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Since I presume a bunch of this are in the early and open beta this weekend. What are folks thoughts?


I quite like it, lot of flavour to the charachters. I mainly use Pharah which I'm quite nifty at. Mix around the most with the different healers who are all fun and useful in their own way.


Main beef really, and comes from being Pharah so much I guess, is that it's not super clear on where the roofs are which can be annoying. On Hollywood for example there's several lifts (elevators...whatever you call them) and not all of them lead to serviceable working roof top. At this point I'm fairly sure the tiled roofing no-go, though also on Hollywood there's a thin wall for the first giant door, and you can't fly over that. So yeah, something a bit more consistent on what is roof n accessible. There's so many vertical characters it's a bit of a heavy oversight.


Other one is being a bit more indicative of health, too often the first sign I'm running around low on health is watching the kill screen and being like "woah, I have no health".


So yeah, thoughts, who you're playing, etc?

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I highly recommend to everyone they find their Attack, Defense, Tank, and Support character. If you're playing with randoms, and half the team has decided on being Attack, you might have to take it upon yourself to be Support.


As such, my characters are: Tracer (Attack), Bastion (Defense), D.Va (Tank), and Mercy (Support)


Bastion was wrecking early in the Beta, but people have learned how to more effectively counter him. Still, I don't mind staying back and being a living turret. On PC, with mouse, you can be a deadly force to contend with because you can easily adjust your accuracy. I tried controller for the heck of it and it was awful. That holds true for Tracer too because she's such a twitch control character.


I've been trying out other Defense characters, but I'm not quite as good with say Widowmaker or Junkrat.


Mei on the other hand is somewhat OP still even after her nerf from the Closed Beta. Had a match where the other team had two of Mei and they were wrecking us with the Ice Wall and their freezing ability. It hard to pinpoint what her exact weakness is because she has great zone control, DPS, and self-healing with invulnerability. Her Ultimate, while it doesn't kill you, basically allows for the team to slaughter anyone frozen.


To finish up, I can't believe how well I can play as Mercy. Yeah, you're not getting kills and what not, but Overwatch is primarily an Objective Team-based game, so as long as you're helping the Tanks and Defenses, you're getting those sweet assists. I tried Symmetra, but I can't get the hang of her because sentry placement is key when playing as her.

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It's really fun, and I was surprised to find that I enjoy playing as support a lot, my mains so far have been McCree, Mercy, Reinhardt and Bastion.


Main issue I've had is with the Road 66 map, where the attacking team is pretty much screwed, haven't been in a single match where the attacking team was able to move past their spawns, other than that, the maps are fun, the heroes are all cool and unique and I like the way it plays. \m/ \m/

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Yeah Route 66 is a major PITA for attackers. Only got a few wins in that, defence you can hold really well in that first garage area since attackers all come from pretty much the same area there and you've got 3 different approaches. My fave maps are the king of the hill ones. London is probably the most balanced in my opinion for the objective ones.


Mei is a bit of a bugger too, more annoying that the tips given after being killed by her are totally useless. There's no way to move out her way when she starts freezing you too, I experimented n found that Pharah flying up can't get out the way so you just fall like a stone. (then get popped in the head).


There's certainly a bit of funky mix with people usually not really playing the right parts, like playing Defence and you'll have a bunch of offence characters. (Though I did once convince a team to play fully Pharah with one Mercy healer....we lost terribly).

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Zenyatta is probably one of my favorites although he is slow and gets sniped a lot :(

I really hope they add some sort of ping counter. Some players have seemed a little more spongier than usual and I would like to know if the problem lies between the chair and the keyboard or if I'm getting killed by geographic distance, ISPs, the speed of light, etc. Probably a bit of column A and B lol It's probably this ethernet switch I'm using.

But so far I haven't witnessed any rubberbanding so that's nice.

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Nobody playing this on the PS4? Cowboy?


I like playing Tracer, I like blink. If a character has blink, I'll use 'em. Also, that rewind/self heal thing she has is fun to use. Disorients enemies. Disorients you too if you're not paying attention! Winning a 1v1 using that thing is so satisfying. Really cool.


My pick is usually Tracer or D.Va to start, depending on what the team consists of. D.Va because mech bomb = quadruple kills if used right! Oh and also Mercy, when nobody else wants to play support. The cool thing about playing support is as long as you do decent healing, you'll get the likes at the end of the match! I even vote for the other team's healers! Healers are cool and appreciated.


Then when shit hits the fan, that is, when I'm just getting slaughtered playing as Tracer, I switch to Widowmaker, or Soldier 76, or Reaper. Soldier 76 is kinda easy mode with that self heal and that auto-aim super. Easy to play, you could always be decent with him. Reaper is just freakin' cool with his dual shotguns, he (it?) just throws them away instead of reloading.


I should pick a defense character though. Maybe the living turret dude. Because I always seem to die from that damn turret.


No lag whatsoever on the PS4 side though.

Edited by Eleven
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Soldier 76 is clearly made as the "jack of all trades". He's the tutorial character after all (the tutorial should be tweaked to make point of the fact different characters have different skills, not everyone is going to use shift to run fast).


Bastion is the "living turret". He's fun, though being slow is annoying but makes sense I guess. I reckon there should maybe be a pre-defence speed burst or something so you're not spending most the set up walking all the way from the spawn to the defence area. Like most turrets he's mainly a case of finding a nice spot. Oh yeah another thought on the damage feedback (which there is the whole "vision goes red" stuff but for when you're dead), be nice to have a timer for when you use his ultimate so you're not now in the middle of the fray n moving slow.


