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End of Year Awards


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Feel free to not use images, I just thought it made everything a little prettier. 




Game of the Year:






How could it be anything else? I finally got my level 100 star a few days ago, and despite me almost universally hating online games, I've put close to 80 years into Overwatch. 


Disappointment of the Year:




The Division


The Division had so much unfulfilled potential, and whilst its new DLC might fix some of that, it's too little, too late for me.


Surprise of the Year:




Ratchet and Clank


I'd never played a Ratchet game, and with it being 2016 I thought I never would. However Ratchet and Clank was a fine return to a genre I thought we'd seen the last of. Hopefully, this game can change that.

Favourite Moment in a Game:






I didn't love ABZU, but the final five to ten minutes entirely changed my opinion on the game. It's beautiful, emotional and just down right awesome. I got chills, I laughed and I may even have cried. Thanks ABZU.


Most Anticipated in 2017:




Mass Effect Andromeda


I loved the first trilogy (yes, even the third game), and I can't wait to jump back in with Andromeda. Sure it looks a little samey, but more Mass Effect is fine to me.



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Game of the Year:


Dishonored 2

I absolutely adored the original, and while this one doesn't feel as special (the narrative isn't nearly as good) overall it's still an excellent followup.  The level design is amazing.

Disappointment of the Year:


No Man's Sky

Does this one even need an explanation?

Surprise of the Year:



I have tried and bounced off of at least 3 prior Hitmen (granted not until years after release) but everyone kept talking about how good this one was so I tried it.  I don't know if it's just that it's newer so it doesn't have that older game weirdness, or if it's different from the others in the series, or if the formula just finally clicked for me, but I loved this game.  Each level feels more like a giant puzzle than a stealth game, which isn't what I expected going in but man is it great.

Favorite Moment in a Game:


Titanfall 2

Effect and Cause.  To say more than that would spoil the amazement.

Most Anticipated in 2017:


Persona 5

I almost put in Mass Effect Andromeda, Horizon Zero Dawn, Gravity Rush 2, and Zelda Breath of the Wild, but in the end it had to be Persona 5.  I tried P3P and bounced off, later tried P4G and loved it, then went back to P3P and loved it too.  I cannot wait for this game.

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I've heard so much about Effect and Cause and Clockwork Mansion that I'm almost annoyed I didn't get a chance to play through both Titanfall and Dishonored 2 before writing my list.


As for Hitman, I'm bad at Stealth but the way the Giantbomb crew talk about it, I kinda want to take a run at it.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Game of the Year:




Doom's gameplay is perfection. It's what every shooter should aspire to be. Even its mechanics are telling you to get in there and fuck some demons up. It's just pure, ultra-violent fun. And it's probably the most genuine fun I've had with a game this year.


I was very tempted to cheat and give it to Trails of Cold Steel II but I haven't actually gotten around to finishing it yet. I played the first 10 hours when it came out and decided I wasn't in the mood for a long-ass JRPG. I'll just retroactively make it my GOTY when I get back to it, I guess. :(


Disappointment of the Year:




Oh my God, whaaaaaat?! Yeah, DX:MD was a great game. Most of 2016 was actually pretty damn good for me, as far as games go. Never really had much interest in No Man's Sky, so I dodged that particular bullet. Ultimately, I simply couldn't come up with anything that disappointed me more than Mankind Divided's lacking story. As soon as I finished the game, I was convinced the rumor was true and that what was initially intended to be one game had been chopped up into multiple parts. I've since managed to pretty much get confirmation on that, too.


Although, I suppose I technically could give it to MGSV. The definitive edition did come out this year...


Surprise of the Year:


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I almost gave this one to Attack on Titan because it was surprisingly decent but these two were much bigger deals for me. Not because of their actual quality but simply due to their existence. For a couple years there it really looked like we would never get the conclusion to the Zero Escape trilogy, so the fact that Zero Time Dilemma was made at all is kind of a small miracle.


As for Disgaea, it was its sudden appearance on Steam that was the surprise. It simultaneously ended the series' history of console exclusivity and signaled Nippon Ichi entering the PC market and being serious about it. They actually put some love in that port and they're slowly but surely porting over more of their back catalogue. And I'll be there day 1 for pretty much all of it.


Favorite Moment in a Game:




Not a single moment but an entire side-mission that takes place over the second half of the game. That would be The Harvester side-quest. It starts out with a simple murder on a rainy night in a back alley of Prague and ends up being far more interesting than the game's actual main plot. It was by far the most memorable moment of the entire game for me. You even had to do some extra detective work and go on an optional detour that fleshed it out even more if you wanted the optimal resolution. 


Most Anticipated in 2017:




Yeah, it's no contest. I love me some Persona too damn much. This is probably the game that'll end up making me buy a PS4. Resident Evil VII is a close second, though. And Styx: Shards of Darkness is a distant third.

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Game of the Year:




While I'm not all that qualified to vote for a GOTY given that I hardly ever play games during their release year, Overwatch seems to have been a resounding success. It's polished, refreshingly fun multiplayer that even draws in players that typically avoid first-person shooters.


Disappointment of the Year:




Disappointment sort of implies expectation, and I don't usually have high expectations for games. But if there were a game that'd be disappointing, No Man's Sky sure fits the bill.


Surprise of the Year:




Didn't give any shits about the first game, so I didn't really expect much from the second. Had a free copy, though, and a newfound motivation to at least give it a chance. Turned out to be pretty damn good.


