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Games You've Beat in 2017


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Senran Kagura Bon Appétit!


Finished the story for all the characters a few days ago but I just now wrapped up the last few remaining achievements as well. This one was kinda disappointing. It has that typical Senran Kagura dumb fun but where Shinovi Versus was actually a decent musou-lite, Bon Appétit! just fails to be a solid rhythm game.


Anyone that has played rhythm games extensively would probably agree that getting good at them and playing on harder difficulties is where they get really fun. For example, I haven't played Rock Band in forever, so I'd probably be rusty as all hell. But if I were to fire it up right now there's no way I could enjoy it on any difficulty below hard because it would just feel too slow. This results in Bon Appétit!'s two main problems being rather game-breaking. First off, the music isn't particularly good. Most of the songs are forgettable and kinda boring as well as slow and just kinda tedious to play on normal after a while. There is literally just one track out of the entire game that got stuck in my head at any point. This is already kind of a big issue for a rhythm game but then you factor in the second issue. The game completely fails to communicate itself clearly visually.


Basically, the icons for the buttons you need to press are coming on two horizontal rows with no real logic behind which row they appear on. Arrows and face buttons both appear randomly on either row. The arrows are also color-coded the same way as the face buttons, so while blue will instinctively make me go "X" without having to think about it, a blue arrow doesn't tell me shit about which direction to press. And I just double checked right now to make sure because I honestly couldn't even remember after over 20h of playtime and no, the colors for the arrows don't correspond to the colors for the face buttons in the same position. It's just arbitrary and confusing. So, when I cranked things up to hard, it just became a confusing mess of icons that my brain simply couldn't parse.


Obviously the game was still fun enough for me to play it for 20+ hours, so I'm probably making it sound worse than it actually is. But it's very telling that the entire time I was playing it I was wishing there was a better rhythm game available on Steam. Honestly, that fucking Hatsune Miku game I played on Vita a couple years back kinda ruined rhythm games for me. It was just so freaking good! The gameplay was tight and fun and visually clear. I didn't care for the music and would never listen to it outside of the game but it was catchy enough to be really fun to play. Even Persona 4 Dancing All Night, despite the awesome soundtrack it drew from, just couldn't compare. So yeah, port that shit to Steam already, SEGA. The one that just came out on PS4 is like a compilation kinda deal with the best songs from both subseries. That seems like a good one to port.

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As far as I can remember, on the Vita version, arrows match the colour of the buttons. :P I did enjoy the soundtrack of BA, mostly since it was included with the game and getting to listen to it without worrying about buttons and stuff makes it easier to enjoy it IMO. :P Though for what it's worth, I could never get into the Hatsune Miku games, tried the demo for a couple of them, but the buttons/arrows/everything spawning in different parts of the screen, as opposed to a neatly organized line was too much for me to keep up. :P


Overall, for me the best rythm game I've played has been Rock Band, and that's mostly because it gave me a way to play drums without annoying other people. :P

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Oh, you know what, you're right. When I checked to make sure while writing my post, I looked up a screenshot because I had already uninstalled the game. Guess it was a screenshot with Playstation button prompts, so the colors didn't match. Just looked for one with the correct prompts and it does match with the colors for the X360 layout, which is what I was using. I stand by my argument that it's not very helpful, though. :P


Funny you should say that about the Miku gameplay, though. The fact that things spawn all over the screen is partially why I find them so much more fun. It feels more dynamic and emphasizes the sense of rhythm way more than the straight lines in BA. It was a bit hard at first but after failing a few times I got used to it and started really enjoying it. Rock Band is a completely different beast for me, though, to the point where I hesitate to even compare it to "pure" rhythm games like the Miku series. For me, the appeal mostly comes from the music being stuff I genuinely love and listen to outside of the game as well as the fun and physicality of playing pretend plastic instruments.


...and now I kinda feel like playing some Rock Band. Damn it, I literally just took my drum set apart and put all my instruments away in storage like a couple weeks ago because I hadn't used them in so long and got sick of seeing them taking up space and gathering dust.  -_-

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Pillars of Eternity.


Really enjoyed it. Recalled the days of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale all the while departing from the expected in both setting and mechanics. Story and characters weren't bad—especially enjoyed the druid. Also love how the party acted toward the cipher. Ended up killing the boss almost instantly, him being knocked down the whole time, too.

