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The Witcher


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So the Witcher 2 patch 2.0 was supposed to hit yesterday, but it hasn't released yet. What's up with that? I wanna do a replay, but don't want to start until 2.0 hits.

Isn't that coming out in september?


Yeah, just looked it up and it's september 29, not august 29.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Now that the price has come down a bit, I'm really tempted to get it. Especially since I've played the first one only a month ago and could definitely go for another round.


But with my current schedule there's just no way I could possibly find enough time to properly play a game of this magnitude. :(

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  • 2 months later...

So got about 3 hours into The Witcher 2, loving it so far. Sadly I have to run it at 1280x800 or so with AA to eliminate stuttering, but my new PC build should be finished in a month or so and I'll get to crank it up for a second playthrough. A few thoughts early on:

  • Combat is great but haven't died yet (normal difficulty). I think they did smooth out the difficulty curve some complained about if I remember right.
  • Graphics are gorgeous
  • Improves on TW1 in just about every way
  • I don't like the small QTE sequences for brawls/the dragon part
  • Game has one of the best opening chapters in recent memory.

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A shame you have to play it at such low resolution. >: I guess all that matters is that you can still get enough out of it to appreciate the design.


I've never been fond of QTEs myself. They're a pain in the ass, and sometimes I'll be doing something else and it'll be all, "QTE!" and I'll be all, "I'M HITTING OTHER BUTTONS BECAUSE FRIGGIN' BATTLE SCENE!" and screw it up. >_<

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I never really had a problem on normal. Only tricky bits were the dragon section at the start and a couple of bosses, but I figure those are meant to be a bit tougher. Although, one of the bosses was a pain because of how it was set up and felt a bit cheap (I'm sure this has been discussed before, but it's all spoilery). You just have to be patient in a lot of fights, really; keep moving around and only strike when you know you can get a good hit in.


...and I actually set the QTEs to easier versions, 'cause no way am I fucking around with that crap.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Man, I was JUST getting ready to finally fire it up, I've had it installed for forever, and now they announce these upgrades! My inner completionist demands that I wait until the game is upgraded in April! DAMMMMMMMMN!


Orrrrr you could play through it now then save the second playthrough, in which you'll choose the other path, for when the new content releases. I've played through it 4 times now and I still find it enjoyable enough and I certainly don't see any reason not to play it at least twice. It's great that they're sticking to their habits, for now at least. I was worried that anything extra would be either delayed or hit with an "On the 360" tax.

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Man, I was JUST getting ready to finally fire it up, I've had it installed for forever, and now they announce these upgrades! My inner completionist demands that I wait until the game is upgraded in April! DAMMMMMMMMN!


Orrrrr you could play through it now then save the second playthrough, in which you'll choose the other path, for when the new content releases. I've played through it 4 times now and I still find it enjoyable enough and I certainly don't see any reason not to play it at least twice. It's great that they're sticking to their habits, for now at least. I was worried that anything extra would be either delayed or hit with an "On the 360" tax.


Hrm. Maybe I'll try that. The thing is, this is not a logic problem. This is my brain telling me I can't play the game until the stuff comes out, because I am crazy. So a logical argument, though good, doesn't do much to appease it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need to start the game again (or load my old 'just before the split' save) and check out this bit of Flotsam I never checked. I know there were a load of drowners around an area but I never bothered to explore there because those dudes are quite tough in the second game.


That's the area where you find the rose petal/have meetings with Iorveth. The drowners are at the bottom of that area. You likely didn't miss much.

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That's the area where you find the rose petal/have meetings with Iorveth. The drowners are at the bottom of that area. You likely didn't miss much.


Hmm, I'm not sure. That was deeper in the forest, and up a hill, isn't it? I think this ran off of the small bit where the people were gathered round the fire and that guy is telling stories, and it dips down, plus I seem to recall seeing a body hanging from a tree.

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