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5th Annual PXOD Secret Santa Wishlists


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This thread is not for general discussion of the exchange. Each participant who has signed up for SS2015 should post one time in this thread letting their Santa know what kind of games they like, whether they prefer Steam or another service or digital gift, that sort of thing. Do not post again if you think of more; edit your original post. The more detail you give, the more likely you are to receive something you want. That said, your own style is fine--you could just do a short list of a few things you've been eyeing or else you could be as detailed as you want.

This is not a replacement for Steam wishlists--use those as well. This thread is to give a little more background about your wants and why you may want them. My Wishlist post will be right here in the top post to give you an idea of what we're looking for.

Including a link to your Steam account and wishlist would be a good idea as well. Here is a template to get you started:

  • Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions)
  • General criteria
  • What are your favorite genres?
  • What are your favorite games?
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts?
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist?
  • Any other information you think relevant?

Here's mine:

  • Steam ID:  TheMightyEthan, USA
  • General criteria:  Just something that's either on my list or along those lines, or along the lines of other games I like.  I do prefer singleplayer over multiplayer as a pretty consistent rule.  I do not like JRPGs or sports games.
  • What are your favorite genres?  Probably action/adventure games, but I play pretty much everything.
  • What are your favorite games?  In no particular order:  Shadow of the Colossus, Batman: Arkham games, Dishonored, Mass Effect Series, Dragon Age Series, Halo, Gravity Rush, Red Dead Redemption, Bethesda RPGs, Civilization series, Zelda series
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts?  A PSN gift would also be great.  I have a PS3, PS4, and Vita, but if you go that route PS4 would be top pick.  I'll add a PSN wishlist later, but for the moment checking out my Darkadia (link below) would give a good idea of what I play.
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist?  Yeah, if you really think I'll like it then go ahead, just should probably check my Darkadia account to make sure I haven't already played it on another platform.
  • Any other information you think relevant? Not right at the moment.
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  • Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions): SteamIDWishlistCanada
  • General criteria: Stuff that's on my wishlist.  Nay on long games (20h+) I love rpgs and multiplayer shooters but, I don't have much time for them any more.  Yay on single player stuff that can be beat within a few weeks, the backlog isn't getting much smaller :/  Nay on stealth games / games where I can be a perfectionist... I don't know if I'll ever beat Mark of the Ninja cause because I spend 30 tries on every checkpoint trying to get things to go exactly as planned.
  • What are your favourite genres? Shooters, RPGS, Survival/Exploration, Hack and Slash.
  • What are your favourite games? Team Fortress 2, Path of Exile, Minecraft/Terraria, Darksiders, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Link to the Past, Dynasty Warriors.
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Not really, maybe something for the 3DS like Fantasy Life/Rune Factory 4 if they even allow that 
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist? Sure why not, I'm open to whatever especially since I haven't really been on the lookout lately.  
  • Any other information you think relevant?  I haven't quite got around to actually sorting my steam wishlist so the order isn't absolute or anything
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My Nation of Residence:  United States of America

General criteria:  Nothing too hard please. It's not that I can never get into a demanding precision action game but it's... rare. Turn based and/or simple controls for me and/or easy are good targets to aim for

What are your favorite genres?  JRPG, Platformer, Metroidvania, Open World usually, Puzzle (I have played a TON of shatter that I got in this one year), games that make the player smile

What are your favorite games?  Final Fantasy XII, Metroid Prime, Zelda Minish Cap

Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts?  Nah, Steam is cool

Will you take games not on your wishlist?  Of course!  What sort of asshole would be all "How DARE you go to the bother of looking at my wishlist and this post and then extrapolating out a game that I don't even know I want?"  Giving me something not on my wishlist is a sign of putting more thought/effort into finding a good gift, not less.

Any other information you think relevant?  Nothing super violent please. That's just now where I'm at in my life right now. I don't do well with horror/gore. Other than literally seeing human bodies torn apart though (which kind of rules out a lot of video games honestly) I'm good.

