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Falcom thread (Trails, Ys, Xanadu, etc.)


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  • 2 weeks later...

... It doesn't take much to slowly rekindle the embers for my love for this series, does it? It may start off similar to the previous games but since it's with Rean... It's fine. 


God, someday they will get a movement system that doesn't suck... I still miss the Sky (and by extension the Crossbell) sprites... 

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Hey, if you (or anyone else on this ride) haven't then I recommend getting to the Black Records in CS2's NG+. Talk about a mini salvo of bombshells. You can watch it on YouTube if time is short, like for me. 


As for Crossbell stuff... They are here in CS3 but since I haven't played them yet, no bombshells for me. Minor details are peppered throughout, more so than say CS1/2.

I remain blissfully unaware of what went down in Crossbell, especially the important details and how it relates to the story in Cold Steel. Those details should come up rather quickly though, considering the teaser at the beginning. 


A lot of things to think about, especially the grand unifying things between all of Trails. God, I really want to connect the dots but I'm missing games...

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  On 10/26/2019 at 6:57 AM, Mal said:

Hey, if you (or anyone else on this ride) haven't then I recommend getting to the Black Records in CS2's NG+. Talk about a mini salvo of bombshells. You can watch it on YouTube if time is short, like for me. 



Yeah, if/when they announce a PC port, that'll be my cue to start my NG+ run mainly to get a refresher on the story but also clean up achievements and get the black records. No idea wtf they're about but I hear they're super important to the point where hiding them behind NG+ was a really weird decision.

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The contents for and surrounding the Black Records are REAAAALY in your face. Like cutscene flashback you never seen before. Also, like wow, that person is important...


I call hiding those stuff behind NG+ as a really bad mistake. A good deal of people don't have time for replays... 

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I think I hosed myself for being behind on CS3... the box's pretty though.  If the turnaround time for a PC port is like 9 months then maybe I can wait for CS4. With that said, if Durante is on porting duties (not just a consultant) then we should be in good hands. Hmm... if it all pans out correctly then I'll say "good job" to NISA. CS3 localization has some issues but it's nowhere near Ys VIII's terrible one.

Anyhow, oddly enough, the Switch version is dropping here first, rather than Japan. If NISA want brownie points then maybe work with XSEED (be really weird) for TitS ports. It would make the library so damn strong (as if it doesn't already have a strong library).

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  On 12/4/2019 at 12:33 AM, Mal said:

With that said, if Durante is on porting duties (not just a consultant) then we should be in good hands.



Durante actually co-founded a porting studio earlier this year (or probably last year, he announced it in back in january). So if the game he's teasing actually is ToCS3 then I think it's safe to assume they were hired for the job. Especially since he's essentially confirming technical details which he wouldn't be able to guarantee if he was just consulting. IIRC some of the small things he implemented in Ys VIII were rolled back by whoever got their hands on the port later on lol.


  On 12/4/2019 at 12:33 AM, Mal said:

CS3 localization has some issues but it's nowhere near Ys VIII's terrible one.



That's good to hear. If it's even only slightly better than the Ys VIII reloc, then I think I should be able to live with it. How much time have you managed to put into ToCS3, btw? Have there been any moments where you felt like not having played Crossbell was a noticeable issue?

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Kiseki game has been announced during the Falcom shareholders' meeting. I WOULD look at the screens but they're spoiler filled (CS IV)... have the title screen though. DO NOT CLICK THE TWEET.

Hajimari no Kiseki  planned for Summer 2020. 


Also have the Kai versions of the Crossbell games incoming.

We might have a chance for them to crossover the seas... dunno. Not sure if NISA is up for not making money by localizing these two old games... and it seems like the sort of thing they would half ass.

SO WITH ALL THAT SAID... If NISA shoots off CS IV next year (PC 6 months after... maybe) then maybe we might get lucky and have Hajimari come over in 2021 at the soonest. Like shit NISA, if this is not part of why Falcom chose you moving forward (quick to release), I dunno what Falcom was thinking...

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Lol you were faster than me, I came here to post that same Crossbell Kai tweet.  And yeah, seems like this is the best shot at getting Crossbell we'll likely ever have.


Also, I vaguely remember hearing about another game coming that was still related to Cold Steel, like an epilogue spin-off kinda deal. Any idea if Hajimari is that or a completely new arc?


Oh and I guess I never got around to posting it but I heard some rumors re: Falcom ditching XSEED for NISA a little while back. The short version is that the catalyst for Falcom starting to take bids from other companies was XSEED deciding to pass on localizing Tokyo Xanadu. I remember taking a screenshot specifically for posting here. That poster seemed to have spoken to people that would know about this but obviously take it with a grain of salt.




Personally, considering how things went down, I think I'm inclined to believe it. At the very least, something must've happened for the partnership between XSEED and Falcom to break down like it has.

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Well judging by the name... Hajimari no Kiseki (Trails of Origins/Beginnings), it could be a prequel of sorts which ties into all the games. I also hear that character from all games should make an appearances. I honestly think it might need to involve some sort of prequel.


Anyhow, this game is for sure after Sen IV so this is the game you're thinking about. 



I can roll with what you posted but yeah... management... if done poorly they can sink ships or at least just barely float along. Hell, NISA situation is all about bad management. They have the resources to be great (it's what made me so mad). I'm glad Falcom is keeping an eye on NISA and at least have some standard. 


Truth be told, it's amazing how well the Sky games and CSI/II turned out. Praise be to the people that localized them (really what I really cared most about). Hopefully the folks who are doing other things now (e.g., Hatsuu, who seems to have finally landed on her feet. For a while she was in a bad place) get a chance to come back in some official, permanent capacity. 


