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Last Good Movie You Saw


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I'd love to have a Shadowpact film. Heck I'd love a Zatanna film for obvious reasons.

DC films I'd like to see - Adam Strange, Justice League Dark and Booster Gold.

 If I am allowed to produce though, I'd make a film centered around Spider Jerusalem.


On topic, I haven't seen anything I'd recommend in the past 2 months.

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Everything Must Go.


I must admit, I was expecting something a little bit lighter. I wasn't expecting a laugh-out-loud comedy by any means, but I didn't think it would be about alcoholism and such. Still, it's a good watch and Ferrell does a decent job, even if perhaps someone not quite so 'mellow' might have been a better choice for the character.

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Man of Steel


Superman pretty much sucks as a superhero, so going in you can't expect too much from him. I think Snyder made him somewhat likeable and more "human" than his general holier-than-thou sort of attitude in many other incarnations. So quite an achievement there. Pretty much any major issue/"plot holes" with the film are generally faults of the source material such as why Jor-El n Lara-El aren't with him, or how "red sun" = "laser vision and flight".


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Overall an enjoyable film, few niggles but overall it is a pretty decent Superman film.


The Animatrix


Hadn't watched it in a while, we randomly put it on yesterday. I think the idea being it was just  bunch of shorts so no time dedication. We ended up watching the lot. Love em all, some weirdness here n there, different visuals styles, neat stories to be told and some good extended universe stuff for the films. I strongly recommended hunting it down, it's usually going cheap.


The Matrix


Kind of an inevitability I guess :P. Basically Perry White** teaches Constantine that the world isn't real (dude has seen hell, he kinda knows), and thus they go and fight Elrond (who wants out). But what'll really bake your noodle later is if Neo would have knocked the vase if the Oracle had said nothing.


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**Laurence Fishburne has certainly bulked out since his morpheus days, but he carries it well.

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  On 6/24/2013 at 3:10 PM, Deanb said:


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That's not what Trinity says, she says



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Also, spoiler tags about a 14 year old movie? :P

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I saw "This is the End" and it was not only a very funny movie, and a good disaster movie, but it made me think a lot about the end of the world. If a comedy can make you think outside of the film in a context, no matter how absurd, it makes me appreciate the movie a lot more.

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  On 6/24/2013 at 3:40 PM, Deanb said:

I swear there was something about being dead in that. My apologies there, but everything else oracle prophesied is pretty spot on to the point of him having to die to become The One. And spoilers cos from impression I've gotten from some people, they didn't know about that part of the film.


Yeah, from googling you're not the only person who misheard it that way.

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The Bling Ring. A movie in which everyone is awful and you cannot root for the celebrity 'victims' nor the starfucking rich kid burglars. Not brilliant, not all that deep (I think This Is The End has a more cogent and engaging critique of celebrity), but well worth it.


Man of Steel was awful, and I am sad that this is the version of Super Man we'll have going forward and that Zack Snyder will continue to make movies. I can forgive the Comic Book Plot Holes , but I think it was a mistake stacking Supes against Zod in his first movie. The conflict in Supes should be about how he restrains himself and uses his near-infinite power judiciously.

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I'm of two minds. On one hand I think for a first movie it was kind of OTT as a bad guy. But on the other hand, last Superman film he was up against a bald man with a shiv. Only human adversary worth a damn to Superman is Batman, and they're sure as hell not bringing those two out on Superman's first JLA outing. Otherwise you've got folks like Darksied, who is once again kind of OTT, or Bizzarro who wouldn't carry a film on his own and wouldn't be a good origin baddy.


As I've said before, what they really need to do is look into the What-Ifs/Elseworlds. But those are standalone and hard to turn into big team up films or spin-off into trilogies+.

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Supermans rogues gallery kinda sucks. Zod is interesting as he's a fellow kryptonian, and in this film he's done pretty well and you can somewhat sympathise with him and his reasonings for doing what he's doing. Luthor is interesting because he has no super-powers, but due to wealth, connections and intelligence he has "power" in the same sense banks do, and you can't just throw kiloton punches at a bank. So usually requires other ways. And in an origin story an enemy that you can't use super strength, flight and laser vision against would be a bit dull.

Could have had Doomsday. But killing Superman in his origin movie would have been a bold move.

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  On 6/24/2013 at 3:10 PM, Deanb said:

Man of Steel


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Ah shit you're correct, I thought he looked familiar


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So I saw Monsters University for free thanks to a promo.  It was better than I was expecting it to be, but still worlds apart from the first one.  It's hard to describe, really.  While the movie lacks the creativity and heart of the original, it's still decently written and it did make me laugh fairly often.  I guess the easiest way to say it would be to say that it's enjoyable as a family movie, but it's not a "Pixar movie."  It just doesn't have that little bit extra that you find in movies like Up, Wall-e, or even the original Monsters Inc.


Then again, I doubt anyone was expecting this to.

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Pretty sure Pixar hasn't made a Pixar movie for a while now. And sorry Brave is not Pixar good, just good. Its middle act and conclusion left much to be desired. There's a reason their best movies are stuff like Toy Story, Wall-E and Monster Inc. I believe that during the marketing of Wall-E they were saying how early on they had one of their first idea meet-ups and a lot of their great movie ideas came from that first one.


If anything I'm more interested in the Disney animated movies over the Pixar ones.

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