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Popular Games You Have No Interest In

Mister Jack

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I wouldn't mind if people here would expand on their answers a little. You know, why don't you want to play a certain game?


I have next to no interest in Final Fantasy XIII. I played and enjoyed FFIV, FFVI, VII and VIII, but that was another time. Today, I just can't stand JRPGs. I even Gamefly'd FFXIII, but I couldn't take it after an hour and sent it back.


I also don't like Halo. Again, the irony here is that I owned and completed Halo 1 - 3. Finally, I realized that I really don't like it. I love Sci-Fi, but I find the Halo universe to be very unoriginal. I don't like that the story tries to be sooo serious at times, but then you have these ridiculously childish enemies (ie: the grunts.)


I hate Madden NFL. I'll admit that I was a NFL 2K fan in the days before EA decided to establish a monopoly, but I think I can confidently say that my bias plays no role in the following comments. I decided to pick up Madden NFL 11. Holy shit this game is terrible. I've never encountered a more clear-cut example of a sacred cow getting favored treatment. If Madden NFL were any other franchise within any other genre, critics would rip it to pieces! There's no tutorial mode for people who are totally new to football, the menus are terribly cluttered and confusing, the game offers less features and options than NFL 2K5 -- a last gen game that came out six f-ing years ago -- and the graphics aren't anywhere as good as they could be (look at Fifa for proof.)



I think the game market is oversaturated and a lot of people don't give games a fair shot. In that spirit, I'd like to mention a couple of games that I foolishly dismissed until I finally gave them a fair shot:


- Aliens vs Predator

- Assassin's Creed II (I was a big fan of the original, but I wasn't interested in ACII because I thought the Italian Renaissance was boring)

- Red Dead Redemption (I wasn't actually opposed to playing the game, but like many others I doubted how good it would be. I thought it just be "GTA with a horse," and it is soooo much more than that.)

- Fallout 3 (Despite loving Oblivion, I thought the post-apocalyptic genre had been done to death and that Fallout 3 couldn't possibly contribute something substantial. I also thought the VATS looked corny. Again, I came to regret all those assumptions.)


... geez, uh I could go on. I think I'll just stop there though.

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I'm not interested in God of War because in general I don't like... I'm not even sure what to call it. A brawler? Anyway, I don't generally like games of that type, especially ones which rely heavily on combos, as I am functionally retarded when it comes to executing combos.

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God Of War is a hack n' slash.


It's really not for everyone, but I love them. DMC3 is one of my favorite games ever. I always felt like these games were spiritual successors to the side scrolling brawlers of old(TMNT, X-men, Streets of Rage), but with way more substance.


I just prefer 3rd person games in general. The scope of third person games can never be rivaled by anything but turn based rpgs. Thats why I dislike FPS games. Theres only so much you can do with the genre as far as grandiosity.

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Any Pokemon (awesome, Chrome recognizes that as a word! :D) since the first 3. I'm not sure why, I just kinda didn't care any more, even though I played the crap out of Red, Blue and Yellow.


It's because the series hasn't changed at all since then. It's still the exact same game.

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Every first-party Sony franchise.


Ratchet & Clank was like Jet Force Gemini with talking animals.

Sly Cooper was more anthro bullshit

Jak & Daxter was pretty. PRETTY UNINSPIRED.

God of War had a stereotypical protagonist and was always an inferior action game to other games that came before it. (Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi)

Crash Bandicoot has NEVER been a good series. NEVER. Unless the PSX was your first console. Then it's pretty awesome.


The first Spyro game was pretty awesome though.


I always found it strange how the PS2 is probably my favorite system EVER, yet I think all of the first-party offerings were crap that could never be great in the presence of other games.

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Any Pokemon (awesome, Chrome recognizes that as a word! :D) since the first 3.


Didn't Chrome tell you to put an accent on the é? For shame...



Crash Bandicoot has NEVER been a good series. NEVER. Unless the PSX was your first console. Then it's pretty awesome.


Hahaha, yes! So true.

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I don't actually like Fumito Ueda's work. Ico had some rather irritating game design choices. Resistance: Fall of Man is the PS3's Dark Cloud; everybody fawned over the game like it was the greatest thing in the world in order to rationalize the fact that they dropped a shit-ton of money on a system with few viable launch games. I also liked Uncharted better than Uncharted 2.

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All Nintendo games.


Every first-party Sony franchise.


Those are pretty broad strokes. Do these include SMB3, LoZ:LttP, ICO and SotC?



All Nintendo games after the N64, I suppose. I don't hate 'em or anything, just not that interested in them. I'm not a fan of the Wii, really. I blame the Wiimote and how it's terrible for anything except drinking games. I hated Smash brothers on teh Wii with a passion; I felt like I didn't really have control over my guy.

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I'm not sure how people can't have an interest in a game before trying it. I can understand a certain game's genre or material (Greek mythology, American western, the Renaissance, etc) not being something that'd appeal to you, but I'm generally of the "try before you criticize" mindset. I wasn't fond of Dragon Age, but I don't think I'm going to write the sequel off just because of that.


In any case, the closest I've come is with Nintendo and handheld games. And that's not really due to the games themselves, but their platforms. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the SNES and I dislike the idea of handheld gaming. Although, with emulators becoming so prevalent now, I do find myself circumventing their given platforms and having better access to them, so that's becoming less of an issue.

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I'm generally of the "try before you criticize" mindset.

Oh, me too. I'm not trying to criticize God of War, I'm just saying I don't personally have any interest in even trying it.


I mean, you've got to have some kind of filter. No one has time to play every single game that comes out.

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Pretty much anything on the PS3. I dunno why, because I know it's a well-built, multi-functional machine. I just hardly ever use it.


- inFamous

- Uncharted

- Killzone

- Sports simulators (Madden, EA Sports games)

- Racing simulators (Gran Turismo, Forza)

- World of Warcraft

- Half-Life series

- Fable series

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