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Please nerf! /s


It'll be interesting to see how Sombra pans out. But seriously, why tease her for so long?


Edit: I just realize Sombra can shut down a Mercy's five man rez. Jesus.

Edited by MAGA-H
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Well, you'll have to get Mercy with Sombra's ult before she can fire it off. With Sombra's cloaking ability, she can charge ahead to find Mercy if she is walking to the front or hiding if she wasn't killed with the others. Sombra could kill Mercy but it might be way safer to just disable her. She can't ult or fly to get away. But yeah, I think Sombra's ult is more for getting behind a choke point and nerf the defenders.


I think once activated, D.Va's ult shouldn't be disabled since the runaway reaction is underway.

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Sombra is going to be hell for supports.  If she hacks you as any support other than say Zen, you suddenly have very few options to defend yourself.

Her ability to hack health packs is also really... strong.  It lasts a full minute, stops the enemy team from picking it up and makes the pack respawn like every 2 seconds.  Suddenly your flankers have access to 200 health every 2 seconds.  It's not like the #'s are final though.  Excited to try her out though, love the ability to deny. She'll be up on PTR next week apparently.

Edited by ChrnoXIII
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She does seem rather powerful. I watched part of the Stylosa footage and got to the part where he hacked two health packages and was surprised he could do that with Sombra.


One thing to consider is Quick Play will have a One Hero Limit in the future, so there shouldn't be any concern of a two-man Sombra squad screwing over the other team hard.

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Well I've probably got my fill of Sombra tonight. I keep coming across teams that are playing Arcade 6v6 like it's Quickplay or even Competitive. Like, c'mon, the only reason most of us are in PTR is to play Sombra and learn more about her. It's sad that they've got to use PTR to stroke their ego against another team that wants to have fun, but would like the match to last more than 2 minutes.


Anyway, good guide on what Sombra can hack:


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Only messed around with her in the practice area and the no limits arcade but, I'm in the same boat of having my fill.  I'm much more interested in how she'll integrate after all the excitement dies down.  


Surprised that people are try-harding that much on the PTR cause I expected quickplay to be 2 Sombras and 10 other disappointed players who didn't lock-in sombra first.  

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  • 1 month later...


Honestly one of the reasons why I stopped playing months ago. I thought I was pretty good healer and I enjoyed it a bit but it was exhausting and you get (got hopefully?) shafted come time for pointed awarded. Maybe Terry Crews voicing Doomfist will finally nudge me back in...


Edit: And is it true that Ana kind of replaced Mercy now?

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In arcade and quick play I see an awful lot of Ana, a fair amount of Lucio and barely any Mercy.


Am I the only one still playing Overwatch? I just got a promotion (I now have a star next to my name - yay for validating my wasted time), and I'm playing an awful lot of Arcade. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The game is definitely draining in a way that usually leads me to just playing Mystery Heroes or messing around in Arcade. Kinda wish they had a perma PVE gamemode since it's a lot harder to tilt.


Dropped off since I haven't been around my desktop lately. From what I've read "meta" wise Ana has basically made Mercy irrelevant. 

Ana heals 82.5 hp/s assuming she shoots at the max rate and hits all her shots.  Mercy Heals 60/s. With Ana's grenade that's an instant 100 heal and then 165 hp/s with regular healing she can basically insta heal tanks back to full.  Damage boosting requires Mercy maintain some line of sight vs Ana's ult which is a use it and forget it kinda thing. So the only thing setting Mercy apart is her res which becomes less effective as people get better at focusing her down before a fight ends.  


How is the DVA nerf and hook 2.0 going lately?


Lastly, the skins that have been coming out look great, wish I didn't miss out on Yeti Winston and Nutcracker Zenyatta. :<


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I don't think I can be bothered if Mercy lost her place in the every evolving meta to Ana (I can't snipe for shit). I feel that Ana at her theoretical worst is like Widow at her worst. A healer that can dish out the best healing at range? It feels icky.


And Dva nerf? I swore they gave her much needed buffs around the time of Ana... god damn meta. I agree Crow, we need a PVE mode so I can still enjoy my purchase.

