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One of my competitive placement matches consisted of a guy telling me to stop playing Symmetra and switch to a "real" support (something about not healing?) and then my whole team left leaving me to stay until it finished. Other team was super chill tho. 6 out of the 8 placement matches I've had so far have been pretty hard steamrolls, though. I'm glad they're adding the no duplicates rule cause going against double Winston etc. is rough.


Zenyatta's getting a speed boost ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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One of my competitive placement matches consisted of a guy telling me to stop playing Symmetra and switch to a "real" support (something about not healing?) and then my whole team left leaving me to stay until it finished. Other team was super chill tho. 6 out of the 8 placement matches I've had so far have been pretty hard steamrolls, though. I'm glad they're adding the no duplicates rule cause going against double Winston etc. is rough.


Zenyatta's getting a speed boost ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Doesn't matter if you aren't healing if the alternative is that you have dropped a teleporter behind the enemy lines. Your time to the front line is massively reduced which is all that matters.

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Plus, she's got some strong offense. She's classified as support because she supports the team, not necessarily because she heals. Although it's still worthwhile to have some sort of healer. On attack anyway. But why you'd be playing Symmetra on attack is beyond me.


As far as Ana is concerned, I'm still undecided. I don't want to play the beta because I like loot, and I'm in no rush to play her. I don't particularly enjoy snipers, and it seems like her only close quarters option is to CC and run.

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Depending on the map, you can do decent as Symmetra on KotH game types. You'll definitely get people who will give you flak for it, but I think more people have realized how dangerous Symmetra can be when you're close quarters. I've received PotG with her for a triple kill on a Hanzo, Pharah, and Zenyatta. She can eat up tanks too, but Winston is her hard counter.

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Depending on the map, you can do decent as Symmetra on KotH game types. You'll definitely get people who will give you flak for it, but I think more people have realized how dangerous Symmetra can be when you're close quarters. I've received PotG with her for a triple kill on a Hanzo, Pharah, and Zenyatta. She can eat up tanks too, but Winston is her hard counter.

You can, yeah. It's just not really a good move, and not using her at her best.
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Thoughts on Ana or the new patch in general? Managed to play a few rounds with as her.  Would love to get good with her cause she has so much damn potential but, not sure she suits my playstyle.  I've been able to scare away enemies but, I've only gotten a 1 or 2 eliminations per match with her since I'm way more focused on healing... which feels like it defeats the purpose of playing a hybrid dps/support.  At least with Zenyatta I can orb and forget but Ana requires active aiming just to land heals on your team.


That said every move she has is great.  Sleep Dart can shut down ults or take a key player out during a team fight.  The grenade can shut down enemy healing (like roadhog or zenyatta's ult) or give burst healing to your team. Her Ult makes any class that deals damage scary... even boosted symmetra was kinda nerve wracking.  I've also been boosted as a Rein and you it makes the enemy scatter as if you were an ulting Winston.

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I think I would have a better grasp on playing as sniper grandma if:


A) I could aim for shit


B) someone else hadn't picked her


Her heal denial is a big deal, I think. And I'm not 100% certain but it might lock Zarya out of using her shields, too. Whether that's an oversight, intentional, or even a thing I don't know.

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I'll leave others to use Ana. She does have great potential in her Sleep Dart and Ult. My only beef is that unless your teammates are consciously aware you're there, she can have some trouble healing at point blank. What I mean is that if you have a teammate jumping around or just running off elsewhere, you're focusing on landing that healing dart. It's too close to use the scope and when you hip fire the dart is a projectile, so it must hit the target whether they're ally or foe. What's nice about the scope is that it's hit scan (for allies) so you don't have to aim too well to heal at longer distances. Back to the point, Ana is that odd sniper where you're going to be hip firing half the time simply because you're always going to have multiple targets and it's better for close range. Yeah you've got your grenade, but it's such a waste to use on a single ally when you can throw it at your front line where they get health boosted and the enemies caught in it can't heal.


Anyway, love the improved D.Va and Zenyatta. They were always part of my main group of Heroes, but now D.Va is more durable and Zenyatta can wreck and defend. So good to get Gold in Healing, Objective Time, and Eliminations (and Obj. Elim) as Zenny.

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Any of the popular Overwatch channels on YouTube would probably be more descriptive. The main changes to D.Va are that her Defense Matrix is now, by default, bound to Right Click and so long as you don't exhaust the ability, it doesn't necessarily have a cooldown. This is amazing because before D.Va would activate Defense Matrix, defend herself only a little bit, and then have to wait 10 seconds before being able to activate Defense Matrix once more. The new Defense Matrix is able to better counteract her giant critical hit box which makes her more durable.