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General criteria Short, indie type stuff (but preferably not "lol broken physics" games), something that doesn't need a lot of horsepower to run.

What are your favorite genres? Adventure games, puzzle games, short games, roguelikes.

What are your favorite games? At the moment, Destiny, Battlefront and Broken Age. Volume was great as is Rocket League.

Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? If only PS did gifting. :(

Will you take games not on your wishlist? Of course.

Any other information you think relevant? Nah, just get me whatever. :)

Edited by Thursday Next
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  • Steam ID: deanbmmv, UK
  • General criteria: Something shortish I'd guess, which'll run counter to what I'll post below. Just aware I can struggle to end many longer games though I do heavily enjoy them. Something singular and straight forward, like I guess Dishonered would be cool.
  • What are your favourite genres? Action/RPG/puzzle/Open-world stuff.

  • What are your favourite games? Final Fantasy IX would be a biggy. I like puzzle game type things (I'm terrible for skinner box mobile games). Witcher 3 was pretty great. Deus Ex is neat. Stanley Parable was kinda unexpected neatness but I've played similar games and they've fallen short.
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Not hugely. I've a PS4 but it's region locked so I'd guess kinda balls. No Android gifting either which sucks cos there's a few stuff on there I'm interested.
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist? I you think it'd be a good fit, there's like billions of games on Steam now and I do struggle to look through n see if there's anything I might find interesting.
  • Any other information you think relevant? I had to spell check Ethan's example post. Also here's my Darkadia since I might own games on other platforms/not-Steam. I do need to update it though, it currently says I'm playing AC:Unity: http://darkadia.com/member/deanbmmv
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Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions) My old tag was Madbassman39, I also have recently changed it to Spacegator69 (hehe) Here I'm called Monsterman because I haven't spent the good time to change it back in North America: http://steamcommunity.com/id/madbassman39/ 

Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/madbassman39/wishlist

General criteria Like everyone else, I'm looking for something short, but also something that can be played in bite size moments. I love RPGs, Fantasy and SciFi, Strategy games have been something that I've gotten into since Xcom (the more like Xcom the better) Most games I stream to my laptop from my computer so something playable with latency.

What are your favorite genres? RPGs/Strategy/Open World/action and adventure

What are your favorite games? Boy Skyrim is still up there, Witcher 3, Rocket League, Xcom, Uncharted,

Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? I'm very open to it, although I don't have any wish lists set up for games not available outside of steam.

Will you take games not on your wishlist? Yes, any good fit would work as long as you think it fits my style and interests. I'm open to trying something out I've never seen myself interested in.

Any other information you think relevant? No horror. I can't play those games they freak me out.

Edited by Monsterman
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  • Steam ID:  FLD, wishlist, Canada
  • General criteria:  Nothing too specific, I have pretty varied tastes genre-wise and enjoy games both easy and challenging. My wishlist is fairly massive (and kind of a mess) but it's mostly in order of preference, so you can just go down the list ignoring anything that's too expensive and just pick something you think I'll like. I'll make sure to clean it up a bit and push some cheaper stuff to the top before the gifting starts, though.
  • What are your favorite genres? Main ones would be stealth, turn-based strategy (specifically smaller unit/squad-based stuff like XCOM and Frozen Synapse) and survival-horror (think Resident Evil/The Evil Within rather than something like The Forest. Not really a fan of the "open-world with crafting" kinda survival games that have been flooding the PC market in recent years). I've also been in a bit of an RPG mood this year, mostly Japanese ones but Western ones are cool, too.
  • What are your favorite games?  Deus Ex, Thief, Splinter Cell, XCOM, Dark Souls, Trails series, Persona, Disgaea, Final Fantasy, etc.
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts?  Not really. I pretty much ditched my PS3 at this point and I built a new PC earlier this year, so that's where basically all of my gaming is currently happening.
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist?  Yeah, of course, you shouldn't feel limited to what's on it. But keep in mind, I add pretty much anything that catches my eye to it, whether it's games I really want or just stuff that looks kinda cool. So, if something isn't on it, there might be a reason why.
Edited by FLD
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[steem] [wishlist] US


