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Last Good Movie You Saw


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Murder, My Sweet.


Another film noir from the collection. I'd actually finished reading the novel on which it is based the other day and was waiting to watch it. I have to say, it twists the story a little but the plot possibly holds up to scrutiny a bit better. I can't shake Humphrey Bogart as Phillip Marlowe, but Dick Powell does a decent enough job; especially since the story sees him get a little more ruffled than Bogart did. Apparently, the guy was mainly known for comedic roles before and he does a good job with the more typical Hollywood stuff, particularly the ending. Funny that I've watched two from which later films draw inspiration, but the older ones tend to be less daring and a little more sappy. Though, there was a particularly amusing 'doped up' sequence with some funny old-timey effects. They don't make 'em like they used to...


Either way, it was an enjoyable watch and was a neat departure from the plot of the book while retaining some of the core elements. Just what you'd want from an adaptation, really.

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This is the End: What can I say that hasn't been said already. I love every single actor in the film. Fucking James Franco, Michael Cera, Jonah Hill and Danny McBride stole the show for me. Wow. I cracked up.


Man of Steel: I feel it didn't deserve the flack it got with reviews. People seem to be enjoying it just fine. Action was fantastic and apparently a complaint I've seen is that it dragged on for too long. I will say that the love angle between Louis Lane and Superman got pushed a bit too fast.

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Man of Steel.


So I know this movie has mixed reviews but if I had to give it a grade I'd give it a solid B.  It has a few problems with pacing, especially in the beginning.  I don't entirely blame the writer for this, though.  Superman has a pretty complex origin story and if they gave proper time to the whole thing that would have been the entire movie.  Some concessions had to be made in order to give him a villain to fight and the movie does admittedly suffer a bit as a result.  Also, they made a certain change to Superman's canon that I don't care for, and it's not something minor like his costume.  It's a major change. At times the cinematography was confusing, which is something Zack Snyder just never seems to get over.  I wasn't entirely on-board with Russel Crowe as Jor-El either, who I felt got too much screen time.


Those are a lot of criticisms, so why is the movie here instead of the okay movies thread?  Well, because you can tell this movie was made by people who really like Superman.  Even with its pacing problems, I felt like they did a fairly good job conveying the difficulty Clark faced while he was trying to figure out who he was.  They made him, well, human.  I also felt that the actor they went with was a good fit for the character.  But my favorite thing?  The fight scenes.  Ho-ly SHIT.  This movie had absolutely jaw-dropping brawls between Superman and the other kryptonians.  It's the first time we've ever had both the story and the special effects to do a proper Superman fight on the big screen, and Man of Steel more than delivered on that front.  Honestly, for me, it was worth the price of admission just to watch the city-wide cataclysmic ass whoopings that were being handed out.  You could practically feel the power of Krypton in every punch.  It was incredible.  That may seem like a superficial reason to praise the  movie as being worth your money, but surely I can't be the only one who feels this way?

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I disagree. I think the movie is worth watching for the action alone. You have to remember that easily 40 minutes of the movie is nothing but action. And the action is cool. My issue with this movie is where the fuck was Batman? I mean in the Marvel films it makes sense for the most part why there's no other superheroes because it's not a threat that deals with their city or with the whole world. But in this case it was a threat for the whole world, seems like something the Justice League would handle.

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I really couldn't recommend a film based on the action alone (unless it were something like Shoot 'Em Up, which is a rare exception), particularly not something this bloated and intent on being more than that. It may look and sound cool and everything (which it does for the most part), but there needs to be purpose and substance behind it. I feel that the way it happens in the film undermines a lot of the character. And even if there's 40 minutes of action, there's over 100 minutes of other (boring) stuff.


Also, you may be being facetious, but I don't think this film is meant to be connected to Nolan's. The only nod to Batman at all, I believe, is the Wayne Enterprises satellite easter egg that makes a short appearance near the end.

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Went to see Man of Steel last night. Holy shit that was good. It has its issues but I fucking loved it. To chime in with what was said higher, I'd say it's definitely worth seeing in theaters. It's the best damn Superman movie that's ever been made. I realize that's not saying much but to use a comparison, I thought it was close to, but not quite as good as, Batman Begins.


  On 6/17/2013 at 4:53 PM, Deanb said:

Isn't this meant to be the first of their Justice League movies? There is at this point in time no Justice League.


Nah, I don't think that was ever the plan. At this point, DC pretty much have no plan, as far as I can tell. They might try to make this one the first pillar of building something but there's absolutely no hint of that in the movie.


The funny thing is, I felt that the Nolan's Bat trilogy wouldn't fit with a Justice League universe because of how realistic its interpretation of everything is. But I don't know if it was because of the visual style and execution of Man of Steel or what but at some point during the first half I kinda went "Yeah, no, this could work. As long as this is happening after the Bat trilogy". The Dark Knight Rises' 8 years time skip kinda fucks up that possibility, though. Ugh, this movie just never stops disappointing me. Even a year later...

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Question. Spoilery. Followed by non-spoilery comments.



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The action wrote a check the plot couldn't cash. How was Man of Steel good when it lacked any sort of internal consistency?


Look, I often like movies that are "just for fun" or "just for entertainment". I don't think Man of Steel was trying to be that sort of movie, but that's aside from my point. Can't movies have good or great action while actually making sense on their own terms? Iron Man did it. The Dark Knight and (sort of) Batman Begins did it. X-Men: First Class did it, I think. We can't excuse movies from internal incoherence by saying they're "just entertainment"? I think Star Trek had the same problem as Man of Steel, in this sense.

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  On 6/19/2013 at 10:54 AM, FLD said:



  On 6/17/2013 at 4:53 PM, Deanb said:

Isn't this meant to be the first of their Justice League movies? There is at this point in time no Justice League.


Nah, I don't think that was ever the plan. At this point, DC pretty much have no plan, as far as I can tell. They might try to make this one the first pillar of building something but there's absolutely no hint of that in the movie.



It is actually the plan;



But they're going to reboot Batman (I know, rite  :rolleyes: ) and use a different one than Nolan's.

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