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I used to hate Lester missions but my friend and I today found one that isn't halfbad. It's the Steal the Titan mission. The trick is to have at least 2 people. One stays near the airport and starts the mission, the other one flies the plane and finishes the shit. Afterwards the airport guy calls for the mission again, you kill the guys, rinse and repeat.



It's not as fast of a method as Violent Ducts was back in the days, but eh you're still getting 10K per mission and a decent amount of experience.

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That one is fine but fuck the rest.


Also what the fucking fuck is the deal with Lamar's "caught napping" mission?  It is by far the most ridiculously hard mission I have ever attempted in this entire game.  The enemy NPCs spawn literally out of nowhere and their aim is good enough to shoot out your tires from a block away.  It's total bullshit.

Edited by Mister Jack
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  On 10/13/2013 at 10:23 PM, Hot Heart said:

Yeah, and there's a little less detail. You'll also notice 'blue car syndrome' or just 'crap car syndrome' (especially frustrating when you're trying to find something decent to sell). Though, if you do a race with the traffic the suicidal bastards are all over the place.


The cars that spawn on a map depend on what the highest level in the lobby is. Day 1 you couldn't even find a supercar in the hills. If anyone is level 30+ (I think) the sub and scuba boat will spawn at the dock.


  On 10/14/2013 at 12:00 AM, Waldorf And Statler said:


It's not as fast of a method as Violent Ducts was back in the days, but eh you're still getting 10K per mission and a decent amount of experience.


If you're looking to boost with 2 people these days (and I'm down!), the new trick is to do one lap races around Criminal Records. Trade wins; whoever is going to win should bet 2500 on themselves while the loser bets 100 (otherwise the bets won't go through). This also unlocks your car upgrades. You have to go back and forth or the odds will go in one persons favor and you won't make as much money. It's something like 900RP and 4k every 30 seconds.


Also, Out of Court Settlement from Martin has the same payout and is just as quick as Violent Ducts, plus you can do it solo. I find missions kind of slow in general since they took away the replay button though, but apparently that's coming back in a future patch.


What are your guises thoughts on the Chiliad mural? Think there's actually a jetpack in the game? Kind of a sick joke if there's not, but at the same time I feel like somebody, using hacks or otherwise, would have at least glitched it into existence by now.

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Not so much that. Firstly, there is an option to turn them off should the host wish. Secondly, it's fine for all other races. It's just this is pretty much just a straight stretch, so you can be out in first, having your speed really cut down while the guy behind is getting a massive boost and then gets to slipstream straight past you as well. The only solution would be to try and hang back in second until the last bit, like the rat in the fucking Chinese Zodiac race.

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Finally got around to playing GTA Online. I liked free roam on RDR just for messing around with friends but I never approached it as a serious game mode. That's because it's kind of annoying when you have a bunch of money and someone with a more powerful gun shoots you on the way to the ATM. Guess I should have been in passive mode :rolleyes: . Also, people need to quit leaving their headsets on, and developers need to make it more obvious on how to mute all. Map it to the d-pad or something! 

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They cut all mission cash rewards in half? It's basically a racing game now.


I'd be totally cool with it if it wasn't taking longer and longer each patch to find a proper motorcycle race lobby that wasn't on Criminal Records. I wanna do something with straightaways and turns on different angles, damnit.

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They're always leaving shit out of the patch notes. Probably because it's not directly related to the patch itself but something they can change internally (they did it with Violent Ducts without patching). I haven't been on since the patch but read about it on gtaforums and reddit while at work. Apparently they also removed lightning strikes? That's a weird one.


Edit: Apparently it wasn't all the missions; just the ones that paid out decently. It still has the problem where a lot of the really, really hard missions aren't even worth the payout (Death from Above and that one where you have to steal 3 bikes from The Lost). I guess you can still sell the car from Out of Court Settlement for 20k; but that missions actual payout got nerfed, along with Mixed up with Coke, Titan of a Job, Violent Ducts (only 1.5k now? were people actually farming it for 3k?), and most others. Survival payouts were nerfed; even though they still take 30 minutes. Mixed up with Coke is really only super quick with 3-4 people who know what they're doing; and I thought people did Titan of a Job more because it's fun rather then for the payout, since it takes forever.


Edit 2: payout spreadsheet was updated; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0ApW2YCUkxPHcdHgtV3VrNUVsOENNaDZHcVp6RXVtQVE&usp=drive_web&rm=full#gid=0

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