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New balance patch came out for PC.


Widow and McCree nerfed. Widow now cannot take out Zen or Tracer with a fully charge body shot (150 hp to 120 hp). A semi-charged follow up shot will be needed. Her headshots remain the same which is fine. McCree is no longer the tank-busting machine he was. With how the numbers plays out, he can no longer kill a fully healed Roadhog (600 hp) with even two Fan-the-Hammers (540 damage). Anyhow, here's some math someone else did.


mccree FH went from

  • no armor, 1x FH: 420 (are you serious blizzard?) -> 270
  • armor, 1x FH: 390 -> 240
  • no armor, 2x FH: 840 -> 540
  • armor, 2x FH: 780 -> 480


  • base: 150 -> 120
  • headshot: 300 -> 300 (same)

Widow might need some more nerfs (she still has no sway/knock back, semi-auto, decent at close range and can get out really quickly) but it's a start.

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You can still have a lot of fun solo. I haven't been in a friend's team yet. I imagine on PS4 you're not going to have a bunch of asshats typing in Chat about how their team sucks and/or complaining about how someone is using X character and not Y character.


Once Ranked Matches comes out, all the toxic try-hards will flock to that mode to increase their e-penis points.

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Cool. For some reason I REALLY want this game, even if I'm not totally comfortable paying $60 for an mp only game. I didn't play the beta either, I just think it looks like a fun game.

I'm worried I'll get bored of it fast because it doesn't have the usual mp unlockables and stuff.

I'm severely conflicted.

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Are you looking at the PS4 version?  It's hard to say, honestly.  With the PC version I'd say there's no risk because Blizzard is known for continued support on their PC titles which means it'll be getting regular updates and new content, and they've already said all new maps, modes, and characters will be free to everyone.  With the PS4 though I'm not really sure.  I'm sure Blizzard would still like to give out everything for free, but in the past I've heard things about Microsoft and (maybe?) Sony frowning on giving out massive content updates over their networks without charging anything for it.  I don't know if they still take this stance today but it might be something to look into.

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I wouldn't worry about any updated content, but the main difference between the console and PC version will be the different patches they'll receive for balancing purposes. Not that it should be a big deciding factor, but the two versions will be handled differently as characters can be played differently if you're running KB+M or controller.

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Console players don't have to deal with super awesome Widowmaker players dominating a match so that's a plus.


I can't say for console but on PC, Overwatch is a neat game to hop on for a match or two then hopping back off. Perfect for shortish breaks from stuff. I have good fun playing solo since the MMR is pretty decent at pairing you up with similar skilled players. Solo play though do keep you depressed on the MMR scale so chances are you won't be running into the super good players. I recently hopped on to play with some folks who usually play in groups and I was for sure a weaker link in the team. I usually get one or two gold medals but during that session, nothing. Rarely bronze or silver. That group's casual  sessions are sessions where I need to hustle. Great fun though and for sure humbling.

So in general, for solo play, expect generally relaxed games sprinkled with the occasional intense clutch moments.

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Is it mandatory to be in a team or do you all play solo a lot?

Obviously you'll do better in a team, but is it still fun solo?

I need a game I can play while listening to podcasts.

I've spend about half my time solo queuing and the other with a group of friends.  Definitely not mandatory to play in a team.  It's still fun to play solo.  It can occasionally be frustrating playing in an uncoordinated team especially as support but, that happens even when you're playing in a team just less often.  There are times I felt like  :bun-work: after multiple bad games  in solo q... Basically the game has a lot of highs and lows where solo queuing can make those highs/lows more extreme.

For your last point though there are a lot of important sound ques like people ulting which may be a problem if you plan on playing while podcasting.


Has anyone played with the new patch on PC? 

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New patch makes it a bit harder to take out turrets as Widowmaker. That's my only complaint.


Yeah, so today I had two dinguses going on about levels and character selection. As an FYI, level doesn't mean anything about skill. MMR is what matches you up with others of a similar skill level. All level will tell you is how long someone has been playing. Anyone who says otherwise takes this game too seriously.


Also, don't underestimate Symmetra. Had someone bitch to me to switch. I took care of people coming down the hallway and got a triple kill while on point. I had hoped to get PotG to rub it in, but PotG is still broken if a Hanzo getting two kills is the best play.

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I had a team where we had a new guy jump in, try to tell other people which character to play while he played a second Hanzo. He kept blaming the team for losing.


Win or lose, I'm having fun. I'm going to play the character I feel like playing. A lot of the time I'll play the character we need, but if you see your team is missing a class type either play that class type or don't bitch about how bad the rest of the team is.


On a side note the characters I enjoy playing are Mercy, Hanzo, Reinhardt, Lucio, Roadhog, Reaper, and McCree. I'll play others but I haven't spent enough time to learn everyone yet. I find that I'll focus on a new character a little bit at a time and end up just loving them when I get the hang of them.

