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Games You've Bought 2016


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I've been on the fence about it all week and only had until tomorrow to benefit from the launch discount. The decision would've been way easier if I could still sell my damn Steam cards but now that you need to use the mobile authenticator (or have your items held for 15 days before they're listed, pretty much guaranteeing your price will no longer be competitive) I'm shit out of luck on that front. Ended up saying fuck it and just going for it anyway.


From what I can tell, the port is neither great nor terrible, which seems about on par with Dragon Quest Heroes and I was generally happy with that one. Sounds like this one runs slightly better, though, which is nice since the framerate dips were my only real issue with DQH. Other than that, the game looks fun as hell so hopefully it won't disappoint in that regard.

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From what I've seen, it's not bad. Each characters got their own quirks which helps with changing things up. For example, Mikasa is fast as hell compared to the others.Then we have Armin... he's can sic his team on a titan with great efficiency.

If I didn't get the God Eater games, I would've gotten AoT.

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Yeah, I was tempted by God Eater as well but ended up picking this over it because it was a bit cheaper. Plus, I have no idea how much I'd actually enjoy God Eater. I definitely wanna give it a shot at some point but my only experience with the genre was a demo for whichever Monster Hunter game was on PSP and it suffered from a pretty severe case of "I have no idea what the hell I'm doing".

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14 bucks on Chrono.gg for the next 24 hours. That's the cheapest it's been yet, as far as I can tell (from legit sellers, at least). Been wanting to grab it since launch but I've never seen it go lower than 20 bucks and I could never bring myself to pull the trigger.


This will be the first of the kickstarted CRPGs of recent years that I get around to actually playing, so that should be fun. The XCOM-like combat has me way more interested in this one than in others like Pillars of Eternity or even Torment.

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Thanks to T-Next for the heads-up about deals on the PS Store. This is currently £12.




Insect Armageddon was the last I played and that wasn't great (different developer, I know) but after two missions with this I feel right at home and loving it. Even the squadmate V/O stuff is hilarious as ever.
"If I die, take care of my family for me, will ya?"
"I can't do that!"


Definitely going to have to try and get my Destiny friends into it for some four-player.








Since we might be able to get a group together, and since Scythe is on TTS as official DLC (that only one person needs to own), this was an eventuality. Fortunately, it's currently 50% off in the Humble Store.

Edited by Hot Heart
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I just bought 3D Out Run on 3DS as it's half price. it''s supposed to be a good remake and my brother and I loved it when we were young. I couldn't find it from the Nintendo site search though, and had to go out to google the game's page to purchase it so that's not a great user experience.


While I was there I read a notification that they're extending the life of gold coins to 12 months from 6, but the silver are staying at 6 so I got the Zelda Picross to use some of my silver coins.


Hopefully spending some real money and some virtual coins will save my bacon. Fingers crossed.

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The Walking Dead: Michonne is $3.74 on the Humble Store, so I said what the hell.


I also said what the hell. Haven't played TWD S2 yet but I might as well have this for when I get around to it. Oh, and I got an extra 10% off because of my recent Humble Monthly purchase, so that saved me an extra 37 cents! And since you always steal my images, I'm stealing yours this time!

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Risking another banning, but I almost bought Tales of Vesperia as it's really cheap on LIVE, but it's not backwards compatible. What do you think are the chances of it becoming so, or would I just be wasting my money.

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Preordered Destiny: Rise of Iron.



I'm still not sure if I'm getting the Bioshock collection day one or not. Remasters drop in price so damn fast. I feel like I should wait. But I really feel like playing the Bioshock games again soon. I dunno.

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