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Games You've Beat in 2016


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I've beaten Space Marine. Had a bad headache other day so wanted something that wouldn't take overly long to play and require too much thinking or reading. I had played a chunk of the campaign ages back when OnLive came out, and now finally beaten it on PC. It's a great game, maybe drags out a little near the end but otherwise it captures "space marine" quite well with heavy clunking, no cover shooting (you are the cover) n chunky weapons. Relic are pretty good at this whole 40K nonsense.


If I put my mind to it I can probably beat FFIX before today is done too, I just kinda don't want to cos I have a horrible issue with RPGs where I get near the end and then drift off from it cos I don't want it to be over.

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Yeah, Space Marine was pretty great. It was a surprisingly solid third-person action game coming from a studio most known for their RTS games. I'm still hoping we get a sequel someday. 40K is way too awesome of a setting to not get another big-budget action game. I mean, Dawn of War is great and I'm glad we're finally getting a third one but Space Marine really brought that universe to life on a scale and level of presentation that top-down strategy games simply can't match.

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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


Holy crap dat satisfaction. I'm almost tearing up over here. If it wasn't for my wife watching the end of the game with me I'd probably be balling like a baby.

Anyways, probably the best Uncharted game, objectively speaking. I was very surprised at the lack of combat, especially because Naughty Dog nailed combat so well in this game, but that was fine. There's not much I can say that wouldn't be gigantic spoilers. 

Game of the year? Game of the year. 

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UC3 definitely had some moments where there was a few too many waves of enemies. The ship yard and the ballroom scene come to mind. There's nothing like that in UC4. In fact, a lot of the big fight encounters can be totally handled with stealth kills or even sneaking past all your enemies. 

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Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments.


Really great game.  There were 6 cases in all, and of the 6 there was only one where I felt like it required too much guessing, and only one where I felt like it led you around by the nose too much.  Considering how hard mysteries are to do well I figure 4/6 is pretty good.  I'm now really interested in the coming sequel, The Devil's Daughter.

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I finished a video game. I FINISHED A VIDEO GAME.


It was just some quick indie, you know. Uncharted 4.


It was a really nice end to the series. I have some gripes with it, and I think it's never going to have that "wow" factor that you get from your first time playing Uncharted 2, but it's an entertaining ride.

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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past + A Link Between Worlds.


And so my mini Zelda marathon comes to an end. My worries that playing both games back to back would result in burnout turned out to be completely unfounded. Replaying LttP was a blast and then LBW followed it up nicely by completely blowing it out of the water. This and Super Mario 3D Land weren't even factors in my wanting a 3DS but holy shit, they should've been. They're two of the best games I've played in quite a while. 


There's not much to say about Link to the past. We've all played it before and it's still every bit as great as we remember. One thing to mention is that the SNES emulation on 3DS is a bit dodgy. I encountered slowdown fairly often, usually when more than 3-4 enemies were coming at me at the same time. Nothing game-breaking and it certainly won't put me off of buying more SNES VC games in the future but still kind of an annoyance.


Then there's Link Between Worlds. Man, this game is great! I'm coming from a weird place where I haven't played any Zelda since like.. Wind Waker, I think? So, I have no idea how it holds against more recent titles like Twilight Princess or whatever. But looking at it purely as a follow-up to Link to the Past, it's pretty goddamn good. It takes everything that was great about LttP and improves on it. It was pretty neat to see the same world map recreated so faithfully in 3D, too. 


Other than that, when the game first came out and people were talking about the whole item rental thing, I remember thinking it sounded awful. I've said it before that I'm not a fan of unnecessary non-linearity and opening the game up in that way just didn't seem very interesting to me. Well, I don't think the game was particularly better for it but it certainly didn't get in my way or anything. I rented pretty much all the items right away and ended up buying them all as soon as I could. I guess having everything on me from the very start made it less annoying to walk around the game world since I didn't have to make as many mental notes to "come back to x when I'll have y". Being able to tackle the dungeons in whatever order I wanted was fine but at first I didn't really know where I should go and, honestly, I prefer the forced order from LttP. I'm kinda meh on that whole aspect of the game but it didn't really impact my enjoyment of the game one way or the other.


