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Define "actively" :P I played some Warzone before eternal consumed my soul, and I've been thinking about jumping back into Warframe. I want to get into Destiny, but I don't know if there are any new players here, or people who wouldn't mind joining for some early game stuff (unless that doesn't exist anymore, don't know how it works nowadays :P).

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I play Fortnite on Switch with my younger bro occasionally. I'm surprised he hasn't made use of the Easter holidays to play some more with me. It's not that hard of a game so most of my time with it is really just a reason to chat with him.


I've not played Warframe for aaaggggeeesss but was a decent way through it (probably less than halfway now given all the expansions to it, I last played before the open-world area was added). I got Anthem PS4 for like £3 not too long ago and not too far into it so there's that.


I have a chunk of the Jackbox titles, could figure how the streaming side of that works (I've only ever played it locally but I know grand scheme it's not too hard to stream and later games are designed to be).


I think if you get GOG Galaxy 2.0 you can combine your games in one list which might make it easier for seeing what have and what platform.


edit: figured be useful as its own thread

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4 hours ago, TheMightyEthan said:

@MetalCaveman do you have destiny on PC? I'd be down for that.


Yup, PC, I have to crank down some stuff, but it runs well enough. :P 


3 hours ago, deanb said:

It's totally free to play. Don't need Switch Online to play either, hence the ideal game to play with my younger bro since overall he's not on Switch enough to justify the Switch Online (he's not always well behaved enough to play on the Switch...plus parents suck at parental controls)


How big is it? I have the internal memory and a 16GB card (for now) would that be enough or do I need more space?

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Okay, got Destiny all set up and my PC mic configured, so I'm good to go with that game. Really any other game on PC too, Apex or Warzone or whatever people play.


@MetalCaveman I would love to run through the Destiny early game stuff with you sometime.

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I now have Fornite installed, already launched it to make sure it was up to date. Don't know how voice works on Switch though. :P 


@TheMightyEthan Sure, let me know when, tonight I have to make/have dinner and update the game. :P Any other day works, just let me know times. :P 

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I'm open any time after 11:30 am central (9:30 PT, 12:20 ET, 16:30 GMT/UTC,) :P, may be a bit later depending on morning work, but usually that works.


Destiny 2 is fine by me, yesterday I learned that I'm



in Titan, working for Sloane


if anyone knows how early on that is. :P 


Fortnite on Switch works, I also have Warzone on PS4, anything else goes, though I may have to download/update it depending on what it is. :P 

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@deanb are you guys on summer time now? Trying to make sure I calculate the times right. Same for you, @MetalCaveman?


Unless something comes up with work for me, I think 12:30 CDT should work, which if I'm calculating right is also 12:30 for Metal and 6:30 for Dean.

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1 hour ago, TheMightyEthan said:

@deanb are you guys on summer time now? Trying to make sure I calculate the times right. Same for you, @MetalCaveman?


Unless something comes up with work for me, I think 12:30 CDT should work, which if I'm calculating right is also 12:30 for Metal and 6:30 for Dean.


Yup, that's 12:30 here. That works for me. :P 


What are we playing? Just so I have everything up to date and stuff. :P 

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Destiny 2 on PC. The base game is free, right?


*Edit - Yes, the base game is free, which is all Metal and I have anyway. Looks like there are a couple of things left out, like some raids, but all the campaigns and strikes are in there.

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