Favorite Moment in a Game:




Again. Not any one moment in particular, but the multiplayer invasions and bounty hunts were great diversions. Hella entertaining.


Most Anticipated in 2017:




Don't really anticipate games. But if I did, Hellblade would be up there.

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Game of the Year and Surprise of the Year:




Never thought this would be released over here, so it's here as both my GOTY and surprise of the year. :P Resurrection is a great update on Burst and Rage Burst is awesome. :P



Disapointment of the Year:




Thought it looked cool until I played the beta. :P


Favourite Moment in a Game:




Kinda weird having this here as I've only played the demo, but that opening bit was fucking awesome! \m/ \m/ :P


Most Anticipated in 2017:




Shame Extra (Edit: meant CCC :P) was never released over here, but still super exited about this one. \m/ \m/ :P

Edited by MetalCaveman
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Most Anticipated in 2017:




Shame Extra was never released over here, but still super exited about this one. \m/ \m/ :P


Oh, maybe you can answer a question I have then. Given recent comments made by XSEED, I think this has a strong chance of seeing a late PC release. In which case, I'll probably want to give it a shot. I'm just not sure what the prerequisites are going into it. I just finished watching Fate/Zero and I'll be watching Fate/Stay Night in the near future. Is that enough or is Fate/Extra also necessary? I know it's sort of a sequel to it but it sounds like it was a completely different kind of game.


Also, is Fate/Extra not available on PSN in your region? I can get it for 10 bucks over here.

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Sorry about that, I meant CCC. :P I actually own the special edition of Extra for the PSP. :P Extella takes place in the same universe as the Extra games, but for the most part, you'll be able to enjoy this one without playing the previous two, you might miss a reference or two about the previous games, or wonder why certain servants act the way they do towards the player character, but aside from that, you'll still be able to enjoy the game. I do recommend Extra though it's pretty fun. :P


Main thing you should know if you're coming from the anime series is that this isn't related to them, it's very much its own thing, aside from certain servants and characters from the anime/VN that show up, and even then, those sometimes behave in completely different ways, also, it doesn't take place in the real world (or earth for that matter), rather, the whole thing is a simulation inside a magical-super-computer-of-doom that's on/is the moon. :P


Been a while since I played Extra but that's the most important thing I can think of right now. :P




TL;DR You should be fine playing this even if you haven't played the others, but Extra is a fun game! :P



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Oh lol, I didn't even know there was another version of the game. That does kinda suck, yeah. Good to know that it's its own thing, though. I was a little worried you would say I need to read the VN or something. Thanks for the detailed answer. Also, more importantly


the whole thing is a simulation inside a magical-super-computer-of-doom that's on/is the moon. :P

Fucking. Sold.


Definitely gonna have to grab Extra at some point. :laugh:

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Game of the Year


Can you believe this is made by one person? A lot of care was put into Stardew Valley and it shows. Sure some things are lacking but you'll be hard pressed to find a more comfy game. Plus, a Harvest Moon-like game on PC and now on consoles. Hell it's going to be on the Switch, a platform that should be Harvest Moon's successor's home turf. Anyhow...


Surprise of the Year


GOTY material for sure but seriously, id pulled off a modern Doom game. Prior to release it was a big if if this was going to work. I was sort of a believer but the multiplayer (by another studio) immediately before release didn't give any hope of it being the case. And hell, arena shooter might have to wait for the new Quake game to see if the old school MP genre can make a modern comeback like SP Doom has.


Disappointment of the Year


I went in without much expectation and left disappointed. While the game can be fun in the exploration sense but the game was a steaming pile of shit performance and graphical fidelity wise. It remains to be seen if the Foundation Update can provide much of a... foundation for this game to reach some of it's potential since again, it can be fun when things comes together (got chased by T-rex like creatures on one lush tall tree filled planet and experienced the power of Skynet and it's Metal Gears on another world).


Favorite Moment of 2017, Surprise Numero STORM TEAM of 2017 and Real GOTY 2017



Most Anticipated of 2017


Everything looks wonderful so far since it just improved on the first game and its expansions so much.

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These lists are always fun for me cos I'm always usually a year behind on gaming, and this year with stripped funds been more so than usual.


Game of the Year


Hey this game is finally out. Love to be back into an FF game, even if it's an even further departure in mechanics than previous. It has some niggles (only being able to take on one hunt at a time probably being my biggest), but otherwise loads of really nice little touches. Really love Promptos photography and the relationship shown between the gang.


Surprise of the Year




Disappointment of the Year


Not gonna add NMS, as I'd already had kinda low expectations for it anyway (and it managed to go below them with clunky mechanics n UI). So I guess...

I guess I haven't really gotten any, not played enough to be dissapointed in any.


Favourite Moment of 2016

Coming blank at the moment.


Most Anticipated of 2017



Looks kinda neat though I feel that it might have an issue of repetitiveness, but it'll be a cool and different world the explore (hopefully).

Also FFXII: Zodiac Age is out this year too.

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Game of the Year: Uncharted 4 - The epilogue made me cry.
Disappointment of all time: Final Fantasy XV - I wasn't excited for it but the hype at launch got me. I just don't know what the fuck is going on and I don't care about any of this. I'm not watching a fucking movie and an anime to understand your game. Sort your shit out, Square. 
Surprise of the year: Pokemon Sun - I've put like 200 hours into this game. I'm surprised because I really didn't like it at first.

Favourite moment in a game: Uncharted 4 epilogue. TEARS!

Most Anticipated: THE FUCKING SWITCH

Edited by Mr. TCP!
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