So, that was a much needed palate cleanser after Persona Q. I really need to play both Shin Megami Tensei IV and Trails of Cold Steel before their respective sequels come out in a few months but getting into either of those right after PQ seemed like asking for JRPG burnout. But now I'm ready to tackle one of them, I think!




Oh and I guess I can make a bonus entry: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.


I technically beat this one back in January but it looks like I forgot to post about it. Anyway, I'm bringing it up now because when you beat the 4 main cases you unlock a fifth bonus case that's mostly unrelated to the main story. I didn't really feel like playing it at the time and mostly just wanted to move on to another game. So I needed to come back and do it before I could play the sequels. It was alright but not quite as good as the main cases.


The overall game is as good I remembered, though. It had been so long since I first played it that I'd forgotten most of the plot, so it was pretty enjoyable to replay it. One thing this series has going for it is that it's not predictable at all. Even when you think you've figured something out ahead of time, the game almost always ends up throwing some kind of curve ball at you. Compared to Danganronpa where it's almost always immediately obvious what happened and who did it, you have to appreciate how much better the writing is. It doesn't have any crazy mind fuck twists, though. Anyway, really looking forward to playing the sequels soon. I beat the second one back in the day but I'm pretty sure I never finished the third one. So, that should be fun.

Edited by FLD
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Just Cause 3


Overally I enjoyed it, though I think the final island was a bit too big, I'd have been more open to bigger cities like the capital and some of the bases they had (though I think the biggest base was on the second set of islands). The mission sets were rather samey too, to the point in the final bit where you follow the pipes there's references between the characters of it being rather deja vu.


But things go kaboom and I eventually got a vague hang of the zipline which made it more enjoyable so yeah it's all cool. Next game might be FFIX since I'm on Disc 4 for that and it's pretty much just Memoria to work my way through.

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Life Is Strange. Episode 5 is uhhh....very not good.

The ending I got also ends abruptly. I hear the other one is handled better.

The game is a solid 7/10.

The dialogue is Heavy Rain tier. Which was fine for HR back in 2009 or whenever, but game writing has gotten way better since then. No excuse for this game to sound so cringy.

In general, a lot of obvious shortcuts were taken because of their budget. Hopefully this isn't a problem in their next game.

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Far Harbour. That was pretty good but much shorter than I was expecting. Hopefully the next DLC takes us someplace that's a bit more different to the Commonwealth.


Life Is Strange. Episode 5 is uhhh....very not good.
The ending I got also ends abruptly. I hear the other one is handled better.
The game is a solid 7/10.
The dialogue is Heavy Rain tier. Which was fine for HR back in 2009 or whenever, but game writing has gotten way better since then. No excuse for this game to sound so cringy.
In general, a lot of obvious shortcuts were taken because of their budget. Hopefully this isn't a problem in their next game.

Have you considered making a thread on NeoGAF about this?

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Far Harbour. That was pretty good but much shorter than I was expecting. Hopefully the next DLC takes us someplace that's a bit more different to the Commonwealth.



Life Is Strange. Episode 5 is uhhh....very not good.

The ending I got also ends abruptly. I hear the other one is handled better.

The game is a solid 7/10.

The dialogue is Heavy Rain tier. Which was fine for HR back in 2009 or whenever, but game writing has gotten way better since then. No excuse for this game to sound so cringy.

In general, a lot of obvious shortcuts were taken because of their budget. Hopefully this isn't a problem in their next game.


Have you considered making a thread on NeoGAF about this?

I have and I did. Are you on there too?

It would make sense that some of you would be on there.

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Far Harbour. That was pretty good but much shorter than I was expecting. Hopefully the next DLC takes us someplace that's a bit more different to the Commonwealth.

Is there going to be more DLC? I thought Far Harbor was the last?

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