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Nier: Automata


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In thos case get people to buy it on PS4 then on the PC by means of delaying the release of the PC version by a few months or more. The most well known dipper is probably GTAV where Rockstar release it for last gen, current gen then PC. So triple dipping. I think each was at least a year apart and partially explains the great sale numbers. Supposedly some devs or pubs look to emulate that.


Edit: The March 10th date might be the old date or something. The hell if I know anymore.

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Damn, if true that's actually a little surprising. I was expecting something like a 1 month delay at best. Kinda fucks with my plans as I was increasingly considering giving the original another shot before Automata's release. Leaves me only ~2 and a half weeks to wrap up Atelier Sophie and do Nier but I'm not anywhere near done with Atelier. The story is wrapping up but I still have so much shit to do, that game is a real time sink. I'm enjoying the hell out of it, too, so I want to keep playing and 100% the achievements. :(

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I don't think it ever did, no. They announced the Steam release months ago and almost immediately after started pretending it didn't exist. It's pretty obvious that some kind of marketing deal with Sony happened and they're not going to acknowledge the PC version's existence again until after the PS4 release. It's been mentioned off-handedly a couple times during streams and such but never in any kind of official capacity.


What I'm curious about is whether the March 10th date was old and no longer correct or just revealed prematurely. I mean, even if it was a fuck up it has to have come from somewhere. Given S-E's habit of just dumping their stuff on Steam at the last minute with no fanfare whatsoever, my money's on an announcement on March 8th with a release on the 10th.

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Spoilerish. Skip to 4:00 for performance. In short the base PS4 has some issues with keeping up to 60 FPS with drops to 40 FPS for, at times, little reason. The odd thing is that the PS4 Pro has issues in places that the base PS4 does not. Most importantly, I think, are frame time drops (stutter/hitch) being potentially really big. At around 11 frames, you cannot help but notice them when they appear.


Performance aside, the game looks fun and it changes things up (e.g., perspective and even gameplay type) to keep things fresh which is neat. Yoko Taro is going to Yoko Taro.


Furthermore, I consider region delays must be destroyed.


Oh yeah:


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Steam release date is most likely March 17th, which was the other option besides March 10th. S-E had a page briefly go up on their own store. It's now gone but you can't hide from Skynet Google https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Q0OK7zyb_h8J:https://store.na.square-enix.com/product/418950/nier-automata-pc-download+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=en

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I tried to bridge the gap between Drakengard and Nier. Conclusion: I don't think Kojima has anything on Taro. Though, Taro do use multiple endings and parallel world bullshit to pretty much give himself a lot of freedom in what he can do. It also makes it very convoluted.


And yeah, drama CDs, printed material and even a stage play. The above video goes through the line to Automata.

edit: Oh yeah, if you look at some of the stuff in detail like in the wiki, it can get really bizarre. Like, why do Intoners have such high sex drives? You can argue about in-universe explanations (consider whom Intoners represent) but you can easily pin it on fan service and Yoko Taro. It launches thousands of ships filled with fan art which you can compile in a zip or website that can be sent to Yoko Taro himself to share with others. He's a mad man, I tell you!


But yes, in universe stuff... weird. The Gods are incompetent as fuck in destroying humanity.

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It being a Platinum game is the only reason I'm actually interested in Nier: Automata so much. The original Nier had some cool ideas and did some neat experimental stuff but it was not a good game. Having a competent studio behind this one should change that.


I have never really liked any Platinum game (Legend of Korra was okay)

Haven't gotten around to it yet but I'm pretty sure that's one of their worst ones. :P


edit: Also, finally!

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I have never really liked any Platinum game (Legend of Korra was okay)

Haven't gotten around to it yet but I'm pretty sure that's one of their worst ones.

I know that's the general consensus. I think I liked it because the combat was so much simpler than their other games. I'm not somebody who likes my games to have super involved combat full of special moves and stuff.

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Yeah... :(


Maybe I'll change my mind if I can find a decent deal somewhere but right now I'm leaning towards getting the Styx sequel that comes out three days earlier instead. It's much cheaper and S-E's non-Final Fantasy games get discounted crazy fast on Steam.


I know that's the general consensus. I think I liked it because the combat was so much simpler than their other games. I'm not somebody who likes my games to have super involved combat full of special moves and stuff.

Not a fan of DMC/Bayonetta then? Shame, they're some of the best action games ever. You don't really have to bother with the deep combo stuff all that much, really. I was never all that great at them and I managed to beat DMC3 on the hardest difficulty back in the day.

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