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I thought I'd make a thread for topics worth discussing a bit further than somewhere like random thoughts, random things allows, but perhaps don't warrant an entire thread or fit neatly anywhere else. First up:


If you could have conclusive proof of one of the following, which would it be?



~aliens visiting Earth.

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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I mean, there's a ton of resources floating around in space, so, if anything, it's the whole invading/visiting/whatever Earth for resources that doesn't make any sense. :P Unless those resources are humans, then yeah, those are harder to find elsewhere. :P

On topic: Aliens, confirming that intelligent life exists out there and has been here would be awesome. :P Hell, it could be that they come here for fun/entertainment or some other triivial thing, sure, a lot of people say that it wouldn't make sense to travel that far just for that, but that's because of how hard it is for us to imagine travelling such distances, could be that for more advanced life-forms jumping from one planet to another is no different than going from one country to another is for us earthlings. :P I don't know, I just watched GotG Vol. 2, so all kinds of crazy space travel ideas are in my head right now. :P 

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I'm comfortable that probability wise, life elsewhere is pretty much inevitable. I can wait for us to find it or it to find us. I'm also an alien intelligence optimist. I think humans are explorers at heart, I see no reason why a superior intelligence wouldn't be similarly curious about the universe.

I would love 100% concrete, utterly undeniable, everyone accepting it, no more arguments disproof of any sort of afterlife whatsoever. If we could get rid of afterlife based religions altogether I think people would be a lot more careful with the one that they have. On the flipside, if there was total proof of an afterlife, it would have to be really detailed proof so we all finally agree on which god is the god, which set of rules we are supposed to follow etc. Either way, I would just want absolute consensus on the issue so we can get on to more important things like not screwing up the planet, and going to space and finding new places to live and new people to disagree with things over.

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Aliens. Or confirmation that there is no afterlife. I don't want confirmation of an afterlife of haunting.


Maybe haunting is the best part, maybe everybody who dies is like "fuck yeah, now I'll show those assholes." Then they sit around laughing about it like "dude, you totally should have seen the look on his face"

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Just to clarify here, because I think I've read TFG post to everyone else; but is this asking for it to be a thing or just confirmation that it's a thing or not. Like you get told "Aliens defo visited Roswell" or "There's no such thing as ghosts".

Best argument against ghosts I've heard is the "so where are the dinosaur ghosts?"

As for aliens visiting here for resources, we do have quite a few of the rarer elements in the solar system here. And a huge source of liquid water which is pretty dang important. Moon has a chunk of Helium-3, handy for fusion, but end of the day so does Saturn and Jupiter.

However one thing we have, from a "visiting for fun" that next to no other planet in the observable universe has is: a total solar eclipse. Our moon and star are the right size ratio, and the right distance from earth that we get a solar eclipse.

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The cryptid choice is pretty broad, too. I mean, is it all cryptids, or just specific cryptids? Who would really care if, in fact, giant anacondas are real (aside from scientists)? I mean, if the cyptid, no matter how banal, is an alien, then, yeah, that would matter a whole lot to folks, but that overlaps with the 'aliens visiting earth' choice.

On the other hand, lots of folks would care about confirmation of the afterlife (or echoes of previous lives; a ghost need not be a sentient phenomena, I suppose), or of alien visits to Earth. 

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Sure. Have chatted about this with friends, and the main thing we said that'd make it possible is that factory grown meat stuff since largely there would be zilch ethical concerns. It massively opens up the door to all kinds of foods given you can make the meat without having to kill the animal.

Ultimately it's meant to be akin to pork though so not sure it'd be some super interesting meat to eat (kangaroo is pretty different to your usual beef/chicken/pork options for example).

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No since I don't see human as food.

Note: I have a hard time seeing lab grown meat as being what and where their respective cells came from. It's literally just "meat". It's akin to pointing to the entire animal(s) when you see grounded pork, beef or whatever. Not to say that I won't eat it. Lab grown meats would open up some interesting culinary options because you don't have to just stop with just a beef or pork base. Like can you get a steak that's like a beef steak but with hints of lamb? Or just say fuck it, lamb masquerading as a beef steak.

Or human masquerading as beef. :|

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Hmmm. No. It would gross me out. Nothing logical about it, just would be gross, is all.

But while we're on the lab-frown meat subject, let me opine. I agree with Mal: lab-grown meat is fundamentally different than natural meat. Although I would call pig-like lab meat "pork" and cow-like lab meat "beef," I wouldn;t call it cow meat or pig meat (or chicken, or lamb, or whatever). I would be totally fine with eat lab-grown meats of all kind, but if it were labeled "human," I would still be grossed out.

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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@Mr. GOH! Would that still be the case even if lab-grown meat was perfected to the point that it was completely indistinguishable from meat grown on a living animal?  Like what if they can clone your thigh muscle for a transplant after an injury, and it will be perfect and identical in every way to your real thigh muscle from before the injury, and they use the exact same techniques to grow food meat as well?  Would you consider that to be "really" [animal] meat, or is it still just [animal]-like?

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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@TheMightyEthan For me, the fundamental difference is that it's lab-grown, so, yes, even if it were indistinguishable from real meat, I would differentiate it so long as it did not actually come from a dead animal. For the record, I think that's a *good* thing and I would happily eat lab-grown meat if it were affordable and tasty, even if it did not taste quite like natural meat. 


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