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It's July. What Are Your Favourite Games of the Year So Far?


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I'll get us started.




I don't love the game, but I think it's worth a shout out here. 


Rise of the Tomb Raider (it counts)


Yeah. This is good too.




Fucking love this game. Everything from its visual style to its incredibly tight controls and the way it lets you share your highlights online. Probably going to end up in my top 5 of the year come December.




I don't play online FPS. I play Overwatch, a lot.


Ratchet and Clank


Apparently they can still make a good version of these games. Who knew?



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Man, I have not played many games from this year.  Mostly by process of elimination I have the following:


The Witness - Not a lot to say about it, it was a puzzle game that did a really good job building on the one type of puzzle.


Mirror's Edge - The freerunning just feels so good that any other problems take a back seat.


Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak - It did a really good job capturing the feeling of HW1 & 2 even though it was on a planet's surface.  I also really dug the "desert = ocean" aesthetic.

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X-Com 2. I mean, it's like XCOM, but even better. 


Doom. This is the perfect modern Doom game in every way, aside from MP, apparently, but I don't play MP shooters, so I don't mind.


Total War: Warhammer. Love how this game really shakes up the Total War formula with radically different faction armies and strategic objectives for each faction. The battles are fast and fun (for the most part), and the over-the-top Warhammer mythos and style are both completely ludicrous and really fun camp. 

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Doom - Superb SP game where classics was successfully modernized. MP is lackluster though.


Overwatch - Polished and compelling MP.


Stardew Valley - Super comfy Harvest Moon-like game made with care by one guy that fills a much needed niche on PC and (soon to be) other platforms.

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I've only played like 20 games so far, most of them older releases, so there's not a lot of candidates for me. That being said...


XCOM 2 and Dark Souls III are the obvious big ones. Both were solid entries into their respective series and overall felt like improvements on their predecessors.Sunk 50+ hours in both and will definitely do it again considering both have DLC that's either coming or out already.


Firewatch, SuperHot, The Witness and INSIDE were all great but, as far as indies go, Hyper Light Drifter has been the standout for me so far. It's just one of those games that feels like it was made specifically for me. I loved pretty much everything about it.


And I have to at least mention Zero Time Dilemma, if only because it was a great finale to that trilogy and it almost didn't happen. It doesn't necessarily compare to the big ones but playing it was definitely one of my most enjoyable gaming experience this year.


But man, looking back on what I've played so far this year has made me realize that 2016 is kind of insane in the AAA space for me. A lot of my all-time favorite series have dropped or are dropping new releases: XCOM, Dark Souls, Deus Ex and Dishonored. Hell, I haven't played it yet but I'd include Mirror's Edge in that as well. Oh and Hitman, too! Off the top of my head, all that's missing is a new Thief and Splinter Cell.

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God damn I want a new Splinter Cell.  But like the old ones, not like Conviction or Blacklist.  I liked both of those games for what they were (especially Blacklist) but nothing has scratched the same itch that the old Splinter Cells did.

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I thought Blacklist was about halfway there, to be honest. Felt like a reasonable compromise between the old style and the Conviction style. But yeah, it's just not the same. I replayed Chaos Theory a few years ago and was kind of blown away by it all over again. So yeah, at least CT holds up. That's something... :(

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Nitro+ Blasterz Fun 2D fighting game, easier to get into than BB or Guilty Gear.


Dark Souls III As someone who likes to use heavy weapons, the dumb way poise works now is annoying as hell, but the rest of the game makes up for it, kind of... :P


Mirror's Edge I'm not a fan of how they slapped a countdown timer on everything, but I still loved the movement system. \m/ \m/

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It was pretty disappointing when they didn't announce anything at E3 but I think there's still hope for Splinter Cell. Clint Hocking, the main designer behind Chaos Theory, is back at Ubisoft as of about a year ago. Not only that but he's currently acting as creative director at Ubisoft Toronto, the studio that made Blacklist, and working on something unannounced. And back when the Panama Papers leak happened, him and his lead designer used that as an excuse to do a Let's Play of the Panama Bank level from Chaos Theory. I might be reading way too much into this but I'd like to think it's not all just a coincidence. 
In a perfect world, Blacklist bombing didn't result in the death of the series but rather in Ubisoft reevaluating their approach and rehiring him to come back and bring the series back to its roots. Maybe...