I play a little bit of everything. Right now I'm playing a lot of Fallout 4 (when it's not restarting my computer randomly) and some old flawed-but-lovable stuff in my back log (MS Saga: A New Dawn for PS2). I think my wishlist is all set for the most part. I don't have any other means of gifting other than Steam.


I guess the only stuff to rule out would be like the visual novel type stuff (would risk breaking my brother and I's Boobufestu Concordiat, wherein we agreed to not gift each other these types of things for fear of setting a precedent) and like horror/youtube jump-scare games.

Also Just Cause 3 is out since I have AMD hardware and from what I've heard ground textures are Nvidia exclusive. (Plus it's still full price :I)

Edited by Baconrath
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Hello there, friendo. Oh it is nice to meet you. Many-a-times throughout the year, we come together on this glorious occasion. Excited I am for this time of the year. While I may have degenerated into a lurker and someone who posts around four times a year on the status updates, I'm a man who loves to spread the joy during the Holiday. Once a year, I put aside that raging bear you see playing Xbox in my old Penny-Arcade (before it went to shit--I MEAN FALTERED IN ITS POSITION TO TELL GOOD STORIES, HAPPY HOLIDAY TIMES) and I like to bring out the optimistic Chewie. Really, I do like to be happy during this time of the season. Like a dog when it sees a porterhouse. Don't judge me. Really, I can be not abrasive! 

  • Steam ID: Every year we get together and do this, I never put any smarm into this part of the general introduction area. Mostly all the smarm comes out in the thank you section when I like to thank people in dumb ways, but more on that later. Anyway, we I've always tried every year to link my steam ID into a cool thing likeWHOA you clicked this blue word and it was actually a hyperlink. Still, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing all these years later. Though I probably learned how to at some point, I don't know exactly how it works. Ergo, I will just link you to my profile name here (look at the list under the Bear avatar) and my wishlist here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Chewblaha/wishlist
  • General criteria:  Really don't know exactly what you're asking me for here, but I'll go ahead and explain it anyway. Every--Erryday I get up and work for nine and a half hours before coming home. Done are the days where I could just go ahead and do anything I wanted in WoW (that's a 100% lie, WOW GOLD IS AN ACCEPTABLE CURRENCY FOR A SECRET SANTA GIFT). Coming home is like the best part of the day for me. Off go the shoes and on go the television to watch my daily four episodes of Cheers and then the games. Lately I've been playing mostly strategy games with a good chunk of time dedicated to space games, and in cases THEY ARE BOTH ONE. Lately I've also been listening to lots of music as I purchased an iPod Nano for the gym usage (AND A KINDLE PAPERWHITE TOO). Especially being played in the games section would be Elite: Dangerous because boy howdy that game is fun. Coming off a great year of teaching, I am doing my best to finish a backlog longer than the measuring tape that goes around me when I check to see how much physical being I've lost from the gym. The real question remains is: What makes Chewie happy? I like to do stupid shit like put tediously scripted sentences down to convey a message (See last year's thank you thread and read the first letter of every sentence [And do the same with this post up to the next two sentences]. Once a year I will do something stupid like this. No, I will never change.
  • What are your favorite genres? "Mmmh...Errherrm. I don't-- I don't know ... I- I guess I sort of like them all." - Michael Bolton
  • What are your favorite games?  Legend of Legaia, Age of Empires, Warcraft (THE RTS SERIES), World of Warcraft (I'M A SLAVE TO THE CHEEVOS), Wargame Series (Will B-5 you to hell), Bastion (DEAN PLAY THIS GODDAMN GAME), and many more to name.
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts?  Like I said earlier, receiving is not my forte. I'm into da giving. If you have a vendetta against Steam (DOWN WITH BIG DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION AND DOWN WITH BIG TWEET) then you can go ahead and grab some Blizzard Cash, iTunes gift cards, Amazon cards, Steam cash cards, or Xbox cash cards (RIPoints) and that will be fine. Please see the paradox in my last statement and realize that I was being 100% serious through the entire sentence.
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist?  I ain't no shitbirds. Of course I will. I even have Bad Rats in my library with 26 minutes (!) played.
Edited by Chewblaha
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  • Steam ID/Wishlist/Country: Steam GOG
  • General criteria: I'm trending to shorter games now since time is limited. If a long game is okay with shorter sessions then that is fine.
  • What are your favorite genres? Shooters, action games... read the following games.
  • What are your favorite games? Ys games, TitS, SotC, Wolfenstein TNO, Mount and Blade: Warband, Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles, Dynasty Warriors (3, 4, 8)... and more.
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? I'm actually looking to expand my GOG library. It's far less curated than my Steam list so if you see something on Steam that is also on GOG then feel free to get it there. One thing to note though, my GOG wishlist will include duplicates from my Steam wishlist and library. I am getting my favorite games onto GOG. 
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist? Of course.
  • Any other information you think relevant? I do not mind repetitive games with one caveat: Open world games styled like Shadow of Mordor. I don't think I will encounter another MGSV situation but the butchering of a story driven series is no good... you can't tell a MGS-like story in an open world.