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Am I the only person who turns chat off? If I can see/hear people chewing me out, the game/actively immediately turns into my worst nightmare. No thanks.


I'm trying to become competent with 6-7 heroes. D VA is my main, Reaper is where I go when I need to be able to pick people off on the flanks, Lucio is where I go when we're attacking and don't have a support, Winston seems fun to play (but I suck at  **must improve**) and Torbjorn is my secondary because why would anyone want to play defence when you can all be Hanzo/Genji and McCree.


Speaking of McCree, tonight's my first session since the nerf. How are we finding it?

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Sure the chat can be toxic but when it's cordial, it is pretty nice. Last night I had a 20 minute game and everybody was praising each other for such a good, intense game. While my team lost, we got about 4500 in exp. I can only imagine what the winning team got.


As for McCree, I'm toying around with Roadhog and watching McCree trying to kill me is kind of amusing now. I think I can heal faster than he can kill me. I just wish my aim was better than it is. It would help with the hook and such. I think my main problem is that I'm not leading my targets enough.

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Finally bought this off PSN yesterday. I hardly ever pay full price for games so I'm hoping this won't go on sale next week or something. I'd be a bit annoyed.

Anyways, it's a lot of fun. Played the tutorial and maybe about 2 hours of matches. I've only played with a handful of characters, but I do the best with Widowmaker. I can get some decent kill streaks and don't die 50 times.

I also like playing as Tracer, but I tend to lose most gun fights. I also suck with throwing the bomb. I can never throw it where I want to. The range on it kind of sucks.

I need to try every character and play enough to learn the maps since there's no minimap here like in Uncharted 4(which is my current mp game).

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So I've reconsidered some of my main characters for the different classes.


I use to like playing as Mercy in Support, but playing solo can be a challenge because it can be like babysitting ADHD children who want to run off by themselves. Mercy works better in a group because she can easily fly to her different teammates for healing and damage buff. Once people start breaking off, you have to decide who to stick with and if they'll understand they need to be your guardian. It's not impossible to get kills as Mercy, it's just not desirable.


I was terrible with him as first, but now I role Zenyatta. If the team needs a Support and we're attacking, I pick him. Sometimes on Defend, but most times I'll pick Lucio for Defend. If the team is good, we should all be close together and the passive healing will be of greater benefit.


For Offense, I've had better results with Soldier 76 than Tracer. I think part of the problem is that people are getting wise to Tracer and her limitations. I feels more like you're mainly playing distraction than actually being a viable threat to the opposing team. Take Soldier 76, a simple Offense character with good range, a AoE health ability for you and your teammates, and rockets that can take care of 200 HP characters much faster. He can Sprint without any cooldown, so maybe while not as fast and versatile as Tracer's Blink, he can still get to the action quickly. Not to mention if you find the right moment, his Tactical Visor can make for a great Triple or Quad Kill.

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She's suppose to be the agile Offense character that gets into the opposing team's point and essentially create chaos. I've heard the term "rash" used for such a character.


But as I mentioned, after all the hours people are playing, I think it's getting hard to be an effective Tracer. She can't truly eliminate someone unless she's close quarters. She's 150 HP though, so you have to make sure you're using Blink and Rewind if you plan on taking on even a single opponent. I've seen many a Tracer who thinks they can get Multi Kills by themselves and get immediately slaughter by a single Reaper or McCree.


I've had great moments with her, especially when getting behind enemy lines. But now almost every character has a viable method of fending you away from the capture point. They know if you Blink, you're either running away or you've merely ran behind them. If you used Rewind, you must be close by unless, as Tracer, you Blinked three times to the location. In that case, you won't be back for a little while and they'll continue holding the point (or capturing).

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I used Mercy for primarily defense and sometimes offense for payload portion of maps. King of the hill maps or if I need speed will have me being Lucio. Zenyatta is taking some convincing within myself to use again since the Widowmaker trauma was that great but yeah, he's great on offense for melting tanks. Mercy on offense is asking for trouble. On defense, I usually do not go beyond choke points unless there is a good rez to be had. I also do tend to fall back sooner than my teammates. A dead Mercy is an useless Mercy.


Tracer is good for singling out Mercy and for landing a bomb on say a tank or Bastion. She is also good for distracting enemies from the point/choke point. Unlike Winston, she might be able to truly run away and not get gunned down.

Anyhow, I started to really use Pharah, Junkrat, Roadhog and Reinhardt now. They're quite fun to play. Pharah is kind of tricky but highly rewarding. She's helping me to become more accurate with my other characters. Junkrat is well, a nuisance and dangerous in tight spaces. In one game, I nearly got 20k in damage. Roadhog chain is just fun to use for getting say, the support or even Bastion from the defending team. For Reinhardt, nothing is as satisfying than going to town with him or, rarely, having the team actually behind the shield and just laying waste to the enemy. Like folks, you can emulate a Reinhardt posse on a cart on foot.


Anyhow... about 60 hours in, I think I have a problem.

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