Also her Ult can kill people once more thanks to the explosion occurring 3 seconds and, oh yeah, you can't die from it anymore! What would limit D.Va's Ult use was before you'd have to think about your survival, and the prior 4 seconds was just enough time for enemies to find cover, thus it wasn't unheard of just simply killing yourself and the opposing team getting off free. Since you can survive your explosion now, you can also shoot at enemies in your pilot form. So that Reinhardt shielding himself, you can potential kill him now. I could have had a Quintuple Kill in the past, but because I had to hide from the explosion, the Rein survived.


Think of D.Va as the Tracer of the Tank class. You'll want to get up close, but as soon as you're getting overwhelmed, use her Booster to get out. If a Offense character is confronting you, you can do some good damage, but also put up that Defense Matrix should you lose too much Armor. Her Ult is best on Capture Points, though you can easily use it to clear out opposition that's blocking the Payload.


Most of all, do not underestimate her Pilot form. That pistol can dish it out. I've had players shocked they got outplayed by Pilot D.Va. Just as a general rule, don't forget your melee too. Too many players try to use their primary fire in close quarters when only a handful of characters are effective that close.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The only Tank I enjoy playing as is D.Va. She's basically a tanky Tracer with good utility for the team. Had a perfect match as her last night where the entire team was on objective and pushing the payload. You're allowed to play vanguard and get rid of those pesky snipers and turrets.


All the other Tanks I'm okay as, mainly Zarya and I feel she's only truly effective when you're playing with friends. Randoms tend to not make use of the barrier you're giving them, though they may have a valid reason, but you won't know.


I use to play Mercy, but I'm strictly Zenny/Lucio now. When you need damage and pushes, Zenyatta. When everyone is grouping together and needs survivability, Lucio.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to brag, but I like to think I'm an amazing Symmetra. I only plays as her though when Defending on Numbani and Volskaya. Sometimes you can get away with practical Teleporter locations. However, now a days skilled players are experienced in locating the Teleporter if they know there's a Symmetra. It's why you either pick an atypical location or end up having to defend your Teleporter rather than the objective.


What grinds my gears is when teammates don't use your Teleporter. Maybe they didn't notice because they're so focused on "gotta get there." Just, it's so painful to see a Roadhog waddling furiously to the objective when he could have been there 12 seconds ago!

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I just played again after a loooong time, way back before the first patch came out. D.Va is once again my favorite character. I don't know I think the defense matrix update was a really good fix.


I also tried playing with friends, who are all higher level than me, and it was miserable. I think we got matched with higher level players and it just didn't work out. I'd love to play with friends but it's more fun for me playing solo. :(


Oh well...



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone else been playing Overwatch since the Halloween update? Junkenstein's Revenge is legitimately fun and puts the other Brawls to shame. Only downside is that there aren't any special rewards akin to PvE events. Sure there are achievements that unlock a spray, but that's it. Otherwise you're playing for the unique nature of the Brawl.


The Halloween event stuff can be purchased with the game's currency, but it's all 3 times the regular cost. Glad there's the option, though truthfully it's kinda a kick in the pants when the only method of gaining currency is through duplicates and the RNG of Lootboxes giving you 50-500. I've already mentioned how laughable the duplicate value is on items.

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Kinda bummed that some of my mains didn't get new skins, and there are far too many shitty voice lines and sprays but that's Overwatch at this point. As for the Brawl itself, it's great. I've not managed to complete it on anything harder than Easy (I'm not that bad I swear)...


Loving what they're doing with this game. Sure I'm not playing it at the same rate I did before, but I still throw it on from time to time and I cannot wait to see what they do for Christmas. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got back into the game thanks to the brawl.  Reminds me of Man vs Machine in TF2 except less fleshed out.  Wouldn't mine seeing it expanded upon like... as an actual game mode or something.  I lucked out and beat it after like 5+ tries on hard but, I've only done that like... twice. If your McCree and Ana are bad you're basically guaranteed a loss.  It kinda requires you to always kill all the ranged bots and McCree/Ana Ult all the heroes with good timing and have them refill ult by the next stage.  Hanzo and Soldier aren't as vital but, if they waste their ults roadhog can be a huggeeeee pain to take down.  

I'm up if any of you want to give hard/medium a go.


I really want that Mercy skin but, it's a wonderful 3k so yarite... 


Haven't played since before comp came out and I ranked 2600 after my placement matches.  Was feeling good until I've hit a 4 game losing streak...  Playing solo q as support can be extremely infuriating at times... like.. you and the other support call out a flanking reaper and your team decides to ignore him as he kills us and then the rest of the team.  


My friend just bought the game though so having a lot of fun in quick play showing him the ropes.  Without the pressure to play heroes I'm only comfortable with I've been getting a lot of practice with Ana lately



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