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Your Most Embarrassing Moment in Games


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So last night during a podcast debate about cringey moments in games, I was reminded about the time I played Shadows of the Damned and had to navigate my character along a giant version of my dead (?) girlfriends entirely naked body.......whilst my then girlfriend watched me. 


I don't think she was overly impressed, and I wanted the ground to swallow me whole.


So I ask. What are your most embarrassing moments with games. And has a game ever made you cringe so hard that you stopped playing it entirely?

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This is a completely different kind of embarrassment, but after I finished Sonic Mania I discovered that there was a move, called the drop dash, that lets you immediately execute a spin dash upon landing from a jump.  I played the entire game and never knew you could do that.

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6 hours ago, TheMightyEthan said:

This is a completely different kind of embarrassment, but after I finished Sonic Mania I discovered that there was a move, called the drop dash, that lets you immediately execute a spin dash upon landing from a jump.  I played the entire game and never knew you could do that.


No specific examples come to mind but I'm certain I've done something like this before. Actually one did just now. In Trails in the Sky, the way you set up your orbment actually affects which orbal arts you can cast. In Trails in the Sky the 3rd, I kept waiting to find the quartz that would let me cast one of the more advanced healing arts and only realized near the end of the game that I could've had it all along simply by fine tuning my setup a bit. Not my proudest moment...


In my defense, the system was simplified in Cold Steel and you no longer have to fuck around with it like that. I just kinda forgot about it when going back to the Sky games.

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So did I but I don't regret that. Although there weren't that many games, there were more exclusives (that I wanted to play) on the Wii U than than there were on the XO. Maybe if I didn't have a PS4 I wouldn't feel the same about the XO. I think the thing that made me ashamed of my decision is that when I had a 360, I swore I'd not get it's replacement.

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On 28/09/2017 at 2:49 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

This is a completely different kind of embarrassment, but after I finished Sonic Mania I discovered that there was a move, called the drop dash, that lets you immediately execute a spin dash upon landing from a jump.  I played the entire game and never knew you could do that.

My first playthrough of FFIX I didn't know you could hit "Select" and have a Moogle pop out on the menu to explain things. E.g mainly the passive status effects which I'd kinda just guessed at and would have done well to know that "Temperature" would make me immune to Heat in the latter parts of the game.




Closer to Dans stuff I guess is stuff like Sutaki-Da-Ne in FFX.I don't tend to play much games with outright nudity n the like.

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In They Bleed Pixels, I died around 20 times trying to get one of the collectibles, every time I died the exact same way, because I couldn't do the dash attack properly, then, when I finally got the thing, I died on my way back because I just walked off the ledge. :P


In Wipeout HD, during one of the races with some of the folks here, I got left behind hardcore, I later realized I wasn't pressing the :PSX: button properly, so that's why I was never able to keep up with everyone else. :P


As for the other stuff, when I was a kid my mom got me DoA Extreme, I had rented 3 before and liked it, so all she saw was that it had the same name and thought it was the same game, nevermind that one had an angry dude in the cover and the other had 3 bikini-clad ladies. :P Since then I'm immune to any kind of embarrassment from that kind of stuff. :P 

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/28/2017 at 9:57 AM, danielpholt said:

I was reminded about the time I played Shadows of the Damned and had to navigate my character along a giant version of my dead (?) girlfriends entirely naked body.......whilst my then girlfriend watched me.


You either meant to say his dead girlfriend's naked body or you need to be in jail right NOW you creepy f*ck !! Although I think you'd have a powerful case if you said that it was because of the mind-altering drug known as suda51. Damn.

Top this: Mom walked in on me while the infamous Candy Suxxx scene from Vice City started. And I was scratching my crotch.

Longest 10seconds of my life.

Edited by Bogie 2.0
too many x's for Candy
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