And also, I will also include the fine folks who are fan localizing Zero. They're putting their all into it and I believe they should have the chance to do it in an official capacity as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/4/2019 at 12:50 AM, FLD said:

How much time have you managed to put into ToCS3, btw? Have there been any moments where you felt like not having played Crossbell was a noticeable issue?


I finally got through Chapter 1. Oh boy, that second half gets you thinking... As for the Crossbell links, it's quite thick but not as much as Liberl. The connections are very apparent now, even considering what was in CS2. You are missing context to major things and characters. There's dots that you cannae connect because you dinnae know they are there. For Chapter 1, I say it isn't insurmountable but it'll probably be by the end. With regards to Liberl though, you need those games already. 


I have some crackpot theories I want to let loose from dots I connected but I'll be talking to myself... 

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  On 1/1/2020 at 1:30 PM, Mal said:

I finally got through Chapter 1.



Oh lol, I thought you'd be way further into it by now. Unless it's like CSII's Acts and you're like halfway through?


Btw, Durante's mystery JRPG is supposed to be announced this month. There's also an AMA with him scheduled on r/games on January 17th, so I imagine the announcement will be around that time. Less than 3 weeks until we know for sure!

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Chapter 1 took me like 40 hours so they're for sure like Acts in previous games. And honestly, it takes a bit to get back into the groove for any long RPG like this. It doesn't help that played Fire Emblem Three Houses not too long before CS3 dropped. I'm not kidding when I compared Three Houses and Cold Steel in the GOTY thread. They're pretty similar in layout so I got kind of got burned out on going through a school setting again. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Goddamnit, Mal! I was typing my post when I got the notif about a reply!


But yeah, Steam page is live!




And I was taking so long because I was going through the NISA stream VOD cause I needed to double check to make sure I was getting this right but yeah, they also got Durante's studio to fix the Ys VIII port. The mad man even added experimental co-op to the game. This is basically a best case scenario lol.


edit: Ys VIII patch notes


That's one hell of an update! Basically all the improvements from the Cold Steel ports are now in Ys VIII. Can't wait to replay the game with solid 60fps, shadows on everything, unlimited draw distance and no crashing!

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He makes this look so easy that everyone else kinda looks bad by comparison. It's kind of hilarious, really. Also, I missed it earlier but I guess they also released a free HD texture pack for Ys VIII.


I'm honestly almost more hype about the fixed port than I am about CSIII, at this point. The reworked localization looked fine to me, so the state of the port was really the only major issue I had. And it was such a huge bummer to have such a massive step down after all the XSEED ports ranged from solid to incredible.

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Judging by the Reddit AMA Durante is doing, there probably will also be an audio patch/pack in the future to deal with any low quality sound/music issues. 


But yeah, you folks who will play CS3 on PC should have a nice time without stutters and slowdowns like the PS4 has. I wonder how's the Switch port will be like since PH3 is kind of sharing resources with the folks doing the Switch port. Also remains to be seen if somehow the performance improvements from PC can be backported to the PS4... It would be entirely out of PH3's hands and be with Falcom. 


Anyhow... I'm kind of laughing at the people being salty of no CS4 or Ys9 announcements. It's very likely they are being worked on as we speak for announcement at E3 or around that time. Probably want to drop one or both before the end of Falcom's fiscal year. Also, I doubt Falcom/NISA would like to release anything new new between now to May considering how packed it was. So might as well hold announcements until E3 when they know if they are ready. I'm confident that we'll get one of them within the next twelve months or so. 

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Yeah, it's pretty dumb to expect that kind of new announcement at a panel about the porting process. Port announcements is all that could realistically be expected here.


As for performance improvements being backported to PS4, I really wouldn't hold my breath. If Durante's old blog posts about porting CSI and II are any indication, the performance is likely due to Falcom's shitty code (and to be fair, they are a small studio releasing massive games yearly; corners kinda have to be cut somewhere) and improving the PS4 version would require them not just owning up to it but also ripping it out to replace it with someone else's code. Reeeeeaaally don't see a Japanese company ever doing that.


I don't know if it's down to pride, arrogance, laziness or a little bit of everything but just look at the fighting game scene for an example of what I mean. ASW and Capcom insist on either not using GGPO or trying to reinvent the wheel by building their own rollback netcode from scratch and the results are rarely good.


Oh and during the AMA, Durante said they have "more than zero and less than four" projects in the works that he can't talk about yet. No reason to get excited just yet but it's good to know the studio seems to be having no trouble finding work.

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Hahaha yeah, I've seen people point that out after I posted but I'm not sure he was being coy. It's probably safe to assume he is (or will be) working on CS4 but the Crossbell remasters aren't even out in Japan. So unless Falcom have really changed their ways there's no way Zero is already in the hands of their partners. Unless he's working on the old versions for some reason, which would be weird but not exactly the first time Falcom has screwed over partners by not keeping them in the loop about their plans.


Then again, I was going through his AMA yesterday and one of his answers did mention being contacted by companies other than NISA and XSEED and nothing coming from it so far. So who knows. Not sure what XSEED could have hired him for at this point, so he may have multiple projects with NISA.

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I feel that the Crossbell games warrant an exception from Falcom just to get the Crossbell problem resolved ASAP. While it's too late for CS4/End of Saga, it would be nice if Western fans officially get the two Crossbell games under their belt before Hajimari.


And as for other games Durante can work on... it'll probably be the Atelier games. What we got are pretty damn rough (at least Sophie is rough). Playable but they're in a shape that make you grimace. Kind of need Koei Tecmo wanting to go back and improve... a fuck ton of games. I doubt I'll every find the time to experience the entire series but since they're all on Steam/PC, they deserve to be in better shape for people who have the time to devote to like...  12 (?) games right now.

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