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Games You've Bought 2016


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Couldn't help myself and bought a couple more things. Because I suck at being an adult and have absolutely no sense of financial responsibility...


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Beglitched looks really cool and like something I'd enjoy, so whatever, it's pretty cheap.


No idea where the hell I first heard of Read Only Memories, though. It just kinda showed up on my wishlist. Probably came across it while going through the discovery queue for a previous sale. Anyway, playing the first hour of VA-11 Hall-A reminded me of it and kinda made me want more cyberpunk goodness. I tried the demo for the remaster coming out next month and I liked it, so what the hell. I'll get a free upgrade by buying it now. The voice acting being added for the remaster seems to be pretty good. It was weird recognizing Jim Sterling's voice in the demo, though.


edit: Ha, turns out VA-11 Hall-A and Read Only Memories are actually set in the same world. I thought it couldn't be a coincidence that the newspaper in the ROM demo had the same name as the one from VA-11. That's pretty cool and now I'm really glad I bought it.

Edited by FLD
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