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Gaming Soundtracks


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Most of the games on my 3x3 are there for soundtrack reasons, but aside from that, I have a soft spot in my heart for:


A: Yuzo Koshiro soundtracks (ActRaiser, Soul Blazer, Streets of Rage, WANGAN MOTHERFUCKING MIDNIGHT, Y's 1-4)

B: Noriyuki Iwadare soundtracks (Lunar, Grandia, Gyakuten Saiban III)

C: Sonic Team/Wavemaster soundtracks (Ristar, Sonic CD, Chu Chu Rocket, Jet Set Radio)

D: Akira Tsuchiya's soundtracks (GUST games, mostly, with the unparalleled Ar Tonelico II soundtrack being the high point)


I more or less regard Iwadare's Grandia II soundtrack to be the pinnacle of RPG soundtracks, with Lunar: Eternal Blue close behind, and Akira Tsuchiya's psuedo-ethnic Ar Tonelico II in third place.



Ar Tonelico is NUTS.

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Oh GOD, there are so many good ones!


The SSX Series was always given EA's out-of-the-box selections, just because the entire air of the game was meant as wild, prototypical, and edgy. The scratching of Mix Master Mike, the groove from guys like Rasmus, John Morgan and the Space Raiders in SSX Tricky, and the wide range of deep house to punk alternative in SSX 3 were enough to send me on a journey to becoming a DJ. Influential is an adjective that is barely worthy of describing this soundtrack.


So I think the SSX series claims the title of being my favorite.

Honorable mentions?


Medal of Honor: Frontline - Michael Giacchino out-does himself for the first and certainly not last time. Did anyone else just love the Main Title theme so much, they would just start up a game and give it a listen? I know I would.


Hitman Series - Jesper Kyd is a fantastic producer. His soundtracks added at least another dimension to every aspect of these games.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: I am convinced someone wrote a musical score, and Miyamoto proceeded to create a game based around it.

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I almost linked Children of the Elder God in my post (because it's an original song!), but stuck with the AT2 song instead.


Also, my avatar will be wearing this for a very long time:




I would also like to add that there are other Square musicians who have made better music than Uematsu, and so I point to the trifecta of Yasunori Mitsuda, Hiroki Kikuta, and (non-Square) Yoshitaka Hirota, who often work together or collaborate on projects, Mitsuda having worked on Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and Xenogears, Kikuta having done the Seiken Densetsu series, of which the third game's soundtrack is likely the otaku favorite, and Yoshitaka Hirota, who was Mitsuda's protegé and made the fucking awesome Shadow Hearts soundtracks.

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Love Mitsuda's work on



My favorite Uematsu is from Lost Odyssey though:



Kondo usually does soundtracks with a magical feel, but

dark themes make it my favorite.


And this song is a large part of why I prefer Mass Effect 1 over 2.

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So of course I come up with this long-ass post and my browser crashes and can't recover it. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU-


My favorites have to be Soul Calibur II and Chrono Cross, by a mile.


From Soul Calibur II...

(The volume on this video is kinda high, so be careful with that)


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