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It's July Again. What are your favourite games of the year so far?


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As the thread title says, we're about half way through what's been a pretty solid year so far. What's been your highlight so far?

Player Unknowns Battleground's

I know it's technically un-released, but I don't think it'd be fair not to include this game on the list. Whilst it is in Early Access, no game has given me what PUBG has given me. Ever. Even with its kinks its one hell of a game, and one that I think the gaming community will be playing for a long time to come.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Breath of the Wild is certainly something. I'm not usually the Zelda guy, but considering it was their first real attempt at an open world game, they knocked it out of the park. It's not without faults (rain especially), but they've built a really enjoyable Zelda game, and one I'm eager to go back to when the 2nd round of DLC hits.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Hmm. Another open world game. How odd. 

I think this and PUBG are likely my front runners for GOTY. I loved Horizon. It ticked all the boxes for me. Firstly, Metal Dinosaurs. Secondly, a bow and arrow and thirdly, a shit load of interesting lore and a world that's ripe to be built upon. 

One thing I have realised. Whilst there have been some truly great games released in 2017, I'm not sure there are many that I've fallen head over heels in love with. Baring the three above, I'd struggle to name anything else that I'd consider out of this world amazing. There's nothing wrong with good, but so far they're falling short of being great. At least for me.

What are your favourite games of the year so far?

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Persona 5.  It's not even close.  The gameplay is the best it's ever been, the characters are great, I really got into the story, and it has by far the best soundtrack I've heard in a game so far this year.  Even though we're only halfway through the year, it would take a lot for me to change my mind on this one.

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Looking through my list, I guess I haven't played a lot of new releases this year. And the most high profile ones are on platforms I don't own, so... yeah. Anyway, highlights so far:

Resident Evil 7: RE7 wasn't just good, it was actually a strong return to form for the series. Which is honestly way more than anyone in their right mind should've expected from modern day Capcom. It kinda falls apart in the last act but I can look past that since everything that came before was so good. Really curious to see what comes next and how that free Chris DLC will turn out (especially since they delayed it citing quality reasons and surprise at the highly positive reception of the game).

Hollow Knight: One of the best metroidvanias I've played in a long time, possibly since Super Metroid. I'm not even worried about sounding hyperbolic, it really is that goddamn good. There's also some obvious Souls inspiration, which is always nice to see (and I mean real Souls inspiration, not "hur durr hard gaem").

NieR: Automata: This is the most Kojima game I've played since Metal Gear Solid 2. In a time when the future of the MGS series is uncertain and Kojima's actual next game is still an unknown quantity, this was a very welcome surprise. Especially coming as a sequel to a bad game that was bad and shit. Suck it, Tenshi!

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd: I mean, duh.

Edited by FLD
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Breath of the Wild, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Persona 5, basically for the reasons already stated. Zelda's world was just such a joy to inhabit; Horizon is a joy to play, has an interesting world to explore, and last but not least Robot Fucking Dinosaurs; Persona 5 is still a Japanese high school life sim, and just plays so nicely.

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Once again I think I've only played like one game from this year with the rest being stuff from last year.

So for me it's Horizon: Zero Dawn. By default, but it's a good default.

Very solid and enjoyable game, I liked the world they've created and the lore surrounding it. Visually it's stunning. And the updates from fan feedback are pretty cool to see in action too.

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Hollow Knight
If you even remotely like metrovanias, then the hype is very real.

I would include Trails in the Sky the 3rd but it's technically not from this year. It's just here to back up FLD's claim. Then again we're both Falcom fanboys so why trust our judgement?

As for games from this year, I still need to restart and/or finish NieR: Automata. I also got OneShot in the pipeline that's from late last year so it almost counts from being from this year. It this turns out to be a great game then it be a shame to have it be buried with games from 2016.

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FATE/Extella: It's really fun, if you like these kinds of games, then it's totally worth it, the story is also really cool if you're a fan of the Fate series, however, if you don't like the Musou style gameplay then that may be an issue. :P

Fate/Grand Order: Translation issues aside (and those are getting fixed soon) it's a fun mobile game, gameplay is simple and easy to understand, but servant attributes and skills open it for interesting strategies. Also, though the gacha is hell, and you probably won't get any of those 4-5 star characters you want, the good news is that even low-rarity characters are enough to clear most areas in the game, and since they can be ascended (increase their level cap) even the weakest ones can become quite strong if you invest some time/resources in them. :P

Ghost Recon Wildlands: Though Ubisoft needs to tone it down with the side-missions (or add better rewards) it's still a fun game, The environments are pretty cool, missions are fun (most of the time) and using the drone to scout an area before calling in a mortar stike never gets old. :P It does have some issues, but I would still recommend it.

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Uncharted 2 has a 96 Metacritic, Uncharted 3 has a 92 and UC4 has a 93 but it's only "ok, nothing special". There's a difference between a series not being good and you not liking it. I don't like most Final Fantasy games but I would never say the series is mediocre.


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