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Games You've Bought Episode MMXX: Revenge of the Backlog


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  On 6/14/2020 at 11:34 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

God, what I really want is a version of P3 with all the Portable enhancements but not the presentation limitations.



You and me both. Jason Schreier said on twitter that he also heard P3 is coming, and as far as I'm concerned that pretty much confirms it. I'm cautiously optimistic that it's coming later because they're working on fixing that. Allegedly, P3 is a bit of an archival mess so it must be related to that but if they have to do extra work on it anyway, hopefully they'll address this as well.


Ideally, Atlus is working on a proper Persona 3 Whatever rerelease and they're waiting so they can port that one. And if they're working with the FES version then enabling direct control of party members should be fairly trivial to implement. Personally I straight up don't want P3P. The presentation downgrade is a complete deal breaker for me and I don't really give a shit about the female protagonist. I remember reading that even Atlus was displeased with the compromises they had to make to get the game running on PSP, so if we're lucky that version if off the table entirely. ?

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Well, here's something a little encouraging. I assumed this port was handled by SEGA Europe as usual, but some people have already finished the game (how???????????????) and from the credits they apparently figured out that the port was actually developed in Japan. Not by Atlus directly but they contracted a Japanese studio and directly oversaw the process (an Atlus employee that worked on P3/P4/P5/PQ is credited as the port's director).


That alone is a huge twist in and of itself, but it also implies two things:

1) They'll likely use this version for any console rerelease. (After the whole Catherine Classic thing, I honestly half expected some kind of new version that would make P4G outdated lol)

2) They're likely also overseeing the P3 port and I'd like to think that makes it far more likely that it'll be more than a straight port.


So yeah, fingers crossed. ?

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I would love to see an updated version of the Persona 2 duology as well. They were good games held back by a bad encounter rate and load times and a PC port could fix that. Of course this is probably not going to happen since they're so old. I'll just cross my fingers for an enhanced P3 port.

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First purchase of the summer sale was an unplanned one.




Unplanned because I still thought it was too expensive but my friends peer pressured me into getting it anyway lol. We kinda hit a wall with Vermintide 2 so this'll be nice to have as an alternative. We played for a few hours last night and, while it could use some QoL improvements, when it's fun it's really fun.


Other than that, I'm not sure if I'll be buying much. I feel like I always say that and end up spending way too much but I just haven't been buying any games outside of bundles this year and I've really been more on a book buying kick lately. I've been selling trading cards the past few days and I think I'm just gonna put all my wallet funds (as well as that one time discount) towards my Death Stranding pre-order. I was gonna pay like 65 bucks for it on GMG anyway so if I do this it'll only cost me around 30 bucks out of pocket.

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And that should be it for the Steam sale. It wasn't discounted but after making ~55$ from selling Steam trading cards I only paid about 25 bucks out of pocket. I was tempted to get some other stuff but I'm still in the middle of Persona 4, DS is less than two weeks away and Horizon looks increasingly likely to drop any day now so it's not like I need anything else to play. Besides, I haven't been playing all that much lately, so I've gotten a lot better at not buying games I don't intend to play immediately.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Super Smash Bros Ultimate


Actually bought this last weekend but forgot to post. My wife and I went halvsies on it, since she always loved Melee. It's a lot of fun, don't know why I waited so long to pick it up.


Then just today (and the thing that reminded me to post that) is this:




It's a hub that lets you connect GameCube controllers to your Switch. I was looking at buying more controllers so we could play with my sisters and people, but it would be insanely expensive to get enough, but I already have four GameCube controllers, and this thing was only $10. Considering the cheapest Switch controllers I could find (that were any good) were $25 each, this is a damn good deal. Combined with my Switch Pro Controller and two Joycons we've got enough for 7 players now.

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