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Civilization VI


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Vanilla or with the expansion? I mean, from what I heard vanilla was underwhelming but I would expect it to get better with expansions. I remember back when Civ V had just come out, most people were complaining that it was shit and I was just sitting there enjoying the hell out of my first Civ game and wondering wtf they were talking about. Nowadays it seems almost everyone thinks it's the best Civ yet.

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RPS has a good article with lots of new details:




The biggest thing is probably how cities will spread out and have different "districts" which give them different bonuses, but the coolest thing I took from that is research: you can still research straight up the tech tree if you want, but different aspects of the terrain will give you bonuses toward certain techs.  Examples given include for instance operating a quarry giving you a bonus toward researching the masonry tech, or having a city on the coast giving you a bonus toward researching sailing, and then having fishing boats giving you a bonus toward a later naval tech, etc.


*Edit - Wait!  How could I forget?  The biggest thing is that it's being developed by the team that made Brave New World and Gods & Kings, and that almost every single system from the fully-expanded Civ V is going to be in the base game.


@FLD: I just have the BE base game, not the expansion.  And I agree, I always thought Civ V was amazing, and the expansions just made it better.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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From what it sounds like it's basically the same as Civ V, except that a few things that used to be individual military units are now "support" units that can be in the same tile as a regular military unit.  The devs aren't saying yet, but the author of the article speculates it will be stuff like AA guns.

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New info on IGN.


They're changing the art deco style of the UI to an Age of Exploration theme. Think compass, astrolab, etc. Also the fog of war is no longer clouds. Instead, in keeping with the UI theme, it's a blank parchment with longitudes and latitudes lines on it. And for stuff that's partially uncovered, instead of just being darker than the rest of the map, they have a shader that simulates a pen-and-ink drawn map. Pretty cool stuff!

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Two other awesome things from that article: the empty parts of the map will have "here be dragons" type illustrations, and units will be customized for each individual civ even beyond unique units. Like every civ's pikemen will look slightly different to reflect that civ's cultural designs, and also skin tones will be different.


I am so excited.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A hands-on from RPS.


The biggest takeaway is that due to the AI "agendas" they now appear to be much more rational actors, as you can pinpoint the causes of why they did what they did.


Every single thing I hear about this game makes me want it more.

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Gameplay footage. It's some random youtube dude talking over a short clip but at least you can see the game in action a little bit.



edit: Less annoying version of same footage. At least in this one you can hear the sound better and the guy doesn't pause it every 10 seconds.


Edited by FLD
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I believe that's what Baconrath is getting at. It does suck as a player, but I understand it from a dev stand point since it's not always in actual real world negotiations you get to present the original terms back after you've attempted better terms on your behalf. I think it could be better presented than how the negotiation screen currently presents it to be a bit more transparent. Like a "mood" or something, and each change to the negotiation reduces the "mood" so immediately you can only negotiate for something lesser than what was originally negotiated. Or maybe have it in turns, so they present, you give something back, then if they reject they come back with something. If they are still fine they can re-present their original offer, or they might now require like 10 extra gold from your or something.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I am hyped for this. I've watched an embarrassing number of let's play videos of the press build and I am very excited to try out the new district and tech systems. It looks like the promise of more specialized cities (rather than building the same buildings in every one of your cities) in a civ game has finally been realized.

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