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Civilization VI


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What the hell is up with religion? I can easily win with the other conditions but religion is hard. The toughest part is founding one. I haven't even gotten to the point of defending and spreading it since the AI can get to the prophets way before I can and there's only five of them.


Edit: After save scumming, I got one founded but I'm not sure how to defend my city. Setting off my missionaries at my own cities doesn't seem to do jack. The stats I find doesn't indicate anything happening when I do so but when other religions' missionary does so I can tell.


And while I'm on not being to tell some information...


0PvD9g0.jpg\There's an XP bar. At this point I think whoever designed the UI and information display has a very large monitor with some larger scaling or they're a bit shit.

Edited by MAGA-H
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Just focus heavily on faith and great prophet points from the start. Build a Holy Site almost immediately. Or play Arabia.


Buy Inquisitors for homeland defense.


Edit: Yeah, I only just saw that image on Reddit today. Had no clue where to find the XP bar.

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I just can't get over just how many missionaries the AI can pull out and they all come in at once. If the AI was like that in old fashion war then they might pose a threat but often times they just run around a city. So far I don't think they ever took any of my cities. Judging by what they do to each other, they can but I never been on the receiving end. On a related note, I love how the AI are pretty war hungry on Emperor. On King and Prince I have to declare war to expand. The AI does it for me on Emperor.


I should say that while I do nag on the AI and UI a lot, I really do love the game. The RNG on resources and starting locations can make or break a game and often times makes up some nice challenges. There's also not a lot of games that allows you to just nuke the entirety of another civilization. Kind of like this:


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I'm playing on Chieftan and my neighbors keep declaring war on me.  It's getting really irritating.


Especially irritating is that Egypt just denounced me for being a warmonger despite the fact that I have literally never started a war and always make peace as soon as the option appears in the diplomacy screen.

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Yeah, that's why I'm ending up just wiping them out. In my current game as Scynthia I had 2-3 joint wars on me in the early game. A common enemy in all of them was Arabia and so with the third surprise war from them, I decided to cleanse them from my northern borders. Then the much larger Brazil decided to go for a round two and I wiped them out as well. Though during the course of the Brazilian war I had some musket-men rebellions because this war dragged on for so long (I refused peace like four times) and I was really low on cash. After a little bit, Sumeria decided to try me out with their capital on the border facing me. I didn't wipe them out since they had some sub-five city on some island off Pangaea.


Now I manage 20+ cities which is a mess. I might just raze everything else if Norway or Britain decides to fight me. I gotta channel the steppe people somehow. I kind of wish we had Genghis Khan but I suppose Thmyris/Scynthia replaces him.

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Yeah, they're the steppe folks in this one. Although they predate Genghis by quite a few centuries. I like them, but I find that the only thing irritating me right now is war. Why the hell should I get a warmongering penalty if someone goes to war with me? Or, for example, if one civ constantly denounces me since the beginning of the game, so I finally get sick of their shit. While I think diplomacy is much better in VI, I still dislike how they handle warmongering penalties.

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Hasn't it been like this with Civ games? You can't defend yourself without getting flak from all the other civs.


In other news, after adjusting my CPU cooler, GPU and having the latest driver my game crashes instead of taking my computer with it. It's a good improvement.

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Just finished my first game (and I was playing on quick!!) and I'm not a fan of the way they handled culture victory. There's no buildup to it, it's just suddenly you reach a certain level of tourism and poof, you've won. It's very anticlimactic. I liked it better in Civ V how you had to build the special wonder to complete the victory. That also gave you the option of *not* getting the culture victory even though you qualified, and continuing to a different victory if you wanted.

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After a relatively peaceful game as Pericles, I'm getting war declared on me seemingly non-stop in my game as Egypt. It doesn't help that both China and Brazil are in the game, and Brazil hates me for winning too many Great People and China hates me for building too many Wonders. there's nothing I can do to mitigate their jealousy.


Norway also declared war and tried to invade me before I built up a navy, but once I beat him and built a navy, we've become good friends.

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My Scythia game is crashing at a fixed point. For this one city after a build project, the trader menu crashes the game. Now I'll never be able to determine if I can out build and out science the Kongo to a science victory. I'm at the point where I'm building up an army and nukes to take them out as insurance. I also need troops back home and elsewhere to defend against retaliation by England and Norway. They hate the Kongo but they hate a warmonger more.


Overall, I consider this Emperor game a success. Now onto the next diffuclty to see how much of cheating bastards the AIs can be. I actually don't have much of a desire to play Deity since to expand almost surely means taking cities from the AI since they all start with like 3 settlers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Started playing Civ V again after introducing it to some friends after a board game night but, I've only got the Gods & Kings expansion.  Do any of you think it's worth jumping on Civ VI now? Or should I just hold off and get Brave New World instead?


Wait did you introduce them to Civ V, or did you introduce them to the Civ Board Game cos if so....you're pretty dang cruel.

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Started playing Civ V again after introducing it to some friends after a board game night but, I've only got the Gods & Kings expansion.  Do any of you think it's worth jumping on Civ VI now? Or should I just hold off and get Brave New World instead?


Wait did you introduce them to Civ V, or did you introduce them to the Civ Board Game cos if so....you're pretty dang cruel.


Introduced them to Civ 5 :P We were playing 7 wonders and Catan and it got me thinking of Civ. What's wrong with the Civ Board Game?

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