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7th Annual PXOD Secret Santa Thank Yous


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The almighty Bacs has blessed my new PC with some wonderful additions to my library. Normally I'd do that long and Easter Egg thingy, but I'm so tired from work that I'm not even gonna try to think of one.


I gots me some:


Quake III: Arena (best "i got five minutes before I gotta leave" game for you to blow some peole up)

Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War - GOTY (Some of the most fun I've ever had playing an RTS)

Age of Empires III: Complete Edition  (Sometimes you just wanna blow people up with cannons)

Total War: Shogun II: Fall of the Samurai: The Game (Read descrip for AoE III)


Steel Division DLC.


Thank you so much for the generosity.

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Santa Dean got me...


The best Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy IX

and Slime Rancher!


I'm going to see if I can fit in FFIX into a replay slot. It has been too long. As for Slime Rancher, I always wanted to play but it being a EA game, I kind of left it alone until now. Thanks Dean!


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Nah, you got it correct the first time. Besides, Electronic Arts can be considered a person so Electronic Arts can in theory suck dick.

And I just checked and Slime Rancher is out from EA since August 1st. I never realized that. I can dive right in without worry that major content are months away (See The Long Dark and Subnautica).

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I received three gifts this year from Mr. Mal.


I received Tales of Berseria.  I really liked Tales of Symphonia as a kid, but I haven't played any of these games in a long time.  They went Xbox exclusive for Vesperia, then to PSP/Vita for some games and I also didn't own those, and then they were churning out so many the quality started to drop... I've kind of been waiting for there to be a good solid Tales game so I can try a modern one, and by all accounts Berseria is the best in a long time.  I've already got this one downloaded.


I received Ori and the Blind Forest.  After absolutely devouring Hollow Knight this year and Axiom Verge last year, Ori was next on my list.  Platforming heavy Metroidvanias are my thing.  This is pretty much 100% going to be a hit for me.  I'm saving it until I wrap up Hollow Knight after the holiday rush.


I received 100% Orange Juice.  I have no idea what the fuck this is.  Nobody tell me.  I'm savoring the mystery.  I'll boot this up some cold night in February and go in completely blind. That's kind of exciting!


Thank you Santa Mal!

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100% Orange Juice is kind of a gag gift but it is a


decent game to play while you mindlessly browse the web. Great time waster. I've lost like 14 hours to it already. Then again I do have a group that I play with occasionally. As to exactly what kind of game, you'll find out and I'll join.

Spoiled it just for you to come back to. Let's say that I wouldn't give you a game that I don't enjoy. Speaking of which, I am still unsure about Neo Aquarium...

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Hey, just a quick update. My Secret Santa went and double dipped!  I have now also received Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight.  I had never heard of this one either. It looks like it's another metroidvania.  I'm gonna bump this up on the "to play" list above Ori.  Because Ori is a lock, that's definitely a game I'll like.  So I can save that.  Momodora? That's a new strange thing.  I'm going to get into that first just to figure out what I'm dealing with.


Also I started Tales of Berseria and the protagonist is in a pit yearning to eat human flesh meanwhile I'm doing fetch quests as her domesticated obedient body double. I don't understand what's going on at all.

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