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E3 Predictions - 2015


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Welp, already got one wrong, Phil Spencer says they're not showing Quantum Break until Gamescom.


I take it you didn't read my predictions then, because that was already known and I mentioned it. :P


My prediction about ScaleBound is also wrong, turns out. QB, SB and Crackdown are all skipping E3. I really hope for MS that they have something big to show because otherwise I have no idea wtf they're thinking with this one.


Man, for a guy with 0 trophies, you sure are cynical. 

Wait-- why is PSN Profiles saying you have no trophies?!

Cynicism is the correct attitude to have towards this industry. That way you're never disappointed. You're either pleasantly surprised or you get the smug satisfaction of being right.

Edited by FLD
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  • Dishonored 2 announced/revealed.
  • Fallout 4 release date this fall.

Got both of those right, though I should have been more specific with Dishonored 2, because I also totally predicted that Emily would be the PC, I just forgot to include it here.

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-New Guerrilla Games RPG announced -Nailed it 

-Morpheus price / release date / some games announced -I messed up

-No Man's Sky release date -I dun' goofed

-Last Guardian reannounced -Nailed it



-Blahblahblah Halo revealed for bros/12 year olds -Nailed it

-Blahblahblah Gears remake announced for bros/12 year olds -Nailed it

-Blahblahblah Tomb Raiser BS -Nailed it



-Mario Maker release date -Nailed it

-New Pokemon game/remake announced -Nope

-No Zelda -Nailed it

-Star Fox BS -Nailed it

-No NX mention -Nailed it



-Fallout 4 coming this year -Nailed it

-Something Elder Scrolls announced/teased, either a remake of Skyrim for PS4 or a spinoff in the style of New Vegas -Well there was that strategy game but I guess that doesn't count

-Mass Effect 4 trailer -Nailed it


11/15, I'm on fire.

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Yeah Mirror's Edge was gonna be a pretty much guaranteed thing given Thursday carries on RTing stuff about it the last few days. - Happened pre-show I guess.


On the rest:

  • Fallout 4 set in Boston - nailed it
  • A new Dishonored announced - no more nail'sed it
  • Uncharted demo fucks up as is tradition - controller died.
  • Last Guardian shown - nailed it
  • Final Fantasy VII remake announced - Nailed it like the Midgar Zolom
  • Hololens shown off using Minecraft - nailed it
  • Pele interviewed for FIFA - nailed it
  • New Metroid announced - nailed it
  • Nintenndo appear as puppets - nailed it
  • E3 continues unabated with its non-NA friendly times - missed it mostly.
Oh PC show the host will show up with half their face missing (it's AMD sponsored after all). In seriousness it'll be terribad, certainly not as slick as the others. - Everyone had a whole face, must have used Nvidia drivers, but by all accounts the show was bad.


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  • We're totally dedicated to PC gaming guys!
  • Have another mobile/tablet Halo game!
  • Stream your Xbox One games to your PC! That's PC gaming, right? Because running games on inferior hardware and playing on a smaller screen isn't the complete opposite of what PC gaming is heading towards these days!
  • Ok, seriously now: Halo Master Chief Collection coming to PC, exclusively on Windows 10. Probably on that shitty Windows store.
  • More likely: they will mention PC gaming and dedicate all of 5 mins to it tops, without really showing or announcing anything specific or noteworthy.
  • First look at ScaleBound gameplay.
  • Also want to point out that Quantum Break is unfortunately confirmed to be skipping E3. I think Gamescom is just more convenient for Remedy.

I was kind of way off with my snark here, which was a pleasant surprise. There was PC talk at their conference whatsoever but they did show up at the PC Gaming Show. No Halo MCC but the Gears remaster is coming to PC and it they hinted Gears 4 might follow.


Overall, it wasn't much but it was more than I honestly expected from them. I'm still not convinced considering they consistently failed to follow through on their claims in the past, but this could be a good start for them. Then again, it could easily be a completely temporary thing that's only meant to give a boost to early Windows 10 adoption.



  • A bunch of shit nobody cares about?
  • I dunno, Star Fox, I guess? Probably Zelda?


I have no idea, I missed their thing. From what I heard, it sucked pretty bad? Wait, I totally called Star Fox! And I'm going to assume that "a bunch of shit nobody cares about" was also dead on.



  • Bloodborne expansion officially announced, probably not shown.
  • Guerilla Games' scifi RPG announcement.
  • The Last Guardian still a no-show but totally not cancelled you guys!
  • At least one other new IP announced.
  • Lol what's a Vita?


Well, other than Horizon and Vita being ignored, I was way off here.



  • Persona 5 NA release date
  • First look at the new Mass Effect
  • Watch_Dogs 2 announcement
  • Dishonored II announcement
  • Final Fantasy XV confirmed for PC, along with FFX HD (please!).
That's all I can think of right now. A lot's already been leaked or announced early.


Nothing specific for P5 other than reassurance that it's still a 2015 title. :( Surprisingly enough, I was wrong about W_D 2. But thank fucking God I was right about Dishonored 2. Also ME but that's whatever.


I'm actually kinda surprised S-E didn't confirm FFXV PC at either their show or the PC Gaming one, though. We all know it's coming. Then again, they also didn't really acknowledge the Type-0 HD port, as far as I'm aware. It just kinda showed up on Steam. What's marketing, precious?

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