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E3 Predictions - 2015


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Alright, we're starting this a little late this year, but this is your thread for E3 predictions.  No fair "predicting" things that have already been leaked/announced.  If you're right, you get nothing.


I'll go first.



  • Full reveal of Halo 5: Guardians (duh).
  • New release date and info on Quantum Break.
  • Lots of stuff about Windows 10 integration/DX12 on Xbox.


  • More info on Gravity Rush 2 (please don't let it be cancelled...).
  • Full reveal of Morpheus.
  • The Last Guardian!!!!!11!!!1


  • Some slight info on the NX, maybe whether it's a traditional home console or not, but not much detail.  Release 2017.  Conceivably 2016 if they want to try and capitalize on this gen, but I doubt it.
  • Zelda U (it had better show up or I will stab someone).


  • Dishonored 2 announced/revealed.
  • Full reveal of Mirror's Edge reboot (it will be a reboot).
  • Fallout 4 release date this fall.

Then there's the obvious stuff, like more info on AC: Victory (still the better title), XCOM, etc.

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Yeah Mirror's Edge was gonna be a pretty much guaranteed thing given Thursday carries on RTing stuff about it the last few days.


On the rest:

Morpheus from Sony (VR is getting to be a big thing for tech firms so being a trade show this'll be a thing)

PS4 slim as a maybe

PS4 1tb as a strong thing


Fallout to be a thing, new COD/AC as usual, and I don't care for others.


Oh PC show the host will show up with half their face missing (it's AMD sponsored after all). In seriousness it'll be terribad, certainly not as slick as the others.

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Full reveal of Halo 5 Guardians, with a special edition Xbox One (or at least a special edition Xbox One controller :P)


Details on how the Xbox One will work/cooperate/interact with Windows 10 devices.


Release date for the new Gears of War announced.






No news on Gravity Rush 2, but Gravity Rush will get a re-release on PS4 :P


Price drop/more sizes of memory cards for the Vita (I hope :P)






No mention of the NX


More details on Zelda U


StarFox U is revealed


New Metroid game teased



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-New Guerrilla Games RPG announced

-Morpheus price / release date / some games announced

-No Man's Sky release date

-Last Guardian reannounced



-Blahblahblah Halo revealed for bros/12 year olds

-Blahblahblah Gears remake announced for bros/12 year olds

-Blahblahblah Tomb Raiser BS 



-Mario Maker release date

-New Pokemon game/remake announced

-No Zelda

-Star Fox BS

-No NX mention



-Fallout 4 coming this year

-Something Elder Scrolls announced/teased, either a remake of Skyrim for PS4 or a spinoff in the style of New Vegas

-Mass Effect 4 trailer

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Yeah, my prediction is more that it's going to be a reboot rather than just a prequel.

I thought that was already known? Or maybe it was just hinted at. Either way, it seems to have been somewhat confirmed today. Official name is Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Doesn't actually say reboot but they do make it a point to say it's not a sequel. 

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Chris Avellone will show up as the new president of BioWare.


A sequel to Minecraft will be demo'd or announced to try and take thunder out of LEGO.


A setup for putting gaming consoles directly into cars at time of manufacture will be on set, teaming with a large name brand car company targeting tweens, like Scion.


So many VR headsets no one will give a shit about.  Oh, wait.  That's every year.


Someone will have booth babes and someone will complain about booth babes and I will google booth babes images.

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What does that have to do with anything?  I'm also interested in Mirror's Edge 2, but I don't have a copy of that because it's not out yet, just like the VR headsets (the dev version of the Rift doesn't count, because 1) it's a dev version and 2) the specs are lower than what the consumer version will be).

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  • We're totally dedicated to PC gaming guys!
  • Have another mobile/tablet Halo game!
  • Stream your Xbox One games to your PC! That's PC gaming, right? Because running games on inferior hardware and playing on a smaller screen isn't the complete opposite of what PC gaming is heading towards these days!
  • Ok, seriously now: Halo Master Chief Collection coming to PC, exclusively on Windows 10. Probably on that shitty Windows store.
  • More likely: they will mention PC gaming and dedicate all of 5 mins to it tops, without really showing or announcing anything specific or noteworthy.
  • First look at ScaleBound gameplay.
  • Also want to point out that Quantum Break is unfortunately confirmed to be skipping E3. I think Gamescom is just more convenient for Remedy.



  • A bunch of shit nobody cares about?
  • I dunno, Star Fox, I guess? Probably Zelda?



  • Bloodborne expansion officially announced, probably not shown.
  • Guerilla Games' scifi RPG announcement.
  • The Last Guardian still a no-show but totally not cancelled you guys!
  • At least one other new IP announced.
  • Lol what's a Vita?



  • Persona 5 NA release date
  • First look at the new Mass Effect
  • Watch_Dogs 2 announcement
  • Dishonored II announcement
  • Final Fantasy XV confirmed for PC, along with FFX HD (please!).


That's all I can think of right now. A lot's already been leaked or announced early.

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You're right.  Someone might be interested.


But, still, there will be a VR headset there.  Someone will write an article about it.  Hardly anyone will buy one.  And we will see more VR at next year's E3.  It's the circle of life.




I don't know how many people are going to buy Oculus, Vive, or Morpheus, but plenty of people are interested in them.

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I've got cardboard. It's pretty cool for £3 of junk + a phone.


Excluding EA announcements. For obvious reasons. Though there is some cool stuff coming. :)



Crow about 25mil sold through

Morpheus release date and price.

PS Now release schedule for Europe.

A bunch of new indie titles for Vita.

Bloodborne DLC details.



Weasel worded "most successful xbox since xbox" statement.

Weasel worded exclusivity announcements.

Halo, yawn.

TV, lol.

360 games on Live for Xbone.



Chat about how great Splatoon is.

Another DS variant since it's been around 5 minutes since the last one.

Zelda delayed.

Some Amiibos or something launched.



Konami reveal that the whole PT Silent Hills thing was just a gag and it is totally still on.

Metal Gear Solid Match 3 game for Android and iOS.

Silent Hills Saga announced as IP is licensed exclusively to King.


Ubisoft announce that you will be able to choose a lady assassin to play as in Ass Syndicate.

Watch_Dogs 2 announced.


Activision, CoD stuff. Yawn.

MOBA thing delayed.

A racing game gets announced.


That'll do pig. That'll do.

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I love the idea of a New Vegas styled spin off of Skyrim. 


- Mass Effect 4 Exclusive(most likely timed)
- Slim Xbox One
- Exclusive(timed) DLC for Fallout 4
- Announce a Halo action rpg.
- Microsoft announces the Dreamcast 2. An attachment to the Xbox one.

- Exclusive Level 5 unannounced JRPG
- Persona 5 footage with date
- An RPG-like game for the Morpheus
- Playstation Vue television service
- The Last Guardian reveled to be outsourced to Phil Fish. Now renamed The Last Fez.

- Xenoblade X footage and release date for the West
- SMT x Fire Emblem gameplay footage and quarter release for the west
- Zelda and release date
- PT is coming back and Exlusive to the Wii U. Konami rep will then flip off the audience after announcing the game. Unzip his pants. Pisses on the first row while rambling about gambling machines.
- Nintendo NX is just a Konami slot machine. A slot machine you buy and take home with you. Komani will show up at your house monthly to collect. 
- Nintendo WII U2 is announced. U2 performance after announcement. 


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