I just did a brief update of my Steam wishlist by removing stuff. I'll be working on it and GOG some more. You'll know when I cross out this sentence.

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Steam ID and wishlist: http://steamcommunit...61197969619762/

My GOG name is MrGOH. No idea how to link to my profile or wishlist there.


Copied and pasted from a previous year's post. New additions are at the beginning of each list. 

General Criteria: Mostly a PC gamer these days, though I do play console games. I have little time to dedicate to gaming these days, though I still love RPGs and Grand Strategy games. But if there's a game of a different genre that you think I might like for whatever reason, I happily try new types of games. That's what meant by general criteria, right?

General Criteria: I do not have the time to put into multiplayer games these days, and I'm not really into sports games. No racing games, please. I also prefer well-crafted games with interesting narratives, whether they're AAA or indie games. 

Favorite genres: Western RPGs and single-player strategy games are at the top, but I also enjoy shooters with good gameplay, adventure games, roguelikes (whatever that means, I suppose), roguelites, platformers, imaginative puzzle games, simulations, and stealth games. 

Favorite Games: Witcher 3, XCOM, MGSV, Final Fantasy 6, Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate II, Victoria II, Empire: Total War, Vampire: The Masquerade, Assassin's Creed II/Brotherhood, Grand Theft Auto 4, Master of Orion 2, Knights of the Old Republic, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 2, Sim City 4, Civilization Series, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Dishonored, Batman: Arkham Asylum.


I'll set up a GOG list. Happy to get GOG games. Hell, if you wanna buy an Origin code for a game on my list, feel free. I'm not prejudiced against any inferior non-Steam and non-GOG proprietary digital download store.


Totally chill with getting stuff not on my list. 

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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Steam ID and Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/vechathepirate/wishlist/

GOG wishlist: https://www.gog.com/u/vecha/wishlist

  • General criteria: Love story based games, especially rpgs. Don't play a ton of Multiplayer games, but every once in a while I'll get pulled into one. But it has been quite a while.
  • What are your favorite genres? Rpgs/Jrpgs are my favorite genre...followed by RTS, TBS, and so on. Sports/Racing are my least favorite
  • What are your favorite games? Right now I'm loving Fallout 4, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and The Witcher 3. 
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Not particularly, but I won't say no to a PSN card.
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist? Sure, not picky there. Love surprises!
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