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Falcom thread (Trails, Ys, Xanadu, etc.)


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Jesus. I got served.



I had a feeling this was coming.


I did alright. I managed to kill the clones and get them both to half health before going down a bit after this screenshot. Koel, while powerful, is not fast enough. She also didn't have a earth wall or a reviving spell. If I fix those two issues I think I can somehow manage to stick together. I got to see who's fast and have an S-Craft that can do some damage. Another thing is that I should have a defense and/or agility remote ability. Speed is king during this fight.

And I hate Koel's healing S-Craft description. It kind of implies that it heals AND revives 23000 HP. No where does it says it only revives for 3500 HP!

Anyhow, I guess I should head back into Gehanna to train some possible replacements. In addition to replacing Koel, I might replace Estelle with Richard or some powerhouse who's S-Craft can hit the entire or most of the field.



Now that I think about it, this team could work if I the arts people build for speed and defense. Not like they're attacking with arts.


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Yeah, I got fucked over a few times by Kloe's S-Craft and the reviving thing. Also, about the nightmare arena,


I focused on taking down Cassius first, and the large AOE S-Crafts ended up chipping away at Loewe and his clones' health bars. By the time I managed to take out Cassius, Loewe was already half dead and finishing him off wasn't too difficult by himself.

Also, important thing to note, if you won the Anelace door fight against Richard early on and got the Jinu sword for Anelace, bring her when you do the Nightmare Arena. It'll boost the sword's power higher than anything else you could find or buy for her.

As for preparing/going into the final dungeon, here's a few tips.

  • Don't waste mira on buying everyone their best weapons, you'll find better ones in the dungeon pretty quickly.
  • Similarly, don't waste your time grinding in Abyss or whatever. You'll be able to do so safely in the dungeon if you need to.
  • Don't make the same mistake as me! When you set up your teams, have a healer go with Kevin. I so regretted not having Chloe during one particular fight...
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Like hell I would read a spoiler for a place I was going to go. And...

  • Good tip but I was swimming in mira.
  • At least I didn't do this. With Renne's 15% experience buff, grinding was a breeze.
  • With how I play, I needed no dedicated healer for Kevin's team. Seriously, guard is broken as fuck. Everybody can patch themselves up if needed but most of it was by Renne when she didn't need to blast things with arts. While there is an arts guard, regular guard works just as well. The arts guard just sticks around and costs like 300 EP even with EP Cut 4 or 5. I think removing art/certain S-craft blocking by guard would be a nice way to balance the game since you will sacrifice a lot of orbment slots to get it. 
    • I should mention that it remains to be seen if what I did is possible in say Nightmare. I know for certain it really isn't for the early game.

I love how Falcom has a fetish for falling floors for the bosses. Besides Ys, this is the second time in Trails that it happened.


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That beaked dragon CGI is a bit... eh but the rest is quite nice. I'm with the folks who are not quite hot on Adol and Dogi's design. Especially Dogi's.
Also shoebill at 2:04.

And here's some info regarding the future of Ys. It could be IX, a remake of an older title or a spinoff. And they mention something about "Adol's son". Who did he finally bang? He seriously left a wake of broken hearts in his wake so it's odd to see he actually settled down. And does Adol got some unfinished business with the winged folks?

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We also know that it's releasing on Sept 12 (15 in EU). I'm still apprehensive as to whether or not NISA will do as good of a job as XSEED would have but with a release date it's hard not get hyped as hell.

On the other hand, my hype for Cold Steel III diminished a bit due to something I learned recently. They've been showing new characters this week and what I assumed were two new ones are actually people from Zero/Ao. So, it looks like CSIII will tie into Zero/Ao more than the previous games, which means we'll inevitably miss out on some stuff by not having the full picture. Come on XSEED, give Crossbell! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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Sen and Zero/Ao are more linked together than Kiseki to either of those two (going to use the Japanese shorthand from now on, make more sense). Sen and Zero/Ao happens side-by-side and Sen III is finishing up the majority of the things started in Sen and Zero/Ao. So yeah, makes sense we're going to have more Zero/Ao involvement. In ways, it mirrors Kiseki's characters involvement in Zero/Ao. I think you can figure out who from Kiseki is in Zero/Ao.

On a different note, I got spoiled a bit for Zero/Ao and Sen regarding Ouroboros. I doubt I can forget the names of certain members. Like I know number 6 but not the rest. And I guess stuff regarding Rean from Sen I and II. I need the Sen games in my blood now. and of course, Zero/Ao. 

