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The Witcher


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So anyone else got this on their radar?
I've yet to finish the first(Got a fair few RPGs I need to polish off actually) but it was very enjoyable so I'm definitely hyped for the second.
The regular and collectors edition are amazing too. They're really pulling out all the stops.
I'll probably just get the regular version, it's a good price and I don't think I need Geralts bust.
The regular edition 'just' includes:

  • The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings game
  • Making of Video DVD
  • Official Soundtrack
  • World Map
  • Game Manual and Game Guide
  • Pamphlet and Cursed Coin
  • 2 x Papercraft Figures of Various Game Characters

For £25($40), which is well below most new PC titles.

My main concern would be the first game, built on Biowares NWN Aurora Engine was a bit crappily optimised. But there's a new engine here so I'm hoping that's better.
The combat I want to see as well. The first game was quite different for combat to other games. And it could take an hour or so to get into the flow. But once you're into it, then it feels pretty great.
The choice stuff is also pretty good. With somethings early on in game not having any result until later on in the game. So you kind of have to pay attention no 'oh damn chose the wrong option, lets go back to an older save' cos this would lose you hours and hours of game play in Witcher.

If folks have yet to play I suggest giving it a shot.

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I had a non-legit version of the first game for a little while and loved it, but my laptop couldn't run it without wanting to die.


I've been waiting to nab it on Steam for a long time (about a year) now that I have a desktop that can run it, but keep stupidly missing the sales.


Pretty sure this X-Mas sale is my ticket.


I also don't know why I haven't pre-ordered the Witcher 2 yet. It's been in my cart on and off for weeks.


I did gift it to a friend for Christmas already, though.

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When I hear about the Witcher, my first thought, and I'm not trying to be a smartass here, is "why should I play this instead of Dragon Age or Elder Scrolls"? What sets THIS RPG apart from all the cookie cutter ones on the pc?


Well it's definitely a fair bit different from Elder Scrolls. Elder Scrolls hasn't got much in the way of a cause and effect mechanism. The combat, questing, narrative structure, etc etc is all very different. Apart from being a fantasy RPG I'd say there's not much in common between The Witcher and Elder Scrolls.

Now Dragon Age they're a bit similar. The cause and effect mechanisms are similar. The overall Dark Gothic atmosphere are very alike. With the timing between the two games and the fact Witcher is made on Biowares engine which I have a feeling they'd no doubt have a look at what CDProjekt had made with it, I'd say that Dragon Age has a fair bit of Witcher inspiration in it's blood.Though the combat is very different. going from a Party based system to a single person system. The weapons and spells are fairly limited in range, you combine them to make wider range of effects. Unlike Dragon Age which has a wide amount of skills and spells on an Action Bar.

The narrative structure of The Witcher is similar-ish to ME2, a chapter based system. This also limits where n what you can do. It's certainly not open-world like DA2 and TES. It's still fairly open as sorts, usually with several areas accessible each Chapter where you can go n do what quests you want as n when.

Also it has Alchemy, which provides various buffs and such, some are quite interesting.

Oh yeah as far as cause and effect goes it's not as straight up as others. It is a good idea to be paying attention. For example some characters might not like to discuss say.. the Squirritel, and you might lose a bit of freindship by maybe just clicking every single speech option there.

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When I hear about the Witcher, my first thought, and I'm not trying to be a smartass here, is "why should I play this instead of Dragon Age or Elder Scrolls"? What sets THIS RPG apart from all the cookie cutter ones on the pc?


Well, phrased like that, I suppose the real question would be "Why should I be playing games when I could be having sex or preparing my body for sex?"

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The Witcher was much more compelling to me than Oblivion or Dragon Age. I found myself bored with both of those games and extremely frustrated with Dragon Age's combat. I didn't finish either of them despite playing them for a long time. I did however find The Witcher to have a much more compelling narrative, it was much more personal. It had great atmosphere and fun combat. It was fairly accessible and other than the horrible game ending bugs it was really a good game. I'm pretty pumped about the 2nd one.

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When I hear about the Witcher, my first thought, and I'm not trying to be a smartass here, is "why should I play this instead of Dragon Age or Elder Scrolls"? What sets THIS RPG apart from all the cookie cutter ones on the pc?


From my short amount of time with the Witcher - playing through the prologue and first chapter - the thing that stunned me about the game, was the atmosphere.


The music, the weather, the people going about their daily lives, the wildlife.


It felt stunningly organic.


That game and Stalker (with the 2009 Complete Mod) are the two recent games I've felt most blown away by and immersed in due to their stunning atmosphere alone.

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For example some [/size]characters might not like to discuss say.. the Squirritel, and you might lose a bit of freindship by maybe just clicking every single speech option there.






(Maybe I should move that over to PXoD sometime)

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There's no combination of magic at all that I can remember. The game focuses much more on the brewing of potions and those potions give you special abilities. It's actually pretty cool and not overly complicated. The combat is probably somewhere in between fable and dragon age.

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Oh yeah the Alchemy was very enjoyable. It let you experiment (which usually led to me being poisoned for a day or two most of the time, but still)

But yeah that was very fun.

Maybe the combo thing was in my head. But I'm sure they talked of how you could combine spells to make like a fire tornado or something.


Also on topic of The Witcher



Insane mode = Deletes saves on death.

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The magic is pretty basic stuff. There's one for shooting fire, one for putting yourself in a protective bubble, one for knocking people (sometimes objects) over/away from you, one for 'cursing' or manipulating enemies. Don't think you can combine them.


The alchemy was cool for giving you buffs and other perks (night-vision, thermal vision). I really think a sort of Monster Hunter-esque game could work really well, using some of these aspects.


I think the actual novels the games are based on are quite good. Well, the short story collection is really good (and the first one was used as the game's intro video, and you run into one of the character's during the game), while the big continuous story is still undergoing translation into English so is a little 'bare' right now. The translation has been really good so far though.

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Oh, I totally am looking forward to it. The Witcher was one game that actually made you stop and reel over some of the choice you had to make. There are often times no right answer to some of your problems, and the consequences for a wrong decision can sometimes be disastrous. Plus, I just read today that if you play The Witcher 2 on Insane mode, and your character dies in combat, that there is no restarting from your last save. It's game over. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. I think that's so awesome.

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