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6th Annual PXOD Secret Santa Wishlists


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This thread is not for general discussion of the exchange. Each participant who has signed up for SS2016 should post one time in this thread letting their Santa know what kind of games they like, whether they prefer Steam or another service or digital gift, that sort of thing. Do not post again if you think of more; edit your original post. The more detail you give, the more likely you are to receive something you want. That said, your own style is fine--you could just do a short list of a few things you've been eyeing or else you could be as detailed as you want.

This is not a replacement for Steam/Origin wishlists--use those as well. This thread is to give a little more background about your wants and why you may want them. My Wishlist post will be right here in the top post to give you an idea of what we're looking for.

Including a link to your Steam account and wishlist would be a good idea as well. Here is a template to get you started:

  • Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions)
  • General criteria
  • What are your favorite genres?
  • What are your favorite games?
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts?
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist?
  • Any other information you think relevant?

Here's mine:

  • Steam ID:  TheMightyEthan, USA
  • Origin ID:  TheMightyEthan (apparently Origin profiles are only viewable through the Origin client), also USA
  • General criteria:  Just something that's either on my list or along those lines, or along the lines of other games I like.  I do prefer singleplayer over multiplayer as a pretty consistent rule.  I do not like JRPGs (in general, though recently I've started enjoying the Persona games) or sports games.
  • What are your favorite genres?  Probably action/adventure games, but I play pretty much everything.
  • What are your favorite games?  In no particular order:  Shadow of the Colossus, Batman: Arkham games, Dishonored, Mass Effect Series, Dragon Age Series, Halo, Gravity Rush, Red Dead Redemption, Bethesda RPGs, Civilization series, Zelda series, Mirror's Edge, Assassin's Creed
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts?  A PSN or Origin gift would also be great.  I have a PS3, PS4, and Vita, but if you go that route PS4 would be top pick.  I'll add a PSN wishlist later, but for the moment checking out my Darkadia (link below) would give a good idea of what I play and what I already have.
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist?  Yeah, if you really think I'll like it then go ahead, just should probably check my Darkadia account to make sure I haven't already played it on another platform.
  • Any other information you think relevant? My wishlist is basically in order, but don't worry about it too much for games within a couple slots of each other.
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  • Steam ID/Wishlist/Country: Steam GOG

  • General criteria: Single player is preferred.

What are your favorite genres? Action, shooters, RPG and dumbfun.

What are your favorite games? Ys games, TitS, SotC, Wolfenstein TNO, Mount and Blade: Warband, Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles, Dynasty Warriors (3, 4, 8)... DOOM.

Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Still expanding the GOG library. If you see something on my Steam wishlist on GOG then you can get it on GOG instead.

Will you take games not on your wishlist? Of course.

Any other information you think relevant? Open world in the Ubisoft/MGSV sense is a no go for me.

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Well this is easy :P:


So to copy from last years and tweak a bit (like literally changing a couple of tenses and a few other bits n bobs):

  • Steam ID: deanbmmv, UK

  • General criteria: Something shortish I'd guess, which'll run counter to what I'll post below. Just aware I can struggle to end many longer games though I do heavily enjoy them. Something singular and straight forward, like I guess Dishonered would be cool.

  • What are your favourite genres? Action/RPG/puzzle/Open-world stuff.

  • What are your favourite games? Final Fantasy IX would be a biggy. I like puzzle game type things (I'm terrible for skinner box mobile games). Witcher 3 was pretty great. Deus Ex was neat. Stanley Parable was kinda unexpected neatness but I've played similar games and they've fallen short.

  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Not hugely. I've a PS4 but it's region locked so I'd guess kinda balls. No Android gifting either which sucks cos there's a few stuff on there I'm interested.

  • Will you take games not on your wishlist? I you think it'd be a good fit, there's like billions of games on Steam now and I do struggle to look through n see if there's anything I might find interesting.

  • Any other information you think relevant? Here's my Darkadia since I might own games on other platforms/not-Steam. I do need to update it though, but it's not too far out http://darkadia.com/member/deanbmmv


I probably need to update my Steam wishlist, as sort of before a bit of it is more for me in keeping tabs on games I've an interest in without having to "Follow" it all over my "Steambook" page. In fact looking over it I'm like "I don't know a bunch of these games". So yeah I'll pencil in some Wishlist polishing. I have on on my Darkadia too, though more on console stuff.

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  • Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions): SteamIDWishlistCanada
  • General criteria: Stuff that's on my wishlist.  Yay on tighter single player experiences or local multiplayer games.  Nay on stealth games/racing games/sports games/long rpgs (harder to hold my attention nowadays) 
  • What are your favourite genres? Shooters, (A)RPGS, Survival/Exploration, Hack and Slash, Rogue-likes.
  • What are your favourite games? Team Fortress 2, Path of Exile, Minecraft/Terraria, Darksiders, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Link to the Past, Dynasty Warriors, Stardew Valley.
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Not really.
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist? Sure why not, I'm not too picky.
  • Any other information you think relevant? I'll just copy dean and link to my darkadia page. It should provide some further context. https://darkadia.com/member/CrowKnow/
Edited by CrowKnow
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Wishlist in something resembling order now. I'm having a hard time finding cheap games both because of my taste and because CAD prices make $5 games $9, $15 games $25. Still endeavoring to find more to add to the list between now and the sale.

  • Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions) SailorCat / Wishlist / Canada
  • General criteria Mainly can't stomach pretentious games, or games with an overt social or political agenda.
  • What are your favorite genres? Role-playing games, games with rewarding exploration, adventure, action, quirky/campy but polished games, roguelikes with depth and/or character . . . stuff. Anything but racing, sports, and simulation.
  • What are your favorite games? The Witcher 3, Guild Wars 2, Suikoden, Super Mario Bros., Zelda, Ar tonelico, Baten Kaitos, Shadow Hearts, Shadowrun, Baldur's Gate, Grand Theft Auto V, Counter-Strike, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Final Fantasy 6, Xenogears
  • Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Not a big deal either way. I have a PS4 now if that matters. Another option: You can just say fuck my games wishlist and spend $5 on this for yourself or someone you know. I'd enjoy that more than any game gift 10x the price.
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist? Yes
  • Any other information you think relevant? I know I have some expensive games on my list. Just disregard them. I use it to keep track of stuff I want to buy, too.
Edited by Rudolph Hitler
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  • Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions) franc0pirate / Wishlist (check back later too!) / USA

General criteria Single player with a story. Maybe something I can finish over the break, while not playing FFXV. Not into puzzles really (unless a specific puzzle game is on my Wishlist). No to racing or sports games. I do like 3rd person action games, arcadey beat em ups (not fighting games).

What are your favorite genres? RPGs, action games, beat em ups.

What are your favorite games? Recent favorites have been Tomb Raider (2013), Witcher 3, Life is Strange.

Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? As long as it's a PC game I guess it's ok.

Will you take games not on your wishlist? Yes, but maybe check my trophy list (PSN: franc0pirate). I might have played it on the PS4.

Any other information you think relevant? As I mentioned, it looks like I'll be playing FFXV over the holidays, so I'd appreciate something I can squeeze into that schedule. But hey, I could always play them later. Edit: GoG versions are better but if it's cheaper at Steam (or anywhere else) then yeah go ahead, no problem.

Edited by Eleven
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Steam ID and wishlist: http://steamcommunit...61197969619762/

My GOG name is MrGOH. No idea how to link to my profile or wishlist there.


Origin ID to come.


Copied and pasted from a previous year's post. New additions are at the beginning of each list. 

General Criteria: Mostly a PC gamer these days, though I do play console games. I have little time to dedicate to gaming these days, though I still love RPGs and Grand Strategy games. But if there's a game of a different genre that you think I might like for whatever reason, I happily try new types of games. That's what meant by general criteria, right?

General Criteria: I do not have the time to put into multiplayer games these days, and I'm not really into sports games. No racing games, please. I also prefer well-crafted games with interesting narratives, whether they're AAA or indie games. 

Favorite genres: Western RPGs and single-player strategy games are at the top, but I also enjoy shooters with good gameplay, adventure games, roguelikes (whatever that means, I suppose), roguelites, platformers, imaginative puzzle games, simulations, and stealth games. 

Favorite Games: Witcher 3, XCOM 2, MGSV, Final Fantasy 6, Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate II, Victoria II, Warhammer: Total War, Vampire: The Masquerade, Assassin's Creed II/Brotherhood, Grand Theft Auto 4, Master of Orion 2, Knights of the Old Republic, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 2, Sim City 4, Civilization Series, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Dishonored 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Telltale Adventure games.


I'll set up a GOG list. Happy to get GOG games. I'm not prejudiced against any inferior non-Steam and non-GOG proprietary digital download store.


Totally chill with getting stuff not on my list. 

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  • Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions): Wishlist
  • General criteria:
  • What are your favorite genres? For PC, First Person Shooters, light strategy games (nothing by Paradox thank you) and indie games that offer something a little off the beaten path. I love games that task me with making decisions.
  • What are your favorite games? Destiny, Overwatch, Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, The Witcher 2, Tearaway, Mario Kart Double Dash.
  • Will you take games not on your wishlist? Chances are, if it's not on my wishlist then I've already decided I'm not interested in it. 
  • Any other information you think relevant? Seeing as this is largely a PC thing, I'd prefer games that I won't be returning to over and over again. Preferable something short, less than 10 hours with a definite end point. Racing games, open world RPG's and games I tend to play daily (Overwatch, Destiny etc etc are played on my Sofa, with a controller). I'll play anything, aside from rouge likes, because fuck that. I'm not really into multiplayer focused games or Metroidvania games.



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US [Steam ID] [Wishlist] Steam pls


List isn't really in super order, just ignore the dlcs and the last two software at the bottom. I've been trying to play through more rpgs so I added a bunch of Final Fantasies (including the MMO for some reason) and stuff. But my list is more of a mixed bag, really.


Man, I really wish they would make a new FFT...I really like those types of games that let me mold a team into godless killing machines. Except maybe Hoshigami. Hoshigami is broken and tedious.


General stuff to avoid:

- tower defense, because I'm bad at them

- visual novel type stuff (I can't risk breaking the gag gift cold war I have with my brother, aka The Boobufestu Concordiat)

-MOBAs because I feel like they're the worst parts of an RTS with even worse communities

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