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The Witcher


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So I finished the first one it last night after having it gathering dust on my shelf since release. Loved it a lot with all it's flaws. Definitely going to buy the the next one, just cant decide which language version to get. I played the first one in original polish (cause that's how pro i am) and thought the voice acting was alright, hence the question was the english voice acting bearable in the first one?

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When I hear about the Witcher, my first thought, and I'm not trying to be a smartass here, is "why should I play this instead of Dragon Age or Elder Scrolls"? What sets THIS RPG apart from all the cookie cutter ones on the pc?


- Two Words: Vizima Confidential. A lot of games talk sandbox or having thousands of choices. While there are segments that collapse, The Witcher is one of the few games I know that has a few incredibly detailed, multi-faceted quests, with different ways to deal with it and none of this newfangled hand-holding. A lot of the choices are, for lack of a better term, meaningful: you're able to make informed character choices.


- A lot of 'mature' or 'dark' fantasy...isn't. The Witcher is a lot higher grade (possibly if you excuse the playing cards, but there is at least some sort of vague, in game justification for how and why you get a lot of women to sleep with you). In a lot of ways, the motifs are more suited to a cyberpunk setting. But there's a lot of it that feels much more realistic than your typical game, even non-fantasy ones.

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I read about it earlier and figured that I'd risk the DRM. I mean really I know they want to push GoG but this is not the way...

Disclaimer: Tainted with personal opinions.


Buying from GoG is still around £2 more than buying the same version in retail. The price can come down further closer to release. Plus iirc The Witcher tends to go down in price fast at retail and this is not going to win any favours for an early purchase.


I think they're forgetting that while The Witcher is a good title the other titles during release are Brink, F3AR (both better on the PC), Heroes 6 (which is my personal preference) and of course LA Noire. Of course the Witcher 2 and LA Noire will get most coverage. But I don't think this is a good incentive.



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Yeah, they dropped the price on GoG but it's still not massively competitive with other outlets.

And GoG should be able to get new folks through it's old games, which are good. I've bought a few games through them, not bad experience compared to other DD outlets. Helps their games are as updated as they'll ever be which is a slight issue with other DD outlets.


Still, they have their own DD network, can't hate em for doing some self-publishing even it it's maybe not a very appropriate game for the service they have.

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That I do agree. I mean I do buy games from GoG (rebought BG1 and 2, Psychonauts, Planescape etc) but if they could've been more competitive with the price and not do 'hey our version is DRM free but all the rest have DRM'. That's just leaves me feeling a bit irate. Though I can totally understand that they want to promote their other businesses.

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I played Witcher 1 and hated it. Bland combat, wonky voice acting, presentation issues (what is UP with that "door opening" sound when you transition between maps?), and a skull-crushingly boring first chapter. I couldn't stomach much past the second chapter, but recently I've kept hearing that the general consensus is that the beginning is terrible, but once you get past some swamp area (dunno, never got there) the game picks up very well until the end.


So now I'm wondering if I should go back and bother. Witcher 2 looks genuinely good and since I already have Witcher 1 it'd be a no-brainer to finish it, but I really wasn't enjoying it and I have plenty of other games to play.

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Yeah I'll be honest, I'm replaying it and Geralts VA isn't bad, but some of it could do with a bit of work. Kinda Oblivion-esque :P

And I'm a fan of the combat, it kinda grows on you. It's not like it's terrible and awkward, just can be a bit bland I guess. Seems they're really going for a more visual feast with fancy flourishes n such in the second. If you hit spot on (the combat kinda plays like guitar hero with "good" "perfect" n "miss") if you get the "perfect" he goes all out and it looks pretty fancy. Most the time it's "good".

The alchemy is pretty nice and I'd love to see a similar feature in Skyrim, having stuff align to particular bases you mix them up wither with known or experimental recipes. It'd be a nice skill/class to have. Like a perk that kind maybe makes useful ingredients stand out more when mixing.


Also by first chapter you mean the one with The Beast yeah, not the epilogue in the castle?

Cos I'm doing it for a second run it's all going much smoother. I think it's kind of a case of shrugging off what you "know" on "how to play WRPGs" and just going with it's thing. Also remembering to sleep n stuff, if you don't do that it gets a bit funky cos you spend every night wandering through demon dogs which gets a bit of a grind. You only need to do that like twice.. maybe three times if you don't position yourself near squirrels for that quest.

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I like Geralt and most of the main characters... it's just everyone else that sucks! Plus, it's nice to play in Polish, too. Personally, I loved the way my first chapter ended. Really showed that this game went to places that other games wouldn't touch all because of your own actions. But yeah... getting there kind of sucked. Game def gets better near the end of the 2nd chapter and the 3rd.

Edited by Faiblesse Des Sens
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Recommended specs


  • Processor: Intel Quad Core or AMD equivalent
  • Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 260, 1 GB memory / Radeon HD 4850 with 1 GB memory
  • Memory: 3 GB for Windows XP / 4 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7
  • Hard Disk: At least 16 GB of free space

Minimum specs


  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD equivalent
  • Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 8800, 512 MB memory or ATI equivalent
  • Memory: 1 GB for Windows XP / 2 GB for Windows XP
  • Hard Disk: 8 GB for the game installation and 8 GB for bonus materials
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