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Falcom thread (Trails, Ys, Xanadu, etc.)


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Lol, beat me to it. I guess it's official then. Cold Steel II is releasing on PC before Ys VIII. Hell, in roughly the time since the first delay, XSEED will have managed to release on Steam: Ys Seven, both Cold Steel games AND both Zwei games. At this point, I'm honestly hoping they manage to squeeze Memories of Celceta in there as well, just to make the situation even more laughable.


Anyway, that leaves me with two and a half week to go back to Tokyo Xanadu and wrap it up. I got distracted from it right before Christmas and haven't worked up the motivation to jump back in just yet.  It's good but the story lost its hold on me after a while. Too episodic, I guess. It's easy to turn it off when you finish a chapter and there's really no sense of urgency to start the next one. Tbh, I was hoping for a late february release as I just started Pyre and was planning to do Prey after.


Oh and I updated the OP a bit. Not that anyone reads it...

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I was watching or more like listening to the stream. I don't tend to remember spoilers if I only hear them. Visually I'll remember it till I am on my death bed. And I never knew you update the OP. That's dedication. Maybe I'll make a new OP images for image board use. These ones are pretty outdated now:


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I mentioned updating the OP a few times before. :P I mostly intend it to be a bit of an info dump for new people that might wander into this thread. Because that totally might happen one day.


Also, dear God, that drawing of Dogi in the first pic is horrifying. He would almost fit in Attack on Titan... O_o

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  • 2 weeks later...



Azure translation is at 100%. Release should be soon-ish. As for edits, whenever the folks editing Zero get done with that they'll move onto Azure. So at this point we got (rough) translation for Zero and Azure. Translated and edited Zero maybe mid year? Azure late 2019?



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Going by these descriptions, seems like Ys VIII should be my new favorite. You know, if NISA ever manage to fucking release the PC version. As if I needed another reason to be mad at them lol.


Speaking of NISA, their press event stream starts in about 3 hours.



If they don't announce Cold Steel III, then the next week will be one of celebration for Trails fans. Cold Steel II launches on PC and hope lives on. 


This is such a weird situation for me, though. I will be absolutely crushed if they announce Cold Steel III but literally any other Steam-related announcement from them will have me pretty excited. It's been a year since Disgaea 2 hit Steam, so we're likely due for the next one soon. The only question is whether they'll go with 3 or skip to 5. Man, I hope they skip to 5. I love D3 but it's the weakest one and I don't feel like replaying it for a third time.

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Yep, now we wait until E3 to see if XSEED announce it.


Some of their Steam anouncements looked neat. People on ERA seemed hyped for that Coven game, so it might be worth a look. Kinda surprised at no Disgaea PC announcement, though. We know D5 was rated for PC a while back, so I wonder what the hold up is. Would be annoying if they stopped at 2...

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Durante blog for Cold Steel 2.


Shorter and not as detailed but only because he's not repeating the stuff he already covered for CS1. Hopefully this isn't the last Durante port we'll get to play because, while I know not to expect this kind of quality from most ports, it is really fucking nice (especially for Trails). Going into Cold Steel 2, I can't help but notice how much nicer the characters looked in Tokyo Xanadu and, while that port was pretty serviceable, having some of Durante's improvements would've be pretty damn nice for it. And let's not even talk about Ys VIII...


Gotta believe he'll be back for Cold Steel 3 and 4!

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I think that's a good price for Tokyo Xanadu. I've written my early/mid-game thoughts of it on page 6 of this thread and my overall thoughts in the games you beat thread, if you're interested. It's not as good as Trails but it's probably the best way to kill time while you wait for Cold Steel III and Ys VIII.

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The CS2 port is a bit more unstable than the CS1 port. Not uncommon dips in frames in the overworld and a near constant pause after battle-animation skip. Though I am running at max everything but I might cap the frame at 60 FPS to see what happens. It should stop most of the frame drops but I have noticed some sub 30 FPS. Luckily that's mostly when the screen is still (mostly) dark.


The crashes that Bacon been getting is probably related to these dips in frames. Get it bad enough and you crash. BUT luckily there's Durante's autosave feature that can be set to 5 minutes to even one minute so at most you'll lose is some battle progress (might be annoying for a hard boss).

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There is one shadow setting that's more demanding than the others, that's the first thing I'd turn off if you're getting drops. Just had a peek at the launcher and I think it's PCSS for shadow filtering. Durante also pushed out the first patch today, which addressed a crashing issue related to accessories.


As for me, I just made it to the exact part where I had stopped playing on Vita. So the real fun starts now!

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Preview render. A lot of all figurines start out with say ZBrush or Maya or the like. Only poor people, non-computer suave people or really good people start out prototyping with actual resin. Of course they almost always start out as drawings like so:


Physical prototype will look like so:


They paint or use color resin later since it takes a bit to get the color just right. These Nendroids start as a drawing then sculpted. Need the physical object to see if it can hold up (there has been cases where figurines warp under their own weight).

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I just got done with Nord. Lots of good stuff. Especially this line:

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I turned it down from M A X I M U M to one notch lower for the graphics and I haven't noticed as many frame dips and if there were any awkward pauses for cut scenes they weren't as glaring. 


Also that fight against

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for the 3 AP was a weird difficulty spike for me when the one against

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seemed like a cakewalk in comparison 

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So, I finished Act 1 this afternoon and did the intermission tonight. I'm at the beginning of Act 2 now and, while Act 1 was basically as formulaic as CSI, it's already obvious that Act 2 drastically changes up the usual Trails formula. Almost feels like Act 1 was the actual prologue and the real CSII is starting now, which really makes me wonder how long it'll be because Act 1 felt way too short to be half the game. Based on my in-game playtime, I'd say I'm no more than a third of the way through going by the usual length of these games.


Then again, this is my first playthrough so I'm not following any kind of guide. I'm trying to complete all the quests but it's pretty obvious I'm gonna miss some unless I talk to literally everyone constantly and yeah, I'm not doing that lol. I love me some Falcom NPCs but that shit gets real tedious after 20+ hours.

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I'm talking to everyone and it seems like I'm missing something to be stuck with A rank in the last few chapters. Unless I am missing people, it seems like these AP are hidden away in certain fights. I'm still not sure if it will make or break my A0 rank. In CSI, there were quite a bit of wiggle room (~15 AP if I remember correctly).

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Yeah, some boss fights have special conditions for bonus AP. Falcom really need to cut that shit out because it's super obnoxious how some stuff is basically impossible to find without a guide. I refuse to use one for fear of spoilers, so I'm just not worrying about that stuff on this run. So if there's a hidden quest that requires me to talk to a certain NPC at a very specific time to trigger it then that quest can go fuck itself. I mean, I'll talk to people within reason but I'm not going to hunt down every single little asshole hiding in every building. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Thank god for turbo mode because otherwise I don't think I'd have the heart to bother with NG+ and achievement hunting. I still find it funny that I was able to clear NG+ Nightmare in ~10h for CSI lol.

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Some of those battle conditions are kind of obvious, thankfully. Example I just got done with (after Legram):

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Thing is that it was explicit in CSI from what I remember. Not sure why they stopped.


Another thing that they should cut out is the romance-like option. Such a pain to go through them all (if at all) . Though I've heard Falcom kind of cut that shit out in CSIII.


Anyhow, with regards to the spoiler above...

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And Bacon.

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Splitting the spoiler due to it being related to the first two spoilers (in case you haven't gotten to that point yet)

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