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Games You've Bought 2016


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Loaded up on (flawed) strategy jrpgs for the DS:


Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth Remix

Luminous Arc

Luminous Arc 2 (EU version, sans audio CD ;_; )


Hot damn is Hoshigami a clunky mess. So far my experience with it has been going into the tower thats there at the start, having my units hit each other for better exp gain, and then steamrolling lvl 7s as lvl 20s. The game has a rep for being stupidly hard like its PS1 counterpart but I guess I haven't hit the difficulty spike yet since I've been grinding. Attack sessions are a pain to set up and can be interrupted. I've heard they fixed a lot of issues in the the spiritual successor Stella Deus.


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After passing up on it multiple times at five bucks, Duke Nukem Forever has finally hit the sweet spot of one dollar, where I can finally justify buying it just to see how bad it actually is.


This is the Humble 2K Bundle 2, and I think it might actually be the first time I get the 1$ tier of one of these. But more importantly, holy fucking lmao, Battleborn in the 15$ tier! Talk about a fucking bomb, holy shit. I'm guessing it's going F2P by the end of the year. Going up against Overwatch was complete suicide. I'm not one to generally enjoy seeing games or studios fail but I'd be lying if I said a part of me isn't happy to see that lying sack of shit Randy Pitchford crash and burn.


edit: Fuck it.




Normally I'd wait for a sale but if this is even half as good as Oniken it's worth paying full price for.

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I too picked up the $1 tier (which changed from 75p to 76p in the space of a day) but more for Spec Ops: The Line which I've heard good things for and a few pence is worth throwing at it, I guess I can shoot at DNF too. The other tiers there's nothing except Mafia II I'm vaguely interested in that I don't already own.

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I'd been eyeing it since launch but figured Mighty No. 9 might be a more interesting modern alternative. Lol, so much for that. Anyway, my current retro binge made me look it up again a couple days ago and it was on sale on GMG. Grabbed it just in time, too, because the very next day it was still on sale but at a much smaller discount. I'm still kinda confused as to why they didn't include all the original games up to Mega Man 10, though. Seems like a massive wasted opportunity. :/

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Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS)

Radiant Historia (DS)


Bacon stop impulse buying DS rpgs and a pox on your mailman




I'd been eyeing it since launch but figured Mighty No. 9 might be a more interesting modern alternative. Lol, so much for that. Anyway, my current retro binge made me look it up again a couple days ago and it was on sale on GMG. Grabbed it just in time, too, because the very next day it was still on sale but at a much smaller discount. I'm still kinda confused as to why they didn't include all the original games up to Mega Man 10, though. Seems like a massive wasted opportunity. :/


I have this for 3DS and it has really bad problems with slow down for no apparent reason  :bun-emo:

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I have this for 3DS and it has really bad problems with slow down for no apparent reason  :bun-emo:


Do you mean the occasional slowdown when there's a lot going on on-screen (i.e. the kind you would see on an actual NES) or does it have problems beyond that? I'm playing on PC, so I can't say for sure about 3DS, but I'm also getting slowdown and at first I thought that was kind of insane but then I noticed my framerate remained at a rock-solid 60 regardless. So, I looked into it and found out that it's actually intentional. The aim of the collection was to perfectly emulate the way the games ran on the NES, for better and for worse. So, that means slowdown in all the same place, the same glitches, sprites flickering, etc. Personally, I would've preferred making the games run as well as possible but I can at least respect the intention here.

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It's the early unlock of the current Humble Monthly Bundle. I've been subbing on and off the past few months, mostly whenever the early unlock is of interest to me. I'll be getting like 5 or 6 other games in a month but so far there's never really been anything mind blowing beyond the early unlock so I'm not holding my breath. I've been waiting for a deal on SOMA for a while now and this one was good enough for me, whatever else I end up getting is just a bonus.


Really looking forward to playing it, though. I was going to get it at launch but I really wanted to get around to playing the two Amnesia games first, and that never happened. So, the purchase got postponed indefinitely and at this point I sorta don't give a shit anymore. Besides, this one looks way more interesting. I've been hearing pretty high praise about how strong of a sci-fi story it actually is. Like, to the point where the horror game part actually gets in the way of the sci-fi story part a little bit.






Just beat the main game and it was pretty great. Checked to see if the DLC had ever been on sale and turns out it only came out about a month ago. Since I'm pretty sure I got the base game through some Humble Bundle, I figured what the hell, I'll throw some money at the devs. Actually bought the upgrade to the Global Megalord Edition, which includes the DLC plus a bunch of other stuff, but there's no store page/pic for it.

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It's the early unlock of the current Humble Monthly Bundle. I've been subbing on and off the past few months, mostly whenever the early unlock is of interest to me. I'll be getting like 5 or 6 other games in a month but so far there's never really been anything mind blowing beyond the early unlock so I'm not holding my breath. I've been waiting for a deal on SOMA for a while now and this one was good enough for me, whatever else I end up getting is just a bonus.


Really looking forward to playing it, though. I was going to get it at launch but I really wanted to get around to playing the two Amnesia games first, and that never happened. So, the purchase got postponed indefinitely and at this point I sorta don't give a shit anymore. Besides, this one looks way more interesting. I've been hearing pretty high praise about how strong of a sci-fi story it actually is. Like, to the point where the horror game part actually gets in the way of the sci-fi story part a little bit.



IIRC the Giantbomb crew (Vinny and Austin) loved the game but wished there was less emphasis on typical video-gamey aspects like bad guys and what not. Also, I might be wrong but I'm sure I heard something about a mod (PC Only) that removes all enemies from the game. Might be of interest?



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I got the "Beat the Average" tier on the latest Humble Bundle so got:


Savage Lands


Space Engineers


Shelter 2


Might throw out key for Kholat (should really do a give away on a bunch of keys actually) since it seems more of a horror survival thing and not quite my cup of tea. I've been interested in these kinds of games but not enough to throw out £10-£15 on one. Some of these have SP only elements too which I'm more interested in, have done a couple on free weekends like Ark that have multiplayer n not into that kind of stuff.

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