the base game, but I'm the one who will have to shell out another 40 quid for the expansion.


Not to mention that planetary landings won't even be a full-on feature. From what I've learned you'll only be able to land on barren asteroids or moons, Mass Effect-style. Probably with barely anything to do, much like in the base game. More planet types will be featured in further DLCs - sold separately, of course. No thanks, I think I'll pass on this one, probably done with the game too. After 100+ hours of flying around I think I've seen all it has to offer and if I have to sell my kidney to be able to afford lifetime season pass and enjoy all features of the game (assuming they'll eventually arrive) then I have three words for you, Frontier: kiss my ass.

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I feel burned as well. I wont be buying it right away, or at all. Its a shallow game that they should be improving the base game to a point where its really worth the buy in before charging more for expansions. With Horizons down the line they will have multiplayer ships, even the large ships can dock smaller ships but I don't think thats worth my time to grind to even take advantage of.


I want Star Citizen to be as good as it sounds, its a smaller section of the galaxy to explore, but its still very massive. The gameplay appears to be deeper than what Elite has offered, so hopefully thats the go to game. I guess I'm still waiting for my new space sim fix, even though I feel Elite nearly gets the actual gameplay pretty good.


I'll still play Elite as it is, but they wont be getting more money from me. I enjoy what there is to an extend, but I also get bored fairly easily.

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Yeah, the gameplay itself is actually pretty great, which is why I spent most of my time on exploration, mainly enjoying the sights and flying physics (with some shooting in between when I got back from expeditions, usually with a couple of milion credits to cash in from Universal Cartography). I even got my name on some of the planets. But all gets repetitive eventually and it's a kiss of death for this game. Some random events during the exploration would be nice, for example. Like some spatial anomalies or whatever, just give me something, not just a routine of jumping into the system, scanning and jumping out to the next one. After a while I felt like a factory worker, punching red button for 12 hours straight.


Now that you've mention, I've lost track of what's going on with Star Citizen. Last I heard Derek Smart was trying to stir up some shit about it but I've largely ignored it because, well, Derek Smart. The biggest hope I have for this one lies in the single player campaign. I'm dying for a space sim like Wing Commander - linear structure, epic stroyline, great cast of characters. I've heard they have some big names on the list already but I know nothing about the game itself.

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