Should note the lag for me was purely on our end, the net died like an hour later.

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Played it like crazy for the first 2 days but, haven't been at my desktop since.  The game has really been scratching my shooter itch as I've been taking a break from TF2 lately.  



Other one is being a bit more indicative of health, too often the first sign I'm running around low on health is watching the kill screen and being like "woah, I have no health".


So yeah, thoughts, who you're playing, etc?


Definitely agree with the health feedback.  The inhale is a nice indicator but, I'll have that exact scenario wondering why I died and realizing I engaged with 50 health.  Not exactly sure why that is, maybe I'm used the health being closer to the cross hair.


Zenyatta is probably one of my favorites although he is slow and gets sniped a lot :(

I really hope they add some sort of ping counter. Some players have seemed a little more spongier than usual and I would like to know if the problem lies between the chair and the keyboard or if I'm getting killed by geographic distance, ISPs, the speed of light, etc. Probably a bit of column A and B lol It's probably this ethernet switch I'm using.

But so far I haven't witnessed any rubberbanding so that's nice.

Apparently the game by default has a slower update rate from the server than shooters like CS so that may be what you're feeling but, not 100% though. 



Bastion is the "living turret". He's fun, though being slow is annoying but makes sense I guess. I reckon there should maybe be a pre-defence speed burst or something so you're not spending most the set up walking all the way from the spawn to the defence area. Like most turrets he's mainly a case of finding a nice spot. 

I'm not too fond of playing against Bastion or Junkrat in pubs.  With proper positioning and a Mercy Bastion is crazy effective and can be hard to counter without coordination except for a Genji that reflects.  While Junkrat can kinda turtle and spam. Lucio has the exact move you're looking for as he can speed boost the team.


I've been really enjoying playing the tanks and supports.  Zenyatta is really fun to play as a support/dps hybrid and style wise is pretty cool .  I wasn't sold on Mercy until oddly enough I healed a Bastion.  We were basically able to shut down their team on multiple occasions between just the two of us.



Playing Widowmaker makes me feel dirty, most heroes like Zenyatta move incredibly slow so it feels like a shooting gallery at times. In pubs you basically have free reign unless they have someone who can play a pick hero well like Genji or Tracer.


All the tanks are pretty cool/unique.  Roadhog is crazy fun to hook/shoot/melee.  DVAs great for harassing.  Zarya has one of the best ults and Reinhardt is kinda the king allowing your dps to do their work safely.


If you dunno who to play try out the random hero brawl mode, forces you to try heroes out of your comfort zone.


This game is a bit more enraging then TF2, if someone is dicking around it's not a big deal on a 24 player server but, in Overwatch it's agonizing if you have no supports or tanks.  On the flip side, some of the most fun I've had is hopping into a match and seeing all my team playing as Genji or Winston.  6 gorillas jumping onto the point is chaotic and hilarious.

Been following the game for quite a while and just the few days pushed me over the edge as I rarely preorder stuff. Looking forward to launch now.


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  • 2 weeks later...

tbh I'm not a huge fan of these, or I think Conan much really he's not really our kind of talk show host, but this might amuse some of you:


 I suspect that Dinkelage has played his share of video games. Cersie can trash talk though.

(and I imagine given the Tracer stuff Blizzard were not keen on the Widowmaker remarks but hey)

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All the talk has me wanting to get into it, but 1) my new graphics card is still a week away, and 2) I can never get in to multiplayer games.  The only multiplayer games I've ever really gotten into were Tribes, MNC, and Destiny (and in Destiny I only played PvE).

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There's only like 1 or 2 people on my PS4 friend's list playing it. I'm curious how it's going to do on consoles in general. $60 is just too much for me with the content they're offering. Especially considering you can get it for $40 on PC. I'd be totally cool with $40.

I'm sure it'll kill on PC though. They'll be fine.

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Honestly 40 bucks is a lot for a multiplayer-only game for me too, though it is better than 60.  The game is fantastic, but a little light on modes at the moment (I am aware Blizzard will add more).  I got the game for free, which probably does influence my feelings toward the experience I'm having.


I also have to point out that I absolutely love the maps in this game.  They're all really bright and colorful and fun to look at, not to mention laid out in a way that offers a lot of strategic opportunities to both attackers and defenders.

Edited by Mister Jack
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Lucio is awesome! Just run around and keep healing people. And you can harass people too. Just shoot shoot shoot and they'll back off or take cover.


Also, I love it when people underestimate D.Va without her mech. When people destroy my mech, most times they can't hit/kill me fast enough but they just stand there (especially Road hogs after a pull) or rush blindly for the kill thinking I can't kill them with my plasma pistol.

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After three hours: it's a solid game with lots to learn (Hero cheat sheet). I feel like with the ability to swap out heroes comes quite a bit of balance. Your team could be getting their asses kicked but with drive and the right team composition, sometimes a win can be had. It's pretty great when that happens.

Sure this game has the possibility to be stale (in 20+ hours maybe?) but the fluidity of the situation on hand keeps it interesting.



Lucio is awesome! Just run around and keep healing people. And you can harass people too. Just shoot shoot shoot and they'll back off or take cover.


Also, I love it when people underestimate D.Va without her mech. When people destroy my mech, most times they can't hit/kill me fast enough but they just stand there (especially Road hogs after a pull) or rush blindly for the kill thinking I can't kill them with my plasma pistol.

I love using them two to push people off ledges. In the case of D.Va, pushing people back and then dropping a scuttle my mech. As you said, she is basic but alright on foot and in the case of blowing up the mech, everybody is running away.

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