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Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty


Never played the original and there's still some time before RE7 comes out.  This was already on my PS4 from a previous PS+ month, so I figured what the hell.  It's an interesting idea, but the controls are kind of wonky and it's kind of bullshit that so many of the slaves are tucked away in really sneaky, hard to notice areas when you have to save the majority of them to get the good ending.  It's alright, though.  A little dated, I think, but not bad.

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2064: Read Only Memories.


Just wrapped this one up about an hour ago. Been playing it all evening because I was hoping to finish it before RE7 unlocked on Steam. I had a couple hours more left than I expected.


This is described as a visual novel/point-and-click hybrid inspired by games like Snatcher and Policenauts and, I'm assuming, other similar games that weren't made by Kojima. I guess that description is technically correct but it wasn't quite how I expected. There's certainly more text than you would expect in a traditional point-and-click but it's nowhere near the same level as a proper VN. You won't be reading as much as you would in something like VA-11 Hall-A or even Danganronpa. I'd describe it more as a story-heavy point-and-click.


The point and click half of things is also less... point-and-clicky than I would've expected. Basically, there are (very) simple puzzles and the solutions are usually immediately obvious. If you need something you don't already have, it's usually right there on the screen. There's no going around and looking for stuff in different areas, it's very straightforward. Whether or not this is an issue will depend on your personal preferences. In my case, I wasn't too bothered by it. It does strike a nice balance, it was just a bit simpler than I though it would be.


I just saw the little Steam pop-up telling me Resident Evil 7 is done unlocking, so I'm cutting this post short!


TL;DR: it's pretty good! The story is interesting and the characters are likable. It was nice to revisit the VA-11 Hall-A world as well, although this takes place a few years prior and it's in a pretty different state. I'd definitely be down for a sequel to either game or just another game set in the same world.

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Resident Evil 7


It took me about ten hours, I think.  I don't feel like booting up the PS4 just to check my save file.  Anyway, this was a much needed shot in the arm for the series after the disaster that was RE6.  In fact, after the last game I told myself I was done with this series, and pretty much the only reason I picked up this one was because it didn't even look like an RE game.  I'm glad I did though, because this is one of the best games in the series.  I'm sure everyone has their own opinion whether they prefer this, RE4, or RE1, seeing that they're all completely different games, but I can say without hesitation that this game at least deserves to be involved in that discussion.  I'm gonna try to platinum this one, but it might be harder than the last four games I did...Speedrunning the game in under 4 hours is gonna be a bitch.


I should mention that probably at least two of those ten hours came from me wandering around not knowing what to do.  The game gives you vague objectives just to remind you what you're supposed to be doing, but there are no objective markers or hand-holding involved.  It tells you to go find X or go do Y and then you're on your own.

Edited by Mister Jack
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I should mention that probably at least two of those ten hours came from me wandering around not knowing what to do.

Last night felt a lot like that but today it seemed like I was moving through new areas at a much faster pace. So now I'm really not sure how much I have left and I'm worried I'm super close to the end. I really don't want it to end, it's so good. :(

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The Legend of Zelda XIII: Twilight Princess - Definitive Edition (till the Switch port in 2018!)

Man, what a fucking game! It's like Ocarina of Time, only aged much better. It's still definitely a product of it's time, there's a strong Lord of the Rings vibe here. The game tries really hard to be epic as all hell, it doesn't quiet achieve that as well as other non-Nintendo fantasy games do. The overworld feels a little small in today's standards, and playing as Wolf Link is as crappy as  I remembered.  It's also missing some of the charm Wind Waker and even Ocarina had. That said, it was great to play this game without crappy broken motion controls and without the game being a blurry mess. What's really great with this game is the dungeon design. All the dungeons except for maybe Twilight Palace and Hyrule Castle are great, completely unique from each other. They're not frustrating like OoT's Water Temple but they feel rewarding when you start unraveling them. The final sword fight with Ganondorf is great and the fulfilment of the promise from the pre-WW GCN Zelda demo.

I really want to keep playing Zelda games, but I did Wind Waker a few years ago and I don't know if I can go back to motion controls of Skyward Sword. 

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Resident Evil 7.

Just finished it as well. Well, that was pretty damn good. I do have a few minor nitpicks but overall I'd say this was a very successful reinvention for the franchise. Not quite on the instant classic level of RE4 but still a pretty solid balance of new and familiar. In many ways, it feels like a return to the old-school style of the first game. The phrase "return to the series' roots" has been thrown around a lot when discussing the Revelations games but those were still pretty much the same thing as RE4-6. RE7 feels like a much more appropriate one to describe that way. They said during development that they looked back to RE1 as their main source of inspiration and that wasn't bullshit. The Bakers farmhouse feels a lot like a smaller version of the Spencer Mansion. You're doing item box runs and unlocking doors with scorpion keys and dog head emblems. It's great!