I got to say this though, replaying the games before Zero/Ao (one way or another, they'll be here) comes is going to be awesome. 

29 minutes ago, FLD said:

I'm still apprehensive as to whether or not NISA will do as good of a job as XSEED would have

That's an understatement. And I'm a bit annoyed that there's no GOG release. I personally prefer my games on GOG... and it gives me an excuse to double dip if I feel generous. Quite a bit harder for NISA.

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The weird thing is I don't even have anything against NISA. I never had any problems with their work on Disgaea and Danganronpa. If anything, it's Aksys and Tokyo Xanadu we should be worrying about. I know that NISA haven't done anything wrong here but I can't help but feel like they're a bunch of butts for stealing Ys from XSEED. :(

edit: Also, the first part of your post confused the shit out of me lol. When you say "Kiseki", do you mean the series as a whole? The way I'm reading it, it makes more sense if you meant Trails in the Sky, which would be Sora.

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XSEED are localizing Falcom's Zwei II Plus for PC. Coming out this summer as Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection. Not sure what made them choose it or why they're skipping the first one but the main thing I'm noticing here is that it's not a game set in Crossbell! What the hell?!!!

Seriously, though, looks like it could be alright. 

Although it kinda reminds me of Gurumin, which I wasn't crazy about.

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Makes you wonder what's she is working on that she talks about it this way. Nobody teases about stuff like the one I posted in the Trailers thread or Zwei II. Those just kind of dropped.

And who knows, it could be a non-Falcom game. Eh.

Zwei II was Nick's game. And they licensed the fan translation that was in the works. Which is super cool.

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A leak of a build of the old and bad fan translation of Zero is out in the wild. So god damn tempting but I feel like the translation job would mislead and confuse people on the story and lore. But shit, it's Zero.

Do note that another fan translation for Zero is in the works and there is also the one for Ao. Supposedly, one of those were getting close to completion. So yeah... XSEED should handle the port and edit the hell out of the fan translations. They literally just did it on Zwei II! So it is possible.


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I'm so torn about those fan translations. Trails is definitely a series that would suffer from a subpar translation. I don't think I wanna touch those and I'm not sure I want XSEED to, either. Besides, they tend to over-edit the games so much (I mean, they're still making the occasional tweaks to FC's script) that it might actually end up taking longer if the fan translation is dodgy. 

But you raise an interesting point. I assumed that with Cold Steel III releasing in September, XSEED will promptly get to work on it and we'll get it late 2018. But it will be the first Trails game to get localized right at launch, so we don't have anything to compare to in terms of how long it should take. It very well could be a 2019 release. This might actually be the longest period without a Trails release we've seen since SC's launch. XSEED have really been spoiling us in that regard lol. At least we'll have the Cold Steel ports to keep us busy until then...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo really wants Zero and Ao to release in english according to this interview. He often has a tendency to give non-answers and being very non-committal when it comes to hypothetical questions like this, so it's pretty encouraging that he's actually saying he wants to make it happen. Just... please let it be through XSEED. No need to find a new partner!

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  • 3 weeks later...


Just announced on XSEED's Zwei stream. Interestingly enough, this isn't the Chinese Joyoland port but a completely new one. Wonder if that means those PC versions aren't an option after all. Doesn't really matter if they can make new ports happen, though. A little surprised they chose this one over Celceta but I'm not complaining since it's actually the only Ys released in english that I haven't played yet.

edit: Here's the twitch archive, they streamed the port a little near the end. Starts around 01:22:00. Not really a twitch guy, so I'm not sure how long it'll stay up. 

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People are speculating about implications about XSEED doing/ordering a new port of a PSP game. Joyland put up four games on Greenlight and pulled them a while back. Ys Seven was one of those games. Maybe Joyland pulled them because XSEED already had things in the works. So far 1/4. Two of the others are ones we (FLD, I and many other) want... Zero and Ao.

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Yeah, Joyoland's silent withdrawal from Greenlight raised a lot of questions and XSEED announcing this out of nowhere definitely supports the obvious theory. I wouldn't go so far as to assume anything about Zero and Ao based on this but I'm more optimistic than ever about Celceta and any other Falcom games. Hell, if they're releasing Zwei I wouldn't be surprised if a port of Brandish is also in the works.

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