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Games You've Beat in 2016


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58 games beat for me. 50 on PC, 7 on 3DS and a single Vita game with an average completion time of roughly 17.5h per game. Also, almost 40% of my completed games were actually 2016 releases. I'd have to check to be sure but I feel like that % has been way lower in previous years. As usual, italics are for games that were released this year and asterisks indicate games that I was replaying.





I'm noticing now that my average time per game is the same as Ethan's. That's spooky... Spookier still, I also have a Shadowrun game still on my backlog from last year's secret santa. O_O Although in my case it's Hong Kong. I keep forgetting I have it and feel bad whenever I remember. :(


I have way too many unplayed games to keep a strict and comprehensive backlog, so I treat it accordingly. But 27 out of 58 were games that I considered to be on it. That's almost half of them, so that's pretty good. Most of them were games I had owned for a while but there were also games I dropped and went back to much later. So for example, I counted Disgaea PC as backlogged despite playing it at launch because I only finished it a couple weeks ago but I didn't count Rise of the Tomb Raider because, even though I didn't play it until about a month after buying it, I bought it with the intention of playing it ASAP. So, I never officially considered it backlogged. It's all completely arbitrary but it works for me.


2017 is off to a rough start, though. I have a small list of games that I started in 2016 but never actually finished, two of them being long JRPGs. And that number is even higher if I include all the games I bought during the Steam sale, tried for a couple hours and haven't touched since. Some of them are probably gonna end up going straight to the backlog and started over later on. 

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Here come the stats!


I beat 43 games this year, which was a massive increase from last year's 18.




I thought last year could be explained by some big RPGs slowing me down, but this year I played Persona 3 Portable and TMS#FE, both of which clocked in around 80 hours, so I think it was actually Destiny that explained my poor performance last year.


My average time-to-complete was 17.5 hours, with a median of 12.4, so I did have fewer really long games dragging up the average compared to last year. Although my sample size last year was so small that that may not actually mean anything.


PC barely beat out PS4 as my top platform in terms of number of games completed, 17 to 16, but it completed destroyed PS4 for hours played, at 262 vs 166.






Just like last year Vita wins average hours per game, because I only played one game on it and it was a Persona game. Wii U put in a good showing here, with TMS#FE (also almost a Persona game..) giving it a huge boost.




I was doing so well on my backlog right up through the middle of December, keeping it in the low single digits, but then Christmas happened...




On average a game was on my backlog for 140.8 days before being removed (this only counts games I've removed, not games still on there) and I played it for 13.2 hours before finishing it or calling it good.


Going into 2017 I have 11 games on my backlog, which is still better than the 19 I had at the beginning of last year. Though I am very happy that only one game is more than about 6 months old.




Shadowrun Dragonfall is still left from last year's Secret Santa (Sorry GOH!) and that's definite the next thing on my list to hit after I finish Wolfenstein.

I'm a little hard right now.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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I consider any game that I am not currently playing and that I haven't either finished or decided I'm never going to finish to be on my backlog.  The only exception to that is that if I get a game while I'm currently playing another game the new game doesn't go on the backlog until I finish my current game without starting the new game.

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