There is one section right before the end that felt uninspired and lazy, though. It wasn't bad enough to affect my overall feelings on the game but the entire time I was just waiting for it to be over. 



I mean, really? Another fucking tanker ship? We already did that in RE5, RE6 and Rev1, come on!



Also, that ending confused the shit out of me. Not because I didn't understand what happened but, well...



what the fuck was wrong with Chris' face?! I mean, what happened to his design from the last few games?? I get that changing voice actors might've been unavoidable but he looks like a completely different person. And what the fuck was he doing in an Umbrella chopper?!? This just leaves me with way more questions than answers here!


Hopefully that Not a Hero free DLC they tease at the end will expand on that but they're gonna need a hell of a good explanation for Chris joining Umbrella.



Anyway, overall I liked how smaller it was (especially compared to the bloated, incoherent mess that was RE6) but at the same time it weirdly felt like a step back. It kinda feels like half side-story, half setup for whatever comes next. I'm definitely down for another one in this style but I hope they scale things up a bit. Nothing too crazy but something kinda like the Mansion->Raccoon City jump RE2 did. Speaking of which, REmake 2 is up next! Really looking forward to getting a first look at that one. I really hope it's done exactly in the same style as the first remake. After RE7, I'm ready to leave the RE4/5/6/Rev style of gameplay behind.

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You prefer the TP motion controls over standard controls or over Skyward Sword motion controls?

I didn't find aiming that difficult. I actually got the Hawkeye mask this time which I think I missed last time, using that with the bow basically let's you snipe enemies.

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I prefer TP motion controls over standard TP controls.  Aiming with the standard controls it's hard to be both precise and fast, but it's easy with the motion controls.  So like hitting a moving target from horseback is almost impossible with standard controls, but is trivial with the motion controls.

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Dishonored 2


Did a mostly non-lethal (except I guess for the last mission where I was like "fuck it I hate witches and this isn't gonna have much long lasting impact") Emily run. Started a pretty lethal Corvo run right after (and jesus Corvo loves it, all "die traitor" this and "deserves worse" that). Just done the opening mission. big reason for a second play through is just see how the narrative changes both with Corvo and if doing a lethal run.


Really enjoyable. The mansion was great, especially after I massively changed history rather than the minor bits like turning on a water pump in the past. Kinda felt a couple of emilys powers kinda sucked, though part of it is just not using some so much mainly cos it's super fiddly to swap between powers at times given you can only map 4 to the d-pad and one of them is usually going to be a weapon of sorts too. Her blink ability at times fucked me over, as it doesn't "teleport" you as such, it throws you, thus you maintain momentum which sometimes flings you off a ledge right into a group of guards. Hooray for quick save/load.


Another thing they resolved from the first was that the non-lethal solutions for most of the targets usually were much crueller than if they were just killed. (holy crap I just realised they could have had the Pembletons pop up during the Dust District stuff...maybe they did and I didn't notice). Some are still sort of bad, such as essentially lobotomising Jindosh, but other non-lethals mean curing people or having them live out their fantasies. Realised my dislike for the witches is about as much as Dauds lot and hey they're about the same purpose really. My first meeting with them should go much smoother though now I know how to..take them out the equation.


But yeah all pretty good and helps put Prey into my sphere of "wouldn't mind giving this is a shot". Hoping for more Dishonored probably I imagine in Morley or Tyvia given they're the two other big cities (and iirc Sokalov has gone to one of them and both have big jewels on them in the Dunwall tower continent map). I wonder what the new rats/bloodflies will be. Actually the bloodflies were much less grotesque than shown in the initial trailers. Mainly only ever see them in the honeycomb nests, rather than out of people



Oh and trying to find that image, the clockwork soldier design has also changed, so now the head is more bird like rather than the initial half-mask design, though you still see the original design in the displays in the clockwork mansion.


But yeah, tres bien.

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Titanfall 2


Picked it up after some of my favourite gaming personalities praised the crap out of it for being really inventive and original in the way it tells its story. And yeah, it was alright.  Had I realised before that the game didn't offer split-screen multiplayer, I'd probably have waited a few months for it to hit the £15 mark, but I'm not upset that I spent £25 on it.


I spent a little time on the multiplayer side last night and I think it might be a keeper. It certainly won't replace Overwatch as my go-to PS4 time sync, but It's surprisingly fun considering I'm awful at it. 

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