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Lucio is awesome! Just run around and keep healing people. And you can harass people too. Just shoot shoot shoot and they'll back off or take cover.


Also, I love it when people underestimate D.Va without her mech. When people destroy my mech, most times they can't hit/kill me fast enough but they just stand there (especially Road hogs after a pull) or rush blindly for the kill thinking I can't kill them with my plasma pistol.

I love using them two to push people off ledges. In the case of D.Va, pushing people back and then dropping a scuttle my mech. As you said, she is basic but alright on foot and in the case of blowing up the mech, everybody is running away.


Lucio is my most played hero apparently. Great mobility and he can kinda hold his own against some heroes vs Mercy who can be kinda helpless when her team isn't paying attention to you.

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Ha, just saw that 10 minutes okay too.


I should really start using ShadowPlay. I got some time to play today and ended on a killer PotG. Even though the team lost, I was killing it to the point someone from the other team claimed I was cheating. I'm just getting better with her Pulse Bomb is all and turrets piss the hell out of me now.

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I've learned two things:

1. Genji can reflect Lucio's fart gun even though reflecting sound doesn't make complete sense...I think. I think it even works for rockets, too.


2. Genji's reflect can make Bastion turrets kill themselves

Basically any projectile/bullet.  Great for countering ults like Reaper's, McCrees, Mei's, Hanzo's... etcetc basically all of them except for the supports/tanks.

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I should really start using ShadowPlay. I got some time to play today and ended on a killer PotG. Even though the team lost, I was killing it to the point someone from the other team claimed I was cheating. I'm just getting better with her Pulse Bomb is all and turrets piss the hell out of me now.

While I am not sure on the exact cause but make sure you're HDD or SDD can handle it, as in the write speed. My recordings have been hit or miss. Some parts are fine while others stutter like hell. I haven't tried using my SSD as a temp folder, which I assume is where the live footage is kept but I would hope a SSD write speed is fast enough. I lost some kind of neat plays to bad videos.


Edit: Putting the temp folder on my SSD helped a ton. There's still some minor slow down but no stuttering. The slow downs might be not real because I'm not in control so it looks and feels all weird.

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This is my favourite new thing in games. I'm far from a great player, but even I can feel like a badass when I get it right.


That's what this game does so well. As someone who isn't into online multiplayer because I feel like I'm going to suck and ruin it for everyone else, Overwatch highlights the good and doesn't embarrass you if you have a bad game. There's no real pressure to be godlike.




Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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I only wish that you could save your good highlights or send them to your friends without having to use a recorder program. I got an entire team kill using Reaper once but nobody will ever know.

Something similar to Rocket Leagues video replay would be cool.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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So my main three characters, as you'll see from my profile, are Tracer, D.Va, and Mercy. Offense, Tank, and Support respectively.


I think I found my Defense character in Junkrat. Now Bastion just doesn't do it for me. I mean, he really is just a living turret since all his abilities focus on the turret function. Granted, I'll hop on Bastion when people want to cheese the Reinhardt Trinity when it comes to payload. I'll also hop on Widowmaker and Torbjorn given the map and game type.


Just Junkrat has versatile abilities when it comes to his mine and bear trap. Also, I played on a team of all Junkrats and it as a blast (no pun). Almost lost, but we pulled ahead in the end. Junkrat's weapon is deadly at a distance and up close. Also, if someone does kill you, explosives drop off Junkrat and can kill your attacker. I even forget about it sometimes when confronting a Junkrat. His ultimate is good and as long as you're not being obvious with it, because it can be destroyed, it's good for a multikill on payload and capture game types.

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Yeah probably. I'd take voice lines over poses any day though.


Highlight intros though are really cool. Right now I really want that intro for Mercy (Battle Medic I think it's called?) where she switches from a staff to a gun. Too bad Mercy rarely gets play of the game. I've only seen it once when an opponent did a team/4 person revive. It was cool to see but they were not even at the point, just died in a hallway. I did a 3 person revive when a Junkrat tire blew everyone out, and that ended up getting us the point (and eventual win when we kept it). But of course, the opposing team's Reaper team kill got the play... It kinda sucked but even I voted for that team kill. It was just so cool to see.


However, having said that, I'm really upset I didn't get Play of the game when I did a 4 player multikill as reaper that led directly to overtime and a win. A Hanzo dragon that killed 4 players got the play, but we didn't even need that play, we had the point and were on the verge of winning.



I'm upset!

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Saving up the currency to buy some skins, poses and intros for my mains*. I got to get Mei all cute up. Sprays and voicelines though are cheap and it's easy to choose one to stick to for the rest of the game. I already got those.


Anyhow, Torbjörn is kind of fantastic to contest a cart during defense. He can lay down a turret and armor himself up (aka healing). Plus he is small. I've done this with Lúcio but he's pretty squishy and he doesn't do a lot of damage (his speed of running around the cart makes up for it though).Torbjörn's gun is pretty respectable.

Contesting the cart seems to be a thing not a lot of people do but it can stall a cart for a minute or two at best. At least it can stall it for a good 5-15 seconds (less if someone knows what you are trying to pull) at which point your team should be around to help. One person can stall a cart pulled by 3+ people... if they patch it, I'll understand but be sad.


* Defense, Support, Offense and Tank
Main: Mei, Lúcio, Soldier: 76 and D.Va.
Secondary: Torbjörn, Zenyatta, not sure but I'm trying out McCree and tank is pretty fluid.
Edit: Eleven, I think we all get salty about the choice that the computer makes (don't get me started about the cards). Most of the time the PotG are pretty weak.

And we should try to start teaming up. Playing with randoms is nice and all but some coordination would be a nice change.
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Eleven, I think most of us are on PC. We just haven't gotten together to play.


And the worst I've seen is just three Lucios on defense of a point. Nothing like all Tracers and what you've shown. At that point, you can help but join in the on absurdity. Might as well have some fun.

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