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So I created the crew, and acting as leader for now. If ANYONE else wants to be leader, all you need to do is ask. Right now, I'll be the one accepting requests to join and setting up all the different information for the crew, like titles/ranks, motto, crew actions, color, etc.


Crew link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/press_x_or_die


**Signups are open for now, no approval required, but post here so I'll know that you're not just a random person who accidentally found the crew**.


Do you guys have a blown-up PXOD logo? Or have you got a PXOD logo already being used in other clans? Actually, there's an emblem creator there. I tried it and ended up with the current logo but I'm sure other people can do better.


Below is our current crew settings. I just picked what I thought was best. The ranks are default btw, and I'd really love to change it but have no idea on what to put in for the 10 ranks. I was thinking we could use forum titles (apparently, I'm a Duck here, I have no idea what that means), with the highest rank being "Admin" or something, just so it relates to the forum. But if you have any better ideas, suggest away.


The crew types are:

  • Chatter Box Crews are concerned with social interaction.
  • Thrill Seeker Crews are highly physical and spectacle-oriented
  • Rebels sow the seeds of anarchy
  • Soldiers value teamwork
  • All-Stars strive for perfection in online play


Edited by Eleven
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I'm on GMT+8, and am online in the evening. Weekends I can pretty much change my schedule (ie. sleep during the day!) to play at any hour, though your timezone is a bit tricky kenshi. I might need to know some time in advance if we want to schedule some game time.


I play a lot. A LOT!

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Cool man! +8 is pretty gnarly, though. I'll get back to you later.


Weekends sound like the only good time, but I usually spend all weekend with my partner.


Saturday afternoon could be a good option? My gf is at yoga/out for a run between about 11 and 12.45 every Saturday.

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That's good, I think. Just send me an invite when I'm online. That's around 7pm for me, so it's perfect actually.


But yeah, I'm pretty much down to play anytime during the weekend (I just wanna play...). Just have to know in like a day early so I could work around it. Hopefully Nexus isn't too far from your timezone so we could play.

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I don't know when I'll have GTAV on PC, and my PS3 copy has been out of my possession for some time. That being said, good call on the group (both Eleven and Nexus). I just sent my request (PristineSneakers). Hopefully I'll get a chance to join you all at some point.

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Ah damn. Well, it's still good to have a crew, as it's R*-wide. It's not impossible that I might have the PS4 version at some point either, though it's unlikely anyone will still be playing by that time haha. Same went for the PC version anyway though, so no biggie.

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I approved your request, I think you have to go back and confirm it again though.


I'm on PS4 too, and depending on how many people I know play the PC version (or if I can find an good, active PC crew), I might end up with that version too.


Heists are the kind of multiplayer gaming I like (co-op with actual objectives!), so if you end up with either version, let me know here, I'd love to play (we still have to find 2 other people though).


BTW, I opened the signups, so you can join instantly, but maybe post here so I'll know if I should kick that person or not! :P

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Yeah, I'm on PC. I don't think I'll be playing it tonight (mainly because I'd rather get some experience in the game before jumping into online), but I'll see. Will you be on over the weekend?


Edit: Looks like I need to finish the prologue before I can play online anyway.

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The tutorial thing is the one where Lamar picks you up and I think Gerald gives you a mission. The bug with the invite is so annoying that sometimes there is no other way to get people into the same session as you, other than creating a new friend's only instance and them joining through party chat (at least on PS4, not sure how PC handles this).


There have been so many times I would have liked to jump in to a random person's mission or heist, but cannot since the game kicks me out (it tells me someone left, or that the host left, but neither has actually happened. The game just bugged out).


However, playing with friends is awesome and the only problem I have is that sometimes the game throws you to separate sessions after a mission or heist setup. All loading screens are 10x faster and matchmaking bugs are pretty much nonexistent when playing in a private session with friends.

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