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Post your creative work(s)!


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So I looked around for threads which are for any kind of creative output, and couldn't find one, despite being certain I've happened across them before. Maybe there's one about drawing which I'm forgetting about? I've seen that Tenshi and MH often write junk – and Thursday, too?


Anyway, there are at least a few folks on here who (AFAIK) regularly produce creative stuff – drawings, writings, musics. Why not keep everything and anything people want to share in one place where we can discuss and criticise to our heart's content? No rules, anything creative.


I'll get us started.




I had no intention of sharing this thing past any more than two or three close friends for checking – but the one piece of feedback I have was so positive that I feel compelled to share it further.


Here's a Dropbox link to a short story I'm writing for a short story competition (deadline is Friday). The theme of the competition is 'Ghost stories', so I did what comes naturally to me and inverted the fuck out of everything I imagine a ghost story being.


This isn't a final draft, I'm aware of several issues. There are a few moments where the narrative voice is inappropriate and this will be rectified (when she says 'cool' and 'trip' are the most obvious ones. Why the fuck did I write those they don't fit with the other 4,990 words). I don't even feel happy with the ending which I think needed another few hundred words to flesh out, but that person said it worked fine.


Let me know how it reads.




EDIT: Just noticed the Drawings thread is still pretty active – if a mod wants to change this to 'Post your writings' or something, that'd be cool.

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