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One night after getting four Loot Boxes with 3 Commons and 1 Rare, I said screw it and threw $10 at 11 Loot Boxes.


I got so many Epic and Legendary items that I felt satisfied. However, leveling up still yielded lackluster Loot Boxes. So after a little while I justified buying some more Loot Boxes. There was maybe two cool items out of 5 Loot Boxes. I thought crap, let me try another 5 Loot Boxes because I got such good items my first time.


No, just no.


So word to the wise, once you reach a certain amount of items, you're going to be getting duplicates much more often and in-game currency value for duplicates is ridiculously low if you plan on getting even Epic items. If you've got some spare cash, try 5-10 boxes, but don't go further than that because the drop rate seems to take a drastic downturn. 

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You're going to have to get lucky with your Epic and Legendary drops being currency. Epic is 150 and Legendary is 500. Relying on duplicates, you get 5 for Common, 15 for Rare, 50 for Epic, and 200 for Legendary.



Also, anyone on PC trying the Public Test patch? Nothing is saved though, so really you're playing just for the sake of testing.

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I've gone past caring about Loot drops at this point. Sure I'd like to see a few more skins drop, maybe some victory poses or highlight intro's, but unless they change something on the back-end, that's likely not going to happen. Thankfully the game is fun enough without having that constant need for cool loot. That being said, there's so much content available, I find it utterly unacceptable that I'd be getting duplicates.


Money should drop with every box too. I'm level 31 at this point and I've probably earned about 900 cash. Still not enough to buy me one single top-end skin. 

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Are the more expensive items more difficult to drop or is it all random?

Like, am I more likely to get a 250 coin skin than a 1000 coin skin?


Well, one thing you have to remember is that the only Legendary items in Overwatch are the Legendary Skins. So while a character might have 4 Legendary Skins versus 2 Epic Skins, a character's Emotes and Highlight Intros are also Epic items. That effectively gives a character 8 Epic items and 4 Legendary items.


So yes, Legendary are the rarest give that they're only skins or 500 currency. And here's hoping you are not so unlucky to get a Legendary duplicate for 200 currency.

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I'm slowing down at playing but I am still liking it. When it's good, it's good.


The only hero I have problems with is Hanzo. Such hard hitting projectile with generous hitboxes is just asking for trouble. Add in not obvious signal that you've been hit or being fire upon just makes it worse. I can avoid Widowmaker since I can see her shots. If the first shot doesn't kill me, I can get to cover quickly. The only time I have much inkling that I know I am being fired upon by Hanzo is when I die. Even then he's just firing in our general direction. This is becoming frustrating since I'm really getting into playing Mercy.


Junkrat... I wish you could shoot out his traps once triggered. I also wish his grenades are only activated at x-amount of distance after being shot. No more point blank shots by grenade launcher. Otherwise, I'm fine with him. He's easy to play and if I was good at aiming, I would be Widowmaker. Besides, he's good at dislodging a turret or Bastion in most cases.

Edited by MaliciousH
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I think he's a good character to have when it comes to design and his place in counter tactics. I just think he's too powerful at the moment. Immobilization is oftentimes a death sentence, and his projectiles are far too strong with too much utility. I agree about Hanzo. The hitboxes for his attacks are what make him so brutal. You can just spam and get kills pretty easily. Not to mention his ultimate.


Speaking of ultimates, I think Tracer's is way too weak. Very small radius and hardly any damage.


And gremlin D.Va is grand. Blizzard should make a skin for that.

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Isn't Tracer's ult less about murdering fools and more about being a complete pain in the backside? D VA's ult is pretty powerful, but it's somewhat weakened by the fact that the game warns the enemy that it's been deployed (thus making it better for clearing space than actually killing dudes).

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I'm not sure what the deal is with Hanzo, but his aim assist(?) has to be ridiculous on consoles at least. I get one shotted by his arrows constantly. I don't get killed by Widowmakers even half as much.

And I'm putting this on aim assist or some other technical thing and not actual skill because the kill cam pretty much confirms that Hanzo gets tons of headshots off people who he couldn't even see a second before he fires. The people who play him just shoot randomly into crowds.


And Tracer grenades could be a lot better. Or they could generate a lot faster. The radius is awful. I save them to take down the bigger characters or turrets.


I'm also glad Torb is getting nerfed on consoles. Thank god.

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It's just that his hitboxes are huuuuuge.



I tend to save Tracer's grenades for groups or high priority, stationary targets like Bastion or Torb and hit turret. But they're still weak as fuck. One of the weakest ults in the game, I'd say.


As far as D.Va's ult is concerned, not only is the radius enormous, and the blast powerful as fuck, but it also serves as pretty hefty point denial.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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Tracer's ult is one of the fastest, so it's not truly meant to be this grand "quad kill" ult like a few others. It has the chance, like when Zarya launches her ult which group the enemy in a nice bundle. I mainly use it to take out Bastions, turrets, and if there are enough opponents on the point, it can clear one or two of them.


I do take issue with Hanzo's hitboxes. Once I was a Junkrat who was, and I'm not exaggerating, carrying the team at the final payload checkpoint on Route 66. I honestly don't see the problem with Junkrat BTW, other than sometimes you can't escape his passive. Anyway, it was the final seconds of the match and I have my Rip Tire. The idea is to get as many of the opponents to group up behind the payload and then clear them out so that in Overtime they can't make it in time to Contest.


I get behind one of the pillars and I'm about to press Q when I suddenly end up dead. Killcam shows a Hanzo shooting into the group of my teammates and his arrows flies past the pillar I was behind. You could only make out my leg and hair, but somehow the Hanzo's arrow connected. Well okay, no big deal I'll just run out there with my ult after the 7 second respawn .


In those 7 seconds, my team fell apart and the opposing team pushed the remaining distance.

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