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For within the team: A bit worse since people can be far more salty which lead to some leaving the match. Competitive doesn't have backfilling so it will screw with the match (the biggest "fuck you" a dick can give to an alright team that could use some improvements but are fine otherwise). Solo queuing is suffering in Quick Play and especially in Competitive. If you can manage to find buddies to play with then it can get better. You all can talk to each other and find ways to improve as a team.

In other ways though it is better since people talk more. Salt can flow but sometimes a cohesive team can form.


Between teams: It's about the same as Quick Play. The only major difference is when a majority of the opposing team drops. The full team are nice since this type of win feels so cheap.

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I'm not even going to attempt Competitive. I don't have the time to bother with the Ranking system and I don't have the patience to deal with self-imposed leaders micromanaging the team because their family's honor is on the line. I know that wouldn't be the case each time, but I much prefer Overwatch as a jump-in, have fun with your group of characters, and maybe have a laugh or two.

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Until Blizzard can fix the experience imbalance, I don't have much incentive* to play Competitive. Multiple hard fought wins can be wiped by a single sweeping lost. I can have the same hard fought matches without knowing how my MMR got affected in Quick Play. Quick Play also have the occasional funny team comp. One of my favorites is being all Reinhardt or Roadhog.

* It also seem that support characters get kind of shafted. If I main anyone, I main Mercy.

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I'm actually starting to think that I'm using one of the most underpowered characters in the game by using Tracer.


It's hard killing more than one character with my special move and I need to unload an entire clip to kill anyone, while others can destroy an entire team with their specials and kill people in one shot.


Tracer just can't kill as fast and as many.

But I think it's the most fun character.

And don't get me wrong, I'm a good Tracer player. I'm above average, but there's a limit to what you can do with her I feel.

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A lot of people say she's more useful in disrupting enemy lines and distraction than as a kills participant. I'd say that fits well with her skill set. If you're keeping the team off balance, baiting the enemy offence to break off and deal with you then you are doing some good Tracing.

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The worst type of Tracer to come up against is the one that pulls my attention away from the other opponents repeatedly.


She might not kill me but she'll be a big enough thorn in my side that eventually I'll chase her down and she'll either lead me directly into a pincer move, or my loss of concentration will result in the other team gaining ground on the objective.

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I admit that Tracer can be useful to a team as a nuisance and as s distraction, but the scoring system in the game just doesn't reward you for it. You won't get as much experience or medals as the Junkrat player that just stands at the very end of the level blindly shooting his grenades and getting kills. It's the same with healers. They especially should get rewarded accordingly.

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Blink is limited to horizontal movement. I initially had hoped it would be like Blink in Destiny where your line of sight is the direction you move.


However, if you play Tracer, you'll understand why she's limited to just the x-axis.  Given the fast-paced nature of her abilities, ending up sightly in-air would be a common occurrence. Also, one can use all three charges rapidly to cover great distances. Having Tracer catapult herself into the air becomes unbalanced as then you have a character that's zigzagging in midair. She's already mobile simply running on the ground.


I played a few matches this evening and I guess there were two well-known streamers on my team. I didn't know until Chat was gushing about them. Still haven't heard of them, but I'm not someone who jumps onto Twitch or knows all the pro Overwatch players.

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I spent my weekend practicing with Tracer and I will say I finally got the hang of her, got play of the game a few times and had a kill streak of 15 in a game. I'm enjoying her more than I thought I would. I jumped around from Reinhardt to Death to Soldier 76 to Roadhog to Hanzo to Tracer. Every time I learn a new character I begin to love them more than the previous character I loved.

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I'm cool with gag teams from time to time, but honestly it has got to be a character that works well with the map. I had a game tonight where the team wanted to be all Pharah, but it the Ilios map where the point is in the small building.


Also I will not commit to all Hanzos. You're barely ever going to win even if the hitboxes are forgiving. Just takes a few beefy characters to get up and annihilate you.

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I had a match last night where I was doing excellent, gold medals in almost every category. We lost the match though, and some dickhead wanted to blame me for it. He might have saw me trapped twice by two Junkrat traps when spectating and thought I wasn't doing anything for the payload. Also the dumbass assumption that Soldier 76 players only care about K/D, which in Overwatch isn't even a thing really.


I tell him I had 2:11 Objective Time, giving me the Gold Medal. Fellow teammate tells the guy to STFU because he wasn't anywhere near the payload.


Instead, dude goes into Match chat and blames me to the other team. Gets called salty, and while I should have had a little chuckle, the whole thing left my sour because I was arguably playing the objective and taking out the opposing threats of turrets and snipers. I'm not saying I'm elite and "git gud" to others, but being called the worst when the game is awarding me for being the best on my team.



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Whats with the game calling people salty? I had a guy two or three days ago on my team complaining in game chat to the other team that we suck, even though we won three games in a row. I told him if he didn't like the team then he could quit, or just play the game. He started to tell me how much he was loving the game and like a 12 year I got sucked in and just copy pasted "leave" every time he made any complaint.


He continued to blame the team for sucking and called me salty, claimed he was on a team and he was just practicing, while I kept telling him to leave the game. I've never had an issue with people and frankly I'm a bit upset at myself for getting sucked into his bullshit.

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So I'm not sure what to make of our long awaited support sniper, Ana. Her character reveal trailer smudge some of her character a bit, but overall she is all about the buffs and de-buffs like Zenyatta.



I wish they would have headshots for her because it feels like you're only going to be able to contribute to eliminations and not necessarily have the ability to defend yourself aside from landing a Sleep Dart.

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