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None of you have a standard phone headset with in-line mic?


Any who downloading Destiny 2 atm, because turns out I own it on PS4. Also it's not a Battle.net thing anymore so I had to find out where it is now (it's on Steam). I can't remember if you can do the start as several people or play it through to a set point before joining up.

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12 minutes ago, deanb said:

None of you have a standard phone headset with in-line mic?


Any who downloading Destiny 2 atm, because turns out I own it on PS4. Also it's not a Battle.net thing anymore so I had to find out where it is now (it's on Steam). I can't remember if you can do the start as several people or play it through to a set point before joining up.


IIRC you have to play up to a certain mission before you can join others. Mind you this was back in Season 1(?) or whenever it became free-to-play. :P 


My other headset is toast, and the phone ones I have have crappy audio and even worse mics. :P 

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well I might be ready in time


Also done the character transfer. Will be starting fresh but handy to shunt things over.


What voice chat people want to use? (I haven't voice chatted on PC in a long while and all my recent stuff has been MS Teams or Google Meets which are highly inappropriate gaming platforms). I guess there's always Discord. I know there's the PXoD chat, which in retrospect I should have been into these past few weeks.

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The game has built-in voice for your party, or we could make a Steam chat. Discord could be good too though, so other people can hop in even if they're not playing the game.


I *think* my headset will let me use the Switch properly, I've just never actually tried it. I know it works with Xbox and PS4 for the chat audio, but on both of those the chat audio is separate from the game audio, I've never actually used it on something where it's all one plug like the Switch.

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1 hour ago, deanb said:

Any who downloading Destiny 2 atm, because turns out I own it on PS4. Also it's not a Battle.net thing anymore so I had to find out where it is now (it's on Steam). I can't remember if you can do the start as several people or play it through to a set point before joining up.


Missed this. I think with the new F2P version you can join others immediately, but I'm not sure.

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I may be able to join. I'm going to use controller at first because, after 5+ of Destiny combined, it's just pure muscle memory. I hope to swap to kb+m eventually, but it's gonna take some time and tuning key bindings.


I played a little to get my bearings and then I instantly realized my original DS4 was broken from playing so much Destiny 2 years ago! Luckily it's only R3 and with the Back Button attachment, it's resolved. ?

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I made the switch over to kb+m. The only way to make the touchpad on the DS4 work was plugging it in by USB rather than wireless over Bluetooth. At that point it wasn't as comfortable, even for muscle memory. Running around Mars I got use to most of the key bindings. I don't know how I would fair in Crucible, but that would allow for 6 of us to play together. ?


I also got Borderlands 3 recently as it's cheap on Green Man Gaming. If anyone was looking into that, I'm willing to play with them.


Also, Dean was mentioning Jackbox games earlier in this thread. I have Party Pack 4 and 6, Drawful 2, and Quiplash 2 on Steam. The way I've been playing remotely with friends and family is by screen sharing in Discord. The nice thing is that only one person needs the game as everyone will be playing at jackbox.tv on either their smartphone, tablet, or even PC browser.

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