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I'd prefer it be mostly private, but I probably won't be very active in it so don't put too much weight on my preferences.  If there's a specific person that you wanted to add though I don't see that that would be a problem.

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Coolies. I'd also prefer to keep this one more for PXODers (but obviously feel free to invite trusted friends). Just need some help with the ranks then. I guess just brainstorm a load of ideas and then put them in order:


Never Nude, Egg/Her?, Light Traitor (too vague because Treasoner isn't a word?), Leather Daddy, MR F, Seaward, Homeless Dad, Loose Seal, Man Inside Me, Hot Mess, Queen B, Mr. Manager...

Edited by Hot Heart
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That's the crew http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/the_seawards


I've invited those I can through the game, but otherwise people will need to go into the Linked Accounts bit on the site and make sure their visibility is set for Friends (or Friends & Crew) rather than Me Only, so I can find them and such.

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requested to join. I'll send an invite to my friend to see if he wants to join as well. I believe his name in XBL is MetalChipsAhoy. Sent link to my friend by the by. So if you get a request in the near future it's him.

Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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My biggest issues with this right now:


1. You can't just make a party with a friend. You have to constantly join and rejoin each other's servers. Unless you invite each other to missions.

2. The shooting range doesn't let you practice by yourself. It HAS to be with someone. And once you choose a challenge you can't change it.

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Well, I've got GOH's and Luftwaffle's pending. I've invited a friend, and I need to get another friend's PSN ID. Rockstar's social side of things is a little clumsy. Hopefully, we should get more once the online side becomes a bit more stable (and people clear the story).


Also, I think there was someone with the gamertag NoMoreTrolls but I don't know who that is.

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Hmm, emblem creator seems to be playing up at the moment (saying it won't save but saving anyway, not showing the emblem to edit it, not showing the emblem in the crew bit).


Anyway, here is the only decent size screengrab I could get (flashes up on the bottom of the screen for a second). As you can see, I'm not much of a designer. :P


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