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Mr. GOH!

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Everything I've heard and read tells me it will be better than the first. The reviews I've read confirm this. I'm just annoyed that I am traveling out of town this weekend to visit family. I wish I could just lock myself in my apartment and save the motherfucking world from psychic aliens!


Ethan: Only something like eight months to go until the new GPUs are available! But doesn't XCOM2 have low requirements? Like a GTX 460 or something? 

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I'm hesitant on buying the game as I've bought all the expansions for the first game and have yet to successfully beat it (I've played almost exclusively iron man). I know that the game picks up where the game failed so I guess thats ok for me as I've never won a game yet.


I can't wait for this game, Xcom:EU was one of my favorite games the year it came out and I've consistently played it since.

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I haven't done an EU or EW Iron Man run.... Not enough time now before XCOM 2, sadly.


I think if you loved the first one, you should definitely read about the second. I'm sure a few of us on the forum will have more to say about it after release. 


Are you concerned about not understanding the story in XCOM 2 if you didn't complete XCOM 1? Because it seems that it should not matter one bit. In fact, as someone who has beaten XCOM: EW and EU, if you don't know how a successful run of the first game ends, you might be in for more surprises in XCOM 2, I'd guess. I mean, if you beat the XCOM 1 campaign(or at least play through a bit of the final mission), you get a little bit of insight into the aliens' goals and motivations (but not very much). If you go into XCOM 2 without that knowledge, their plan and goals are totally mysterious instead of mysterious in their specifics.

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Just checked and my Australian VPN is ready to go. Looks like I'll have an evening of XCOM!


Edit: Played waaaay too late into the night yesterday and I am loving it. The new combat and strategic map options make XCOM 2 quite a bit deeper than than the first. I also quite like the expanded enemy variety; it seems like there will be significantly more enemy types in XCOM 2 than there were in 1.


I think a lot of folks will not be happy that a majority of the missions have turn limits, which really changes the pacing of combat encounters. I think it workes very well to make combat encounters both shorter and more intense. 


The Geoscape is very, very different this time around, since you fly your base around rather than dispatch aircraft. In fact, the whole UFO encounter and aircraft maintenance system has been scrapped, thank god. 


Once I'm further in, I'll have more thoughts on character progression and resource management.


Also, for the record, I save scum like a motherfucker, although I try to contain it to reverting back to the start of a combat if I lost too many people or failed too many objective, rather than resetting after every missed shot or slain soldier.

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So this popped up on my FB feed this morning (as an advert, so I guess it's sorta working).


Bit weird to see Fred Dinenage teaching us how to kill aliens. The descriptions calls him a veteran, which I guess is quite possible (especially as the XCOM series is quite old)


I guess for the target age and audience of XCOM many will recognise Fred. He taught us many things, so killing aliens isn't too far off. For some context:


and from what my parents will have watched


(I guess he was one of those people you don't think of, but assume are dead, but it looks like he hasn't aged a day)

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UGH! I've barely had any time to play because of this fucking school assignment! I should drop out, it's getting in the way of my XCOM time. Priorities, you know...

But what little time I DID take to play, though... OH MY GOD IT IS SO GOOD!


I wasn't really sold on the whole guerrilla angle but so far I'm really digging it. Using overwatch to set up ambushes by moving covertly and making contact on your own terms was already the optimal way to play on harder difficulties in EU, so it's kinda cool to see the devs recognize that and actually design the game around that playstyle.

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I'm playing through this again on Veteran in Ironman mode and it is very intense and, at times, frustrating. I'm actually on my third Iron Man campaign; I lost one irrevocably after about 8 missions, and I lost the second one after my my entire squad died on the first mission. I love this game.


I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more cautious on Ironman mode. It's bitten me on the ass a few times when I've run out of time on timed missions, but I'm playing much more efficiently since I've gotten used to the harshness of the RNG.

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I'm too cynical not to take this kinda stuff with a grain of salt but they're really going all in on the size thing. Apparently the expansion is so massive they considered using it as the groundwork for XCOM 3.

Also, this new system actually sounds pretty damn cool:


The most interesting new mechanic for players is something called “bonds.” New soldiers will each have a compatibility rating, and certain individuals will get along better than others. As relationships grow, Solomon said there’s a chance that soldiers could develop a bond. After a mission, the camera will zoom in on them back at base having a beer or training together on the weapons range. As those bonds increase, more powerful skills will be unlocked on the battlefield. One allows a soldier to take their action and give it to their bondmate.

There’s even a chance that two soldiers who don’t really get along could change their opinion of one another. For instance, Solomon said, if a soldier saves a comrade that they actively dislike their relationship could begin to change.


I really need to do a new campaign before this drops. I only played through it once at launch, so I haven't touched any of the DLC yet despite owning the season pass. A friend of mine was telling me about the bosses from the Alien Hunters DLC last week-end and it sounds pretty sick.

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