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Video & Image Embeds


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Hi all,


So the web has changed a little bit with HTML5 and with it some of the regulalurly used formats that we might be used to. So a quick run down:


Images (embedded with the polaroid icon)

  • .jpg/jpeg
  • .gif
  • .png

Do not currently support .webp since AFAIK it's only on the Google Play store so far and not all browsers support it yet anyway.


Video (embedded with the youtube icon)

  • Youtube - use the "Share link". Make sure to remove the s in https (You don't need to do this as of Aug 2015)
  • GameTrailers - raw link
  • Vimeo - raw link
  • Gfycat - raw link
  • Escapist/Zero Punctuation - raw link
  • .mp3
  • .gifv (Imgur)
  • .webm - sorta. I coded this in myself so might not work*.


"Error: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community"

If it says you aren't allowed to embed "that extension type" or something like that check the URL actually has a file type on it. A biggy for this is Steam screenshots which aren't hosted as raw URLs but have URLs like so:


Notice it ends in a slash rather than .jpg (and adding that in fecks the link. I think Steam don't want their screenshots embedding)

In cases like this your best bet is throw it up on Imgur or similar then embed from there.



*in making this I've learnt a bit more about HTML5 video and have improved some of the other embedders (that I've just installed, as created by others). They should now show controls, regardless, load muted (so no blaring sound), and only pre-load the metadata which will help with the whole loading in KITTEH n such that we've had in the past where it crippples the browser if it's big gifv's n what not (also a bonus with mobiles I guess).

I've not figured how to make it load in Tapatalk if you use that.

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