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan

Yeah, seriously. Get four people together and tackle the higher difficulties and it's a lot of fun.


I think the only other new games I've played this year are Uncharted 4 and Carmageddon: Max Damage.


However, on the tabletop game front I have Scythe, TMNT Shadows of the Past and Legendary Encounters: Firefly yet to come... (whereas I've already played How To Serve Man, Firefly Fluxx, Ninja Camp

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm gonna hijack this thread to ask what games people are looking forward that are coming out later this year.  I was looking ahead and it looks like kind of a slow year for me.  The only games I'm really excited for are Deus Ex, Civ, Dishonored, and Gravity Rush.  Though I also find myself in the weird position of being interested in a Call of Duty game again...

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3DS: Dragon Quest VII and VIII, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

Vita: Trails of Cold Steel II

PC: Deus Ex, Dishonored 2, South Park, the Styx sequel, Xanadu Next (but knowing XSEED, the complete radio silence might indicate a delay). Also the Attack on Titan and Berserk games if their ports aren't dog shit. Oh and Dragon Quest Builders, assuming the existence of an unannounced PC port like they did with Dragon Quest Heroes.


I think that's about it.

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They announced it late last year and didn't really show anything until E3. Not exactly a high profile title but I really loved the first game.


God Eater 2 which is coming out later this month

I'm curious about that one since it's coming to Steam along with the first one. I tried a demo for Monster Hunter on PSP years ago and didn't really get it. Any chance I might feel differently about God Eater? From what I've heard, it does a much better job of explaining what the hell you're supposed to be doing and is overall a better entry into the genre. Is that true?

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God Eater 2

I totally forgot about that but if I recall this will be the closest the PC gets to a Monster Hunter game. I'm totally looking forward to it and hoping that the port doesn't suck. Little King Story that just came out on Steam has a horrible port so: worry


Also I guess I can add one more to the list:

Earth Defense Force 4.1. I don't think I need to say anything about this than I've clocked in over 200 hours since launch. It's one of my favorite games, period.

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God Eater 2 which is coming out later this month

I'm curious about that one since it's coming to Steam along with the first one. I tried a demo for Monster Hunter on PSP years ago and didn't really get it. Any chance I might feel differently about God Eater? From what I've heard, it does a much better job of explaining what the hell you're supposed to be doing and is overall a better entry into the genre. Is that true?

I would say so yeah, God Eater has a bigger focus on story and characters that make it easier to understand what you're supposed to do and why, this is the biggest difference, also, most people I know say GE is easier than MH, so if challenge is your thing you might be disappointed, though I do remember some of the side missions and post-game missions in GEB being quite challenging. MH also has better customization of weapons and armour, GE allows you to create new weapons, but no armour (all you have are different outfits that don't really affect gameplay), and while GE has the bullet customization thingy, I remember it being kind of a pain to use as it was pretty complicated, don't know if it's the same in Resurrection.


Keep in mind, this applies to GE, GE 2 is something new to me, I've never played it and since I kinda had no hope of it ever being released here I didn't pay much attention to the Japanese release, though I do know it improves a ton of stuff so there's that. :P \m/ \m/


In short, if you like your monster hunting with a good dose of story then you should definitively check out GE. Tough if you're eyeing out the PC version I would suggest waiting to check port quality. :P

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Dishonored 2, Civ VI and the new Destiny expansion Rise of Iron are all I'm really looking forward too. Not much, but thankfully I can usually be sustained by a solid trickle of good quality indie titles. Fingers crossed Overland gets a release at some point this year too.

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I'll have to give it some more plays, but Scythe might be my new favourite for 2016.


As for games I'm looking forward to, besides the board games I mentioned before, I think there is just Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (not sure I want to play it on PS4 though, and not planning on getting a new PC anytime soon), that "new" Rise of the Tomb Raider game on PS4 and Destiny: Rise of Iron.

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