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Angry Birds


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So I finally picked up the Android version of Angry Birds (I have one of those awkward phones it didn't originally work on)


It's Crash the Castle.

How has this game gained so much hype?

Crash the Castle is good, but it's being around for ages and never got this kind of attention.


The actual game is pretty fun, screen might be a tad small for it, but yeah good timewaster.


Anyone else play, any thoughts?


Oh yeah other thought:

It's the largest app on my phone. Beating the second largest (Andors Trail, a kind of RPG thing) by 3.5 fold. It's a whopping 15mb. In phone space that's pretty huge when the average is about 700kb.

Andors Trail I thought was huge but I was like 'nah it's an RPG, they tend to be big'. I can't much tell why this game would be this large unless each level is individually coded (It should just be a case of "block type X at position x/y" then load it up.)

I guess if I was finally on Froyo iut wouldn't be much of an issue (I have a 2GB microSD card to shift apps to) but it's using up my fairly limited internal space.

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I think it's so hyped because it's probably the easiest game to pick up and play for people who have never so much as touched a game boy. And it manages to still be good.


I haven't played it in a while though. My OCD doesn't let me skip levels I haven't beaten, so there's this ONE FUCKING LEVEL I just cannot get past.

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I think a big thing too is that they constantly update the app with free content (levels, etc). There are 7 worlds in total now (at least on the iPhone version there are) and most worlds have over 15 levels each. Plus, it's only a dollar so you're getting quite the bang for your buck. I really can't think of a better deal on the iPhone App Store. Well, Infinity Blade is pretty badass...

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I'm a huge Angry Birds fan, and while it's nothing new, I would say what draws me the most to the game is the style. The angry birds, the level design, the controls, even the theme song is catchy!


Besides, you don't need to be radically new or different to be a success. If my marketing management class stat is correct, about 71% of entrepreneurs replicate or modify an existing idea. Look at racing games, they're all essentially the same. What separates them is there unique point of difference. In that sense, you have racing games that feature karts and crazy items. Likewise you have racing games that are more serious with hundreds of car models and racing stats.


With Angry Birds, you get so much for that $0.99. The free updates, extensive levels, and it actually provides a real challenge. I've truthfully had to look up YouTube videos on a few levels. There's only a few other good games from the App Store, but the problem you'll encounter is either they're time-wasters or too easy. For me, time flies when I'm launching wingless birds at a bunch of greedy green pigs.



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I've being playing it quite heavily last few days. It's somewhat annoying that it's start is bugged (it plays the tunes n such, but had a small segment of the floor.. at the top of the screen), so I have to make sure I don't close the app and just run it in the background. switching over when I want to play it.

I think my little sister(s) will like playing with it a bit. At least the early levels. Though some levels make the birds a bit fiddly small.

Which I guess would be one of my gripes. You can drag the map around to see the length, and the pigs castle. So when you're firing a bird, most of the time it tracks it but sometimes it doesn't follow it 'off screen' all the way. So instinctively you go to drag the screen. Then accidentally set off the bird bomb :/

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A few of the levels really are pure luck. You can know the solution, but it's an act of heaven if that one object reacts how it's suppose too. I can't remember the level, but I spent a fair amount of time repeating the same solution.


Thankfully just completing the level got me 3 stars.

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The update was yesterday, but the iPhone/iPod version got the Mighty Eagle feature and a new level!


I'll assume that no one knows what the Mighty Eagle is, and so I'll explain. Basically, if you're stuck on a level and you see no chance of ever advancing further in the game, the Mighty Eagle is here to help! For $0.99, you clear a single level flawlessly. I'm not sure what that does to your score, but the Mighty Eagle will wipe out all the pigs no matter the obstacle.


EDIT: After reading the news post on Penny Arcade, it seems you'll only pay $0.99 once, but there's a catch. If you want to use the Mighty Eagle again, you'll have to clear the level it was previously used on normally. Not bad, but hopefully you improve your skill because that would be kinda lame to pay to complete only one level. I mean, it has the potential to help you advance anyway else.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha, good timing. After constantly hearing about it without knowing what it is (I don't have a phone to game on), I looked up some gameplay a few days ago and thought it looked kinda fun.


Then today it comes out as a PSP Minis. Think I'll go charge up the PSP and grab it :D


Now the only mobile game left I can think of that I'd like to try is that game dev sim thing.

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