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E3 2015


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So I've been camping for the past week (one more week)... pretty interesting surprises. A new South Park game and a FFVII remake? I was honestly disappointed that we didn't get any DLC for The Stick of Truth but I guess a new game will be nice. I assume Matt and Trey will again have their hands on the game or else why bother? About FFVII remake... I guess it is time to open the floodgates on remaking the others as well in the next decade. It'll be interesting to see how they remake VII since now they can include other information from the other games. Mechanics wise, they have to update it a bit. I wonder if they'll get rid of the horrid random encounter rates (or get rid of it entirely).


Time to dig through more E3 news. I only got the above in a quick skimming.

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I was up until 5AM last night so when I went to bed I said fuck Nintendo and didn't set my alarm for their thing. Second year in a row I do that lol. Doesn't seem like I missed much, from the looks of it.


And now I guess the S-E presser is already running late? We're off to a great start today!

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(Although who knows whether Platinum Games can handle it.)

Sounds like they were hired specifically because it's more of an action game. That's very much their specialty, so yeah, they can handle it.


Also, I just found out that the campaign in the new Star Fox is by Platinum as well?! So many upcoming Platinum games and none of them are Metal Gear Rising 2. :(

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What is the point of announcing projects so early in development that you literally have nothing to show? Especially when it's a completely new IP and not a highly anticipated project/sequel or whatever.


You just know these games are most likely going dark right away and not showing up again for years.

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That's really not saying much, everyone had better showings than EA. In terms of games shown, I thought SE was among the better conferences.


It would've been on the level of MS and Sony if they hadn't been so fucking stupid and kept all their reveals for their own conference. Especially the FFVII Remake, like what the fuck, that was their biggest bombshell and they gave the reveal to Sony.

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I don't expect much from the PC show. Maybe some hardware, VR, steam box, things like that. They might show XCOM gameplay, which would be nice, but let's be realistic here, all the really big games have already been announced. The only PC exclusives I expect to see are RTS, strategy, or MOBA games and I really don't care about any of those genres outside of Civilization.

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Ideally: announcements of high profile PC releases like Halo MCC, Final Fantasy XV, etc. This is not happening.


Realistically: Esports stuff like StarCraft 2, Dota 2, LoL and the likes. Some indies, which is at least something and could be cool. And probably a whole bunch of nothing.


I really hope I'm wrong, though.

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My inner-Transformers fanboy is cautiously excited for Transformers: Devastation although I'm pretty sure they're gonna hop on the DLC gravy train with it since Activision is the publisher and that you only get to play as one of five Transformers and they're only Autobots. But hey, Platinum...

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Iwata: Thank you for watching. We take your opinions of this year’s Digital Event very seriously and will work to better meet your expectations in the future. #Iwatter


Guessing the Nintendo event didn't go down too well. Next year they'll be the NX and Zelda, so it had better not be a disappointment or they're ruined.


Also just realised they didn't mention about the membership program. I know that's not too interesting for the main event but I really want to know what's up.

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