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Gaming Soundtracks


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Original soundtracks? Or just soundtracks? Brutal Legend had an awesome selection of songs :P It's original score was good too.


Aside from that, the MGS series has really good music, Halo too, and I like the style that the Devil May Cry soundtrack has.





(Yeah, excuse the stuff that vid has, but it's kinda hard to find the OST on YT :P)

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I apologize for any fans, I'm picking one per game. Trust me, it's hard as fuckin' hell with these games, they've got goddamn amazing soundtracks. I put the videos in spoiler tags to save space- expand, click, and give em a listen.


Final Fantasy X (someone had to do it)




God Hand




Jet Set Radio Future




Mercenaries (I know, I know, but seriously, give it a listen)




Metroid Prime



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Persona 3




The World Ends With You




Zone of the Enders 2: The Second Runner




Okay, I gotta stop myself. I could do this all day, but this post is probably already too long. (EDIT: So long, in fact, that I had to split it into two, because I hit the media file limit.) Okay, one more.





Yeah, I honestly do like this song. It's one of those songs you start out hating, and then it slowly grows on you. Like a tumor. Or a tapeworm.


Edited by SixTwoSixFour
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  • 1 month later...

All right, here are some really great soundtracks that folks have been remiss in not referencing:


The first two Pokemon Generations. Stand out tracks include the rout 24/25 music from Generation 1, and the Trainer Battle 1 theme from Generation 2.


The Cave Story sound track, with my personal favorite track being "On To Grasstown"


Final Fantasy XII, with standout tracks like "Boss Battle" and "The Salikawood" and "Battle for Freedom" and... god, this is just a really really great OST.


Just a few more I need to get off of my chest: Promised Pain - Xenosaga III, Uepeker II - Okami, Confess the Truth 2009 - Miles Edgeworth Investigation, Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2001 - Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney.

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Seems like CyberRat and I share a lot of similarities in Musical soundtracks. I noticed that Persona 3 , Red Alert and JSRF got love too.


So here's a few tracks that I like:


Shatter - Electronic Harvest




Definitely a throwback to 80s electronica and kraftwerk.


SMT3: Nocturne (or Lucipher's call if you were in Palzone) - Normal Battle Music (town)




It's pretty much before Shoji Meguro started to do more Jazzy numbers and the whole soundtrack has a greater rock influence. The Blues of course is always there in the more recent SMT soundtracks including this one. I also like the special battle and the boss battle music tracks.


Infamous had a really good soundtrack. While Working for a Nuclear Free City's SIlent Melody that ran for the credits was really good and featured in things like Top Gear. I particularly like Amon Tobin's Anything for Trish.




Persona 4 had a lot of interesting musical notes. Personally while playing the game I really enjoyed this track.





It's more on the pop-side but fits the game's atmosphere so perfectly.

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continuing on:


Gerard Marino's The End Begins fits God of War 3 perfectly. In fact it is a pretty good composition.




EA has always been trying different music with its sports games and NFS. NFS had a lot of interesting music throughout its course. While I personally liked the overall soundtracks of the first Hot Pursuit and Porsche Unleashed. I think this track by the Humble Brothers on HP2 was more notable for me. Especially since now they do a lot of film, TV and game music.




The Katamari games have an interesting soundtrack but Katamari forever matches the game. This music if I recall correctly is from a level where you have to collect a lot of stuff and also make a pretty huge size and hence this version is quite relaxing when you play.




Jesper Kyd's always been pretty good with scores though he's done an excellent job with the Assassin's Creed series. Personally I like this track as it pretty much catches the pace as you progress when the missions start.


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and ending for now.

Alan Wake OST. Well this track more like it. It's just too ridiculous and if you've played the game you'll know why it'll stick in your memory





Shadow Dancer: The secret of Shinobi (Bonus track)

I'd play this game just to play the bonus stage over and over. It was good but the bonus stage was worth it.





No More Heroes 1 had a pretty good Soundtrack. 2 was ehh? Well anyways Pleather for Breakfast was definitely fitting and fits in with what Suda's whole Punk+70s thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a little sad no one has mentioned Jeremy Soule. Dude is America's Nobuo Uematsu. Total Annihilation, Icewind Dale, Giants: Citizen Kabuto, Baldur's Gate, Dungeon Siege, Elder Scrolls, Neverwinter Nights, KotOR, Guild Wars, SupCom, and he'll be responsible for Duke Nukem Forever's soundtrack as well. The man is a LEGEND. Seriously. I just kind of shake my head every time someone asks, "Who's a great video game composer?" and the most mentioned man is Nobuo Uematsu. : \ Therefore, I declare this post the Jeremy Soule post. Prepare your virgin ears for awesome.


Total Annihilation




Icewind Dale




Icewind Dale 2



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