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I believe she's getting nerfed in the coming weeks no? Changing how her shield works, increasing her HP and decreasing her armour? I think the community is pretty pissed about it. They've got to fix that fucking DVA bug though. She's my main on 3v3, and the current eject bug (upon ejection she completely flies out of the map, and falls to her death) makes her unplayable in that mode.


As for the game as a whole, whilst I don't play it nearly as much as I did in say July, I still find the time to play Arcade. Grab my 3 loot boxes and then get out. It's basically what I wanted Destiny to be; something I play for a few hours a week - every week.

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I too play it mostly for the three lootboxes per week. Though with the new event I did play a little more. Great content, but it's still luck-based if you get anything worthwhile.


The patch did incorporate the changes that were in PTR, so that means D.Va is nerfed and it sucks. She is not durable and heaven forbid if you decide to panic call in your mecha with opponents around, that mecha is going to be near dead. She's my best character and now we're back to Square One where you have to play her more cautiously because you die so quickly.


It's the main reason most people don't bother with Winston. He's not tanky enough to survive alone and his cooldowns prevent most players from being able to effectively escape bad situations.

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Roadhog is prob my favourite tank.  There's just something immensely satisfying about ruining someone else's day landing good hooks.  Good to hear the hook is better.  Too bad the DVA nerfs seemed a bit heavy handed.  Do you all think some kind of nerf was justified? I haven't really played since before she got buffed but, people mentioned she was a bit too strong? 



Also upcoming Bastion changes that haven't hit the PTR.  Honestly all for this... anything to shift him from where he is now.  I guess I'm curious how this will compare with Soldier.  His recon mode has always been relatively similar and the new heal also treads into soldier territory. Maybe Sombra will be able to kill him when this goes through


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I guess I can see 400 armor being a bit much, but really, what made D.Va "unkillable" was having a good Ana. I could hold a line down for days if I had an Ana behind me while I alternated my Defense Matrix.


I like the Recon changes to Bastion. I swear not many people realized how playable he was in that mode. The Sentry Mode stuff, not too sure about it.

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I had one very special moment with a Bastian a few weeks ago. We were playing Assualt on Volskaya and had been utterly incapable of taking the second point. We took the first one with relative ease but try as we might, we couldn't dislodge the bad guys for long enough.


With 40 seconds left I thought 'fuck it, Imma try Bastian'. I got to the doorway, set up in Sentry mode and just started firing towards the two tanks that had been causing them issues. At this very same moment a DVA flew over my head, landed on the other side of the two tanks and together we brought them down. The rest of the team turned up, held off the bad guys and the day was done.


It's probably my favourite Overwatch moment, and it came with a character I've played maybe 20 minutes of in total (across game modes). So yeah, any excuse to play as Bastian is a good thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a cool feature, but it's a bit hit-and-miss if you can find a good custom game. There were some really broken ones I played tonight and the mod was being a dick. Other times I thought the game was reaching a good balance, but there's bound to be someone unhappy that their character isn't 300% health with 150% speed and reduced cooldown.


Funny enough, I played one of those boss battle types where the players said it was too easy. I was picked boss and won. It was hilarious to see chat wig out.

Edited by Atomsk88
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It's a cool feature, but it's a bit hit-and-miss if you can find a good custom game. There were some really broken ones I played tonight and the mod was being a dick. Other times I thought the game was reaching a good balance, but there's bound to be someone unhappy that their character isn't 300% health with 150% speed and reduced cooldown.


Funny enough, I played one of those boss battle types where the players said it was too easy. I was picked boss and won. It was hilarious to see chat wig out.


Oh shit you actually go into chat?


Nope. I've never text chatted, or spoken to anyone whilst playing this game. 

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Funny enough, I played one of those boss battle types where the players said it was too easy. I was picked boss and won. It was hilarious to see chat wig out.


Oh shit you actually go into chat?


Nope. I've never text chatted, or spoken to anyone whilst playing this game. 


Just the text chat, not voice. Most of the time it's to give teammates a heads up on opponents.


Other times it's goofing around before or after. In this Custom games stuff, I've been more chatty given that the mods do ask how they can tune the game. A few times the mods are dicks thinking they have a good balance when in reality they don't know how